I am particularly grateful to God for the year 2014, and I must say that it was a year that God showed Himself mighty in the affairs of my life. I am positive that many of those who have totally put their trust in God will share the same declaration that indeed the Lord has been good to us in the past year. And much more will He do for us this year if only we invest our total trust in Him and His ability to deliver us from all of our troubles.
I am yet to come up with a topic for today's post, but I trust that has the Lord presents His word through me, He will give a topic before I am done writing this piece.
Just exactly a week ago, I heard on the news that there was a shot-out at a magazine publication firm in Paris and about 12people where killed. This story made headlines for about three on all news platform and until the perpetrators of the gruesome act where apprehended and killed, we didn't hear much of anything else on all the news channels.
Interestingly, for a reason I can't explain, I found myself following up on the development. Quite a handful of analyst where on air to lend a voice to what was then happening in France, and one comment that caught my attention was a man who gave the "lack of parental attention" as one of the reasons why there are quite a handful of young men in the western countries enrolling as Jihadist fighters. And this just re-enforces the end result of the decay in moral values and the after effect on the larger society of the various unfixed defects in the home.
The defects in the home can take so many forms and shapes, but whether we are aware of it or not, this defects affects the larger society in one form or the other. There is a ripple effect of your actions or in-actions on the society either positively or negatively, the effect coming in direct proportion of your action.
A dysfunctional home is not likely to produce positive output, and so the children from such home are likely to be of less that desirable behaviour. My pastor ones told me to keep watch over a trend in my home, he said I should watch what starts to happen to my children when a have prolonged fight with my husband. When he called my attention to it, I initially thought he was taking things a little too far. But to my shock, I realised then that when I have prolonged fight with my husband, at least one of my children will fall sick. And then it occurred to me that whatever happens between me and my husband had an effect on my children. It was mind blowing, but that, I have come to realise to be true.
If for reason of irreconcilable differences between a man and his wife they produce children with less than acceptable behaviour into the society, then such a society is endangered by the product emanating from this one dysfunctional home. So we can then begin to imagine when we do not have just one dysfunctional home, but several of them.
As we begin this new year, I believe it is time to look inward for the solution to the many problems of our society that we so dearly seek God for an intervention in. There is a song of the late Michael Jackson that I would love make a reference to in this write-up. Michael says in his song that if you want to a better world then first take a look in the mirror and let the change begin with the man you see in the mirror.
True, your marriage in your own words or perception is plagued with irreconcilable differences, but have you given a thought to the broader effect of that so called irreconcilable difference? What are the measures you have taken to reconcile the difference between you and your spouse before concluding that it is irreconcilable?
Matthew 19:7-8
"Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?"
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.
From what we understand Jesus to be saying in the passage above, that irreconcilable difference is the hardness of the heart of man. There is no problem in any area of our lives that God cannot help us overcome if we truly invite Him into the situation.
As we begin a new year and start to make plans for the year, one important plan that is required of us is to make our own positive contribution to the society we live in. This contribution does not have to come in a large size. As little as making ourselves better people is enough contribution to our society. As little as making efforts in making our marriages work as God has planned it to, is enough contribution to our society. As little as raising our children in the way of the Lord and impressing in them good moral values and norms are big contributions to the society that takes the shape of little. As little as making our homes a haven for our spouse and children are little contributions with big effects to the society.
I am a stay home mum and wife, by the grace of God I put serious efforts in running my home and making sure my home is filled with love and peace. The effect of what God is doing through me is that my husband is able to give his best in his work place as he has little or no distraction from the home front and my husband is always quick to thank me for what I am doing in the home. (This is coming just as an example of little contribution with positive effect on the society).
With the help of the Holy-Spirit, I will again concentrate the write-ups coming from this blog for this year 2015 on issues of the home. Every area and aspect of building and enjoying effective and functional home will be looked into. Starting from the marriage, the man and his wife and everything that revolves around the marriage will be discussed. Also the issue of raising godly children, dealing with finances in the homes will be looked into. Topics that have already been discussed and probably exist in the blog archives will also be re-visited and I pray that it will be a year of learning for us all and a year of making and sustaining positive changes in our lives, homes and the society.
If you have any question or issue you want discussed please send me a mail on info@thewordthatsuits.com or derin@thewordthatsuits.com. I will be looking forward to hearing from you.
You probably have read a book or two on marriage, but I assure you there is still one more you need to get and read, and keep reading and continue to make reference to as you trust God for a positive change in your marriage. I had also thought there were irreconcilable differences in my marriage, and then the Lord showed me that I was wrong. My marriage was one characterized by so many negatives that I had concluded that sticking it out was no use. But today, God turned it all around for me. Same husband, same marriage, better results, so much love and affection, peace all around me and four lovely children to crown my life. Come and learn what God Himself thought me in the book "Marriage: God's Rules Of Engagement."
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