Friday, 28 June 2013

The Power Of Impossibility Through Unity In The Home

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Genesis 11:6
The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”

One secret to a successful marriage that a lot of couple might be ignorant of is UNITY. We all seem to be aware of the importance of unity in the home yet we do very little to make it happen. But if the Lord God will say that “if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them,” then this cannot be more true. If the Lord has declared it so then it is true and even the devil recognizes it so and that it why he will do all that is possible to work against the unity of the home. 
Another truth that we need to understand and appreciate well is that unity requires sacrifices. The sacrifices required in this case is not of substances, but of will and want, the sacrifice of opinion and desires. Unity is when two or more people speak with one voice, they speak the same language, act in the same direction with the same purpose and will, then God said nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. When you are beginning to experience some obstacles in life as a married couple, then it’s important you cross check the bond of unity between you and your spouse and ensure that it is firm and intact.
The Lord said in Genesis that it is not good that man should be alone, and then Solomon says in the passage above that two are better than one, and this tells us much about the importance of unity between a man and his wife. This unity that Solomon speaks of I believe is more of the unity of a man and his wife than that of a man and siblings or any other relationship. It’s only a man and his wife that the Bible expects to lie together and keep warm. 
Keeping that in mind, we will realize that when a man and his wife are united they have good returns for their work, and this goes to confirm what God in Genesis 11 that nothing they plan to do will be impossible. The word impossibility is erased from the bond of unity when it is firm and secure. Solomon also says that if one falls down, his friend can help him up. That suitable help that the Lord has provided for the man is ready on standby to help him up when he falls. And like I have mentioned earlier the two are able to keep warm when they lie down. And the last important goodie derived from the bond of unity is victory over life’s battles. King Solomon said it’s easy to overpower a one-man army, but two people are able to defend themselves better. The Bible also says one will chase a thousand, but two will chase tens of thousands. 
I have mentioned earlier that the unity that produces results requires sacrifice. In enhancing unity there is the need to be able to bend your will, bend your desires or opinion to fit into that of your spouse to form a firm bond. Since it’s the wife that the Lord has asked to submit to her husband, then she is expected to offer more of this sacrifice more than the man. As a woman, it is wise not to get so overwhelmed with your ideas and opinions that you ignore the importance of unity in your home. When your opinions and ideas tends to break the bond of unity in your home, then it’s important to let go of that idea and sort things out on your knees before God. 
The Lord has assigned the woman to build her home (Proverbs 14:1) and part of the things your are sure to build in the home is the bond of unity. In order to effectively do this, you need wisdom and much of understanding. With this acquired in prayers you are able to freely offer the sacrifice of your will, desires and opinions to foster the bond of unity in your home, then you and your husband will have good returns for your work as the Bible has stated.
The need to bend on ideas and will in order to foster unity in the home in not restricted to the wife alone. Men also get to make these sacrifices as they show love and appreciation to their wives and families. But the important focus is that we build unity in the home that is required for a healthy growth of our homes.   

To get and enjoy my book "Marriage: God's Rules of Engagement" in print and kindle please click the link

Also available is Gleanings From The Throne of God in print and kindle.

1 comment:


    Hola Queridos, DEJAME EN UN SALTO EN YOUTUBE "MACHEAMAJOS" Espero que como la suya. Un abrazo fraterno en Jesús. Jos


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