Wednesday, 27 January 2016

This Divorce Is Inevitable; My Wife Has Evil Spiritual Powers

First I really need to apologize for the temporary break in delivery of my post, it was not deliberate as I had promised to always have a word for you from God throughout the days of this year by the special grace of God. I had some other assignment I needed to round up, but by the special grace of God I will make it up to you. For as long as the Lord provides His word, it shall be delivered undiluted and in good time. I thank those who called to find out the reason for the break and I feel blessed to be used by God for you. I pray that your lives and homes will always remain blessed in Jesus name. 
Today's post is in response to a feedback I got from the last post I shared on the issue of divorce, I pray and hope that everyone who reads this will receive a touch from God and make a God accurate decision on the challenges of their marriage. The glory of the latter marriage will surpass the former in Jesus Name.   
Please ensure you share what you have learnt from this blog with a friend. Spread the word and save a home. It's a priceless gift at no cost to you but of great benefit to someone needing it. So here is the issue and the response.
I agree with a lot of points you made in your last blog post on the issue of divorce, but my own case is exceptional. My wife is something else as I don’t even know how to begin to describe her. First she is very wayward, infidelity and adultery are issues that don’t sound like sin to her as they have become her regular practice. In fact these things have become her way of life. I have pleaded with her several times to slow down from this fast paced ungodly life style but all my talks have fallen onto deaf ears. She has absolutely no respect for our marriage. I have prayed and talked and nothing has changed. But I became moreconcerned about her and her attitude when she started making treats at me and saying things like: when she is done with me I will be worse than a church rat as I have no idea of the power she possesses. This I now believe calls for a more serious action on my part, I’ll rather divorce than loose my life or things that I have worked hard to earn for a wife who is not worth the trouble.


Waow! I am sure you would probably be feeling overwhelmed now by your marital situation and I thank God for the grace He has given you to be able to hold on till this point. But I will tell you that even at this point getting a divorce is not a solution to the problem, if God cannot handle this matter for you he would call your home and you will be freed of the covenant you both have in marriage and He will provide for you another helper as a wife. Now if I would say that divorce is not a solution then what is? First I don’t know the power your wife possesses that gives her the courage to boast of it without shame, but I can tell you that you also don’t know the power you have as a child of God that makes you want to run out of your marriage as a result of mere treat. Your wife is making a boast of her powers because she is aware that you either are not a child of God enough to operate in the power of God, or that you don’t know the enormity of the power that is in Christ Jesus that has also been given to you as you gave your life to Jesus. And so because she knows you don’t have the power or that you don’t know that you have the power she can make her own boast. Colossians 2:10 says “And you are complete in Him (Jesus), who is head of all principality and power”; In Matthew 18:18 Jesus says “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Isaiah 44:24-26 reads, “This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the Lord, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself, who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense, who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers.” These are just very negligible fraction of scriptures in the Bible where God spoke of the power He has given to His children. If you are now convinced within you that you are complete in Jesus Christ who is head of all principality and power, how come the treat of your wife should ever matter to you? You are complete in Jesus who is head of all principality and power and based on my own understanding you, who is in Jesus is head of all principality and power. You are head over your wife as her husband as the Lord has ordained it, then you are complete in Jesus who is head over all principality and power and by so you possess a power that is head over whatever power she might think she has. This knowledge should awaken your spirit being to know that God has empowered you with everything you need to ensure the victory of that situation. In answer to the question I raised earlier what then is the answer to this problem if not divorce; and I will say prayers, prayers, prayers and lots of love. Genesis 25:21 says “Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.” If God heard and answered Isaac’s prayer for his wife then why will He not hear and answer your prayer of deliverance over your wife and whatever spirit/ power she has? Rebekah the Bible says was barren and her husband prayed for her. She had an issue and rather than Isaac divorcing her and condemning her as barren, he prayed for her and God answered. Your wife also has an issue, though it is different from that of Rebekah, still it is an issue, so pray for her and don’t get tired of praying till God hears and answers that prayer. The God that delivered Rebekah from the clutches of barrenness can and will deliver your wife from any and every evil spirit she is moving around with whether she likes it or not. Pray for her expecting God to answer and don’t give up on your wife. I will share a testimony that I heard at an 80thbirthday celebration of a man that I attended to close up this discussion. The wife of the celebrant who was really younger than her husband gave a testimony of how God used her husband to change her life. The age difference of the celebrant and his wife was about 30years and she married the man relatively young, she was in her early twenties when she got married to the man. She was just approaching adulthood and she was really out to have fun. She was what she herself described as wayward and not ready to settle to married life as she was still young. She would party and have fun. Her husband tried to talk to her and make her settle down and she would complain always that her husband was always nagging and not giving her room to enjoy her life. With patience and prayers and firmness her husband was able to prune her to shape. With her husband’s unrelenting effort she grew to be a responsible mother who has grown to love the Lord with all her heart. She testified that the lessons she didn’t learn under her parent’s watch she learnt under her husband’s watch. As at the time she gave the testimony they had been married for about 28years and she was able to testify that her husband brought out the best in her; qualities she never knew she possessed. I pray that will be your wife’s testimony too concerning how you have helped her bring a beauty out of the mess of her life in Jesus Name. I know it will not be easy and it was not easy for this couple too, there were lot of divorce treats, but they came out stronger and better. I pray that the Lord will uphold you as you work at earning this one soul which is your wife for Christ Jesus. 

Books that I wrote are now available for sale at They are listed on the blog page and you can know more about the books and get a copy by clicking on the book of your choice. May you be so blessed and enriched and you get a copy and tell a friend about it. These are life changing materials that will make big impact in your life to the glory of God.

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