A lot
of times when I consider the man Abraham, I marvel at the strong bond between
him and God. This was a man that God would say of in Genesis 18:17 that “shall
I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” But in all of Abraham’s believe and
walk with God, his life as a married man leaves a lot to be desired of.
In Genesis
15:2-6, Abraham petitioned God for a son, he didn’t want a servant in his
household becoming his heir and to that end, he did nothing wrong. Immediately he
made that request, God promised Abraham a son and even sons as many as the sands of the
seashore and as the stars in the sky and we are told that Abraham believed and
it was credited to him as righteousness.
But in the
next chapter (Genesis 16), we read that Abraham’s wife had borne him no
children, but she had an Egyptian maidservant. She told Abraham to take the
maidservant Hagar and sleep with her and have children with her and Abraham
reading this on the surface, everyone will blame Sarah for taking such a call.
And bad as it may look, I would rather blame Abraham for agreeing to such a
call. Remember he is the husband, the head of the home and the leader of the
family, he bears the responsibility of that decision far more than Sarah his
wife. He had spoken with God received God's promise on his request, so what went wrong?
The second
puzzle that came to my mind on this matter is that; what would make Sarah consider
giving her maidservant to her husband to be his wife? I am trying to put myself
into Sarah’s shoes and imagine what will make me marry another woman for my
husband because I can bear him no child. It's not just about Abraham not having
children, it’s about Sarah also not having children. And this gives me so much
respect for the person of Sarah at how much she was willing to sacrifice for
the happiness of her husband even when it hurts her deep inside.
No woman in her right mind would
be willing to make such an offer except for the level of the sacrificial heart such
as Sarah had. We remember that in Genesis 12:10-20, she made one of such big
sacrifices for the peace of her marriage based on her trust in God. Again, here
we see Sarah making another of such sacrifices. As far as she was concerned her
husband’s happiness was of big importance to her. But did Abraham feel the same
way towards his wife? Was he willing to sacrifice as much for the happiness of
Sarah his wife? That much we might never know as it was not stated in the
scriptures, but all that we know is that Abraham agreed to Sarah’s offer and took Hagar the maidservant as wife, slept with her and she conceived for him. But
if you ask me, I will say that Abraham was been insensitive to the feelings of
his wife by agreeing to her offer.
The beautiful aspect of this
story is that even though Abraham did to see and appreciate the sacrifices of
Sarah, God did and that is why there remained a promise-child that could only
come from the womb of Sarah. That child Isaac was the only child God reckoned
as Abraham’s child and all of God’s promises and the covenants God made with
Abraham was made manifest through that one child Isaac.
So, as wives, we take our learnings
again from the life of Sarah. What sacrifices do you need to make for the peace
and progress of your marriage that you are not making yet? Are you holding your
husband’s attitude and negativity as a reason for your own failures as a wife?
If Sarah didn’t do that, then you shouldn’t. I know and acknowledge that it can be tough
been a sacrificial wife to a none appreciative husband but your validation does
not reside in your husband, it rests in God. What your husband fails to see,
God sees them all and the harvest of the sacrifices you sow in your marriage is
far bigger when it is God watching over your seed to bring about a harvest than
the acknowledgment of your husband.
As a wife, if you have not
started sowing those sacrificial seeds in your marriage, then start now because
it is only those who sow that expects a harvest. And if you have been sowing
please don’t stop and seeds need time to grow. But your harvest is sure and far bigger than the weight of the sacrifices you have made and are making. Just keep trusting God and keep on sowing those seeds. I have been there before and so
I know.