Friday 10 February 2017

Some Exceptional Marriages in the Bible

In my today’s post I want us to take a look at some exceptional marriages found in the Bible. I call these marriages exceptional because of the peculiarity of the circumstances that surrounds the marriage. These two marriages are the marriage of Hosea the prophet to an adulterous wife and the marriage of Joseph to Mary whom he found to be pregnant before he even came near her. And even though these marriages where orchestrated by the Lord in order to pass on some messages to His people and to bring about the deliverance of the world through the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I still choose to refer to these marriages and peculiar.

The story of Hosea and his wife is found in the book of Hosea 1-3 and we will find the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1:18-20. I am trying to imagine the reactions of some men I knew and try to picture what they may lightly do if they find their wives with other men and per adventure their wives get pregnant and they know they are not responsible for the pregnancy; and all I can do is wear a big smile on my face as I write. As a matter of fact, if I know my husband as well as I think I do, I would say that his reaction is better left imagined.

This makes me have loads of respect for the likes of Hosea and Joseph. Hosea did as the Lord had instructed him to as he took an adulterous woman as a wife and in the full knowledge of that, he still loved and respected her. Joseph on the other hand was a righteous man and on the realization that the woman he was about to marry was pregnant and he was not responsible for it, he decided to divorce her quietly and safe her the public disgrace until the Lord spoke to him.

We need more men/husbands like Hosea and Joseph in our world today. In as much as I do not excuse wayward lifestyle in women, I will say that it takes an exceptional excellent man to take a wayward woman and for no ulterior motive, mold her into a godly wife through his love and sacrifice for her. Such a man will have my loads of respect.

If we have husbands today willing to be as sacrificial as Hosea and Joseph we will have marriages that glister and shine as gold. It’s not just the wives who should be giving in marriage, the men/husbands too have a lot to give. We need our men to be sacrificially loving too. The fact that we need our men to be sacrificially loving does not translate to the wife becoming adulterous and wayward to test the love of her husband. But when the husband is giving his best and the wife is reciprocating with her best then all we will have is the best in marriage.   

Thursday 9 February 2017

A Strange Love Story

As I was trusting God for what to share on the blog today as I am yet to fulfill God’s mandate for the blog today I came across a strange kind love story in the Bible which I think we can learn a thing or two from. This story is found in 1 Samuel 18:20-30. It’s the story of how David married Michal, Saul’s daughter.

From the blues, it was discovered that Michal, King’s Saul’s daughter was in love with David and her father was pleased about this for all the very wrong reasons. She and her so called love became a tool of destruction in the hands of her father to destroy the enemy he had earned out of jealousy and envy.

The very sad thing about this young woman is that the father was meant to protect and love, her only just saw her as a viable tool in his hands to destroy his enemy. But that for me is not the big deal; the big issue was that she didn’t heed the advice found in the book of Song of songs 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4, which reads that “Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” The arousal of love when it was not desired was the greatest undoing in the life of Michal the daughter of king Saul.

When we read through the story in 1 Samuel 18:20-30, one thing we will notice is that there was no love lost between David and any of the king’s daughters; not for the first daughter that was promised to him for killing Goliath and definitely not for Michal who was intended as a bait to destroy him.

What David considered as the remuneration or benefit for marrying Michal was the prestige of being a son-in-law to the king. When he was told the cost of the bride-price, he saw it as cheap and attainable price for the honors of being the son-in-law of the king. But in this story nothing showed that David had any affection for Michal or any intention to reciprocate her love.

A lot of young women have gone into this kind of one-sided-love marriage and have gotten themselves to blame for it. These ones didn’t pray, they didn’t hear from God, all they knew was that they were in love with the guy and they were going to have him. And because of their diligence and determination they did have him and one month down the line, they wished they didn’t have him and to reverse what had been done is almost impossible by God’s standard.

By the time we read the continuation of the story of Michal daughter of Saul in 2 Samuel 3:13-16, we will notice that Michal had married another husband while David was running for his dear life from the hands of Saul. So my question then is: What happened to the love that she had for David that made her a tool in the hands of her father to destroy David? So to say that the moment David was out of the scene, the love vanished into thin air.

This unhealthy love of Michal for David once again made her a tool of bargain between David and the house of Saul for David to take over the throne of Israel as king over Israel in 2 Samuel 3:6-21. And just when she finally thought she had settled down to normal life into the house and arms of a loving husband, her past hunts her and she had to leave the arms and house of the man who loves her and she should have been with from the beginning of her marital life again into the life of a man who considered simply as a tool.

This story is not just for Bible times, similar cases are still surfacing in our present time and world and these are the aftermath of love without God. I have heard the saying “only fools rush in” quite a number of times and in marriage this saying is really so very true.  

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Getting it Right Through Love and Submission

Good evening great people, I am so sorry I couldn't drop a write-up for you yesterday, but I bless God that today you will be reading from this blog.

Today we will try to discuss the issue of domestic violence once again. It’s one topic you can never over-flog when discussing marriage. Domestic violence between married couples isn’t limited to physical violence, but the emotional trauma of a troubled marriage can send one to an early grave if care is not taken. The interesting thing is that divorce hardly solves the problem.

In dealing with domestic violence, the first person that needs to change is you, whether you see yourself as the victim or the one victimizing the other. But I will want to first address those who see themselves as victims or are actually victims of domestic violence. And my first message to such people is: never be the cause of the domestic violence in your home. Those who teach that the wife and her husband are mates in marriage and so have equal rights are actually breeding trouble in that marriage that often times degenerates into violence or divorce or even death sometimes.

The truth that we have found in the Bible (Ephesians 5:22-24) is that the man is the head of his wife and Christ is the head of the man. In any institution or organization we always have the head or the team-lead, and whoever is appointed the head or team-lead takes responsibility for the affairs of the organization, directs the affairs of the organization and will be held responsible if anything goes wrong within the organization. But this same team-lead enjoys some privileges; we can regard this as privileges that accompanies the responsibilities he/she has to bear. The team-lead or head is also one that all the other members of the organisation or institution have to obey and respect. The moment the head or team-lead stops to enjoy the loyalty, obedience and respect of those under him, that's the moment problem starts in that organization and things begin to fall apart.

The team-lead can stop enjoying the loyalty, obedience and respect of those under him/her as a result of him/her mishandling the power and honor entrusted to him; and this he can earn back by righting his wrongs and humbly build the trust, respect and loyalty again. 

The team-lead can also stop to enjoy the loyalty, respect and obedience of those under him/her as a result of rebellion. It just takes one bad influence in the group to begin to sow the seed of rebellion in the other members of the group and before you know it rebellion is taking root and growing stem in the organization. It’s just a matter of time for this bad trend to grow leaves and flourish and before you know it, the crack in the organization begins to get obvious for all to see.

This illustration is exactly how we have it in marriages and homes too. For every marriage and home, there is the head who is the husband, and then the wife who is the helper and the children and other members of the household who makes up the body of the home. The husband/father is the main burden bearer of that home; he is responsible for everything that has to do with the home and if anything goes wrong in the home, it's the husband/father that God holds responsible and accountable.

As the head of the family, the husband does not share the same right and privileges with any other member of the home, not even with his wife. But by virtue of the burden he is assigned to bear and the responsibilities he is supposed to be carrying, he needs the loyalty, obedience and respect of his wife and entire household. He cannot lead well and carry out his responsibilities effectively if he does not have the support, loyalty, respect and obedience of his wife and entire household. So we should understand better why God instructed the wife to submit to her husband as unto the Lord.

This is my reason for faulting those who teach that the husband and the wife are equal in marriage: The moment you see your husband as your equal and at par with you, that is the moment you begin to stop to obey him; that is the onset of rebellion in your marriage, and that I am sorry to say, is the beginning of the end of your marriage. The seed of equality in marriage is so sweet to the ears of us woman that we don’t need any other additive to that seed to make it grow. But it’s the worst thing that can ever happen to any marriage.

For the head of the home to effectively lead his home and secure the trust, obedience, respect and loyalty of his wife and household he needs to love them unconditionally. And that explains why God says the man should love his wife like Christ loves the church. The Bible went further to say that a man should love his wife like himself. When you give your wife your all, and love her sacrificially with all your heart, and this is not hidden love, but open love that she sees and feels, then you need nothing else but God to add to that love to make her trust and obey you. As a man and husband, when you want the loyalty of your wife and you want her to obey your instructions, just love her and let her know you love her. With your unflinching love, no amount of seed of rebellion planted in her will take root not to talk of grow shot. And with the loyalty, trust, respect and obedience of your wife, you are assured of the loyalty, trust, respect and obedience of your entire household.  

When you have an operational home such as one with plenty of love, followed by unflinching respect, submission, loyalty and trust of the entire household, then there will be no room for domestic violence in any form. It is important for the husband/father to note that unlike what we always want to believe that the mother is responsible for the well-being of the children while the father makes available finances to run the home, God holds the husband/father responsible for how every member of his family turns out to be.

In Genesis 18:19, it was Abraham God chose so that he would instruct his family to follow after God and not Sarah; In Job 1:5, it was Job who sacrificed regularly to the Lord on behalf of his children and not Job’s wife and in 1 Samuel 2:12 – 4:22, it was Prophet Eli who died along with his sons and household for the sins of his sons; he was held responsible for the sins of his sons. There was never a mention of Eli’s wife in the whole story. This tells us that it is the head of the home that God will hold responsible and accountable for the lives and conducts of those whom God has placed under him to watch over.

We have been so blinded by very wrong norms and values and have seen the old way as the ineffective way. Little do we wonder why marriages in the olden days were prospering but are not so in this age and time. What we have assumed to be foolish is actually what works. Rather than improving on the old, we have abandoned it completely and set our hearts on the opposite path which is far from God's will. Rather than getting better results, our marriages are becoming worse-off. In your own marriage what way will it be? 

Monday 6 February 2017

Just Gisting

It’s another gist day and I hope and pray we will have a prosperous new week in Jesus name. I hope we are back from the weekend refreshed and renewed.

It’s no gainsaying that the economy is bad all over the world, but it appears that Nigeria where I come from and reside in, is the worst hit country of all. I don’t know how bad the economic recession is in other countries, but in Nigeria, the prices of goods and commodities have risen by about 300%. And to say that this harsh economy is not affecting marriages is to say the least.

Due to high job loss, a lot of families now have only one source of income and whichever of the couples is the major burden bearer will get cranky every now and then. It’s a situation whereby the spouse making and providing the money is grumbling just as the one collecting the money is also grumbling. Because I have experienced this situation personally I can tell you for free that I know how it feels and where it pinches.

When you speak to wives who now have to depend on their husbands for their source of livelihood, you will hear exactly the same complain; the money given by the husband is never enough whereas the husband says he is giving too much and the wife is mismanaging the funds. It gets very messy sometimes, while some are able to manage the situation better.

We have studied the Bible and many thoughts and secrets have been revealed with regards to marriage and finances. We understand that a wife of noble character is a hard working entrepreneur; we also understand that it is the responsibility of the man to provide for his family. But where is the business for the entrepreneurial wife of noble character, and where is the job that fetches income for a man to provide for his family? But we serve a God who causes the things that are seen to birth from the things that are not seen.

I want to dare ask that in these hard times when it is very hard to get a job from man, can you enroll in the workforce of the Almighty God? When I lost my job close to twelve years back, I thought my world was going to end. Times where hard then, and it seemed that all I tried to do to earn income met with a brick wall. In frustration and desperation I prayed and told God that since I couldn’t find a job with humans then I’ll apply to heaven.

Three years after I lost my job, from nowhere I developed an interest in writing; and I became a pen for the Lord. In order to kill boredom and get busy I began to write Christian articles; and then from short 8pages articles, I grew into writing books. Between the year 2008 and 2011, I wrote 6 books, all by the the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And I am still waiting on God to help me market these books so I can earn income from them.

And in 2013 I discovered the blog and started writing what you now read from me almost on a daily basis. I started with just 3-4 blog write-ups per month and just last year, with the leading of the Holy-Spirit, I write almost every day. And when I am done writing and go through what I have penned down I am always convinced it didn’t come from me but from the Lord. I feel too ordinary to deliver what is being delivered on this blog almost daily.

The catch there is that up till now I don’t earn income, not from the books (because I am still struggling to get people to know them) and also not from this blog. But I don’t live in lack. For every of my need that I place before the Lord He makes provisions available for me by means that I almost can’t explain. The Lord has so used my husband for me and I am convinced that it can only be God. And though there is recession, I will only be an ingrate if I say God has not been more than enough for me. Since God has begun to use me, every day of my life has been a prayer answered. Once I ask, I receive. All I just need to do is pray about it. If I don't get answered, I understand that God has something better in store.

This is my message today; you might be experiencing recession in your earthly economy, but there is no recession with God. While there is massive job loss here on earth, God is seeking laborers in His workforce. Remember Jesus said that the harvest is full but the laborers are few. I don’t know what gift the Lord has deposited in you, but it’s time to stare up that gift and let it may way for you and place you before great and mighty men (Proverb18:16). Proverbs 10:3 says, “The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry, but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.”

I once heard a story of a young woman who lost her job; this definitely had its toll on the family's finances and was causing so much problems between her and her husband. In order to kill boredom she gave herself seriously into church activities. She was always attending the church activities that was announced in her church and then it dawned on her that she could actually be making snacks to sell after the church service. So she would make pastries and ice some drinks and put them in her car. These she sells after church service and it solved the problem of finance to an extent in her marriage.

But the big one came when she went on an outing with her husband who was a very top executive in his office and a well-respected member of their church. Members of the church who had enjoyed the delicacy of the woman’s pastry snacks and drinks commended her trade in the presence of her husband who never knew what the wife had to do to stop the never ending financial naggings in their home. The husband was very embarrassed by his wife’s petty trading given his reputation in the society and church. It was at that point that the husband resolved to set her up in big business.

This story reminds me of what the Bible says in Psalm 37:4 that, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” When you are tired of having endless arguments with your spouse over money issues, seek God; enroll in heaven's workforce and expend your time and energy for God. When those you see don’t need your services, God needs it. There is vacancy in the Kingdom of God and all you need to qualify is a divine relationship with Jesus. And note one thing, the reward is fantastic. 

Friday 3 February 2017

Did Sapphira Have to Die For Supporting Her Husband?

Acts 5:1-10
Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet.
Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God.”
When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died, and great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then the young men came forward, wrapped up his body and carried him out and buried him.
About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?”
“Yes,” she said, “that was the price.”
Peter said to her, “How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband.   

I have received responses from two different women on this issue of submission and both sighted the case of Sapphira, as to why she was killed for supporting her husband. So we will use this post to understand and clarify the difference between the circumstances surrounding Sapphira and Sarah's story.

The Bible tells us that Ananias together with his wife Sapphira sold their piece of property; so what I am understanding from this story is that Sapphira was in agreement with Ananias to sell their property. It was also with the full knowledge of Sapphira that Ananias kept back part of the proceeds of the property sold. So to say that both were in agreement to do what was wrong in the sight of the Holy Spirit.

Ananias laid the remaining money at the apostles’ feet giving them the impression that he was submitting all he made from the sale of the property. I want to believe that if Ananias had opened up and told the truth to the apostles he would not have died and still they will not insist he brings all the money. But he lied and paid for it with his life.

At this point Sapphira his wife who was in agreement with him to sell their property and keep back some of the proceeds of the sale was still alive; her sin so far didn’t require the death penalty until Peter confronted her and she also lied and died as a punishment for her lie.

The story of Sapphira was a case of supporting a lie; she didn't lie because her husband asked her to lie; her husband had been dead three hours before she came on the scene. She lied because she wanted to lie in support of her husband. She was not lying in obedience to an instruction given to her by her husband; she was lying to buttress her husband's lie. 

Genesis 20:10-13
And Abimelech asked Abraham, “What was your reason for doing this?”
Abraham replied, “I said to myself, ‘There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.’ Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife. And when God caused me to wander from my father’s household. I said to her, ‘This is how you can show your love to me: Everywhere we go, say of me, ‘He is my brother,” ’ ”

This is the story of Sarah; this is not a story of conniving as it was the case with Sapphira. There was no agreement between Sarah and Abraham in this matter, but this was a case of submission without objection. Sarah did as she was told without raising any objection, but this does not imply that she was in agreement to the assumed lie, neither can we conclude that she was happy about it. She simply did as she was told to show how much she loved her husband since that was the only convincing factor for him to know that she truly loved him.

Then another angle to look at this from is that Abraham and Sarah were actually half-brother/sister. So their claim was not totally false, they just didn’t tell the truth the way it should be told thereby giving a false impression about the true relationship between them. So if we would judge this even in human terms we can't fault them both for what we have termed to be a lie.

Doing what your husband has instructed you to do even though its wrong and you know within you that when God searches the deep thoughts of your heart, He will find an helpless woman who against her will is committing an error on the instruction of her husband. Then I know that God will not hold you accountable for that action, rather than punish you for obeying your husband, He will punish your husband for not leading you right.

But when you come in agreement with your husband to do what is wrong, that is called conniving. And both you and your husband will be punished accordingly. When your husband is doing what is wrong and you stand in support of him and encourage him on, that is not submission. You are as much as guilty as your husband because you are a party to the wrongdoing. God is the God that searches the deep thoughts of the heart of men and your intentions and motives are not hidden from Him.

When your husband has committed a sin and you lie to support him and prevent justice from prevailing; that is not submission, it is called bearing false witness and it has its own consequences and its own punishment.As a wife you need to understand the difference between these two and I really appreciate those who have called my attention to this in the form of question asked.

Number 30:6-9, tells us that if a woman makes a vow or pledge to God and when her husband hears of it, he forbids her from fulfilling such vow, then God will release her from the vow or pledge by which she bounds herself. This passage shows how much God honors the submission of a wife to her husband. But there is a difference between submission to the authority and instruction of the husband and coming into agreement with your husband to do something. 

You don’t have to be in agreement with your husband to submit to him or obey his instruction. So whether you agree with your husband or you do not agree with him, just obey his instruction for your life and God will honor your obedience. After all we don’t agree with our bosses in the office for us to do what they have asked us to do. Whether we agree or not we just have to obey their instructions in order to preserve our jobs. In the same way you don’t have to agree with your husband to obey him; whether you agree with him or not just obey him in order to preserve your marriage.

But it would be most nice to have a marriage that both husband and wife are always in agreement with each other. The Bible says in Amos 3:3 that how can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so; there is great power in unity and unity is no unity when there is no agreement.

Marriage is sweet and obeying your husband’s instruction is easy if those instructions are in alignment with your thoughts and convictions. But agreement to do evil is a situation whereby all parties involved will be punished in accordance to their level of involvement in the act whether husband or wife.

I pray and believe that this write-up answers a lot of questions for a lot of people. May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name. 

Thursday 2 February 2017

Sometimes Her Words Make Sense

Matthew 27:19
While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.”

Today’s post is taking us to the prosecution and trial of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Bible says that while governor Pilate was getting ready to judge the case of Jesus that was brought before him, his wife sent a message of warning to him that he should have nothing to do with the death of Jesus. What struck me in this story is that why was it the wife who suffered a great deal in a dream over a matter that does not concern her directly but her husband?

Another hidden truth about this story is that Pilate’s wife had delivered her message to her husband based on what she experienced in the dream, but the Bible didn’t tell us that she attempted to enforce words on her husband or try to force him into not doing what she advised him against, all she did was deliver the message and left it at that.

The lessons I want us to draw from this two lines of scripture are as follows: The fact that you are head over your wife and the Bible refers to her as the weaker one does not mean that God cannot speak to you through her. She is God’s suitable helper for your life and so she is a potential vessel in the hands of God to speak to you on any and every issue. Do not let ego and pride deprive you of God’s grace for your life through the advice and counsel of your wife. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 31:26 that a wife of noble character speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue; if this is confirmed to be true then a man destined for success will do himself a lot of good by making his wife of noble character his chief adviser.

There are a lot of men who are of the belief that it’s insulting to take advice from one’s wife. They also believe that it’s a weak man who takes advice from his wife; they term a wife advising them on what to do as she controlling them or giving instructions to them. I will tell you that, that is a deprived mentality and a lie of the devil. A wise man will first listen to the advice of the wife, weigh such advice if it’s a wise word or not, before discarding such advice or adopting it.

With God, great things come out of unlikely vessels, and we serve a good Who uses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. No advice is wasted; ultimately they reveal information to you that increases your knowledge whether such advice is adopted or discarded.

I will please encourage that men hear their wives out first whether what she is saying is foolish to their ears or she is making some sense. But as a man/husband, the ultimate decision is yours, and you should always remember that you are answerable to and responsible for the decisions you make whether it is based on the advice of your wife or not. You can't give an excuse that you did wrong because your wife advised you to.

The second lesson is for the wives: I totally agree that God can use a wife to speak to her husband as we see in today’s scripture and also in Judges 13, in the story of the birth of Samson. We remember it was Manoah’s wife the angel appeared to. But note that, because the Lord has spoken to you on behalf of your husband has not made you the head over your husband. It does not also translate to the fact that you should enforce those words or message on your husband. Deliver the message and return on your knees in prayer that the Lord will cause the seed of the words you have sown in the ears and life of your husband to germinate and produce quality fruits.

It is not in your place nor is it your responsibility to ensure that your husband does what you tell him to do, neither is it in your place to enforce anything on him. You are to submit to your husband and not your husband to you. Any attempt to want to ensure that your husband does your will amounts to you trying to dominate or control him. You can be sure this will meet with resistance from him and that is not approved of God.

The wife of Pilate suffered in a dream on behalf of her husband and she warned him based on that. But that didn’t stop Pilate from handing Jesus over to be crucified and we didn’t read that Pilate and his wife had a great fight after that judgment; neither did she stop to be Mrs. Pilate after that. So as a wife you need to know when to act and when to refrain from acting.

A lot of women claim they try to correct their husbands from some attitude/s that they have adjudged not right, but the earlier we realize as wives that it is not in our place to correct our husbands or recreate them to suits our ideology the better for us, and our marriage will be more peaceful. When you see your husband doing what is not right, pray first. Then speak to him about it in a very humble and polite manner and then leave it there. Go back on your knees and pray to God over the seed of the words you have spoken to him, that the Lord will water it from heaven and cause it to germinate and produce good fruit. You will be amazed at the changes you will experience in the life of your husband as you hand the bad habit over to God rather than continue to nag about it and erode the peace of your marriage.

May the Lord bless our homes and marriages.    

Wednesday 1 February 2017

It Does Not Have to End in a Divorce

Matthew 19:8-9
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

1 Corinthians 7:10-11
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.

First, I want to wish you all a very happy new month, and I pray and believe that we will find God in all of our businesses and concerns this month, doing what only He can do for us in Jesus name.

Today’s gist will be on divorce, and I speak about divorce over and over again not to cast any stone on anyone, but that we might know fully well the will of God for our lives and marriages and pursue that will with every strength that we have to a glorious end. No marriage is without it’s challenges, and there is no challenge that we face that is beyond the ability of God to take away. The only problem that often arises is that we try to solve our problems ourselves and when we discover that we can’t, we run away from it. But that does solve the problem it only leaves it pending.

God does not want us to leave these issues pending; in fact He is not interested in us solving them. All He wants, is to solve them for us. And He will not just solve them for us; He will solve them through us and doing that requires our cooperation and that we can give by following His commands and instructions for us. So the only role you play in every challenge you face including your marital challenges is to know what God wants you to do and then do it. God Himself handles the rest for us.

With this said, we can understand why our marriages don’t have to lead to a divorce. Jesus said it was not that way at the beginning. That tells us that the reason why a marriage would lead to a divorce is because, either those in it do not know the instructions of God for their lives in marriage, or they have chosen not to follow God’s instructions for their lives in marriage. So Jesus was right when He said that Moses permitted divorce because the hearts of men/women were hard. So to say that it is your refusal to seek the will and instructions of God for your marriage and follow it diligently despite any obstacle that you may face is what ultimately leads to a divorce.

No matter the excuse you may have, no matter the reason that you may give for the divorce, it all balls down to you not following through with the will and instructions of God for your marriage.  So any excuse that is outside of marital infidelity is not a genuine excuse for a divorce. And the clause to permission for divorce is that you remain unmarried or be reconciled to your spouse. Anything outside of this is adultery.

If God has instructed that a man should love his wife in the same way that Christ loved the church and you are to follow this instruction diligently, you will then agree with me that even infidelity should be forgiven, because in so many ways the church has been unfaithful to Christ, yet He still loves them and forgives them over and over again.

I love the fact that God forgives our acts of ignorance and that our sins committed in the days we didn’t know the truth will be forgiven. And so if you have gone through a divorce in those days when you were unaware of God’s grace in your life I believe the Lord will overlook it and give you a clean slate and a fresh start. If as a child of God with the knowledge of the will of God and you are contemplating a divorce and have begun a divorce process, I will implore you to please halt that process and seek God. He is willing and available to turn things around for your good if you are willing to let Him.

I have read of a lot of Christians who says the Lord spoke to them to get a divorce; I will say that you must surely have heard wrong. God will not contradict His word. He is the God who honors His word more than His name. He will not tell you to get a divorce when He has declared in His word that He hates divorce. If what you have heard contradicts what you have read in the Bible, please check the source of that voice. Different voices try to gain prominence in our heads; some voice are from our emotions, some from the devil and even voices of friends and loved ones come up in our heads everything. But the voice of God will always be in alignment with the written words of God.

There are better ways by which God can handle that situation without it having to end in a divorce. It’s time to let go and let God handle it. 

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