I am really sorry for my break, my device had a problem and that stopped me from being able to circulate the post. But I thank God all has been fixed.
So in my last post we started a topic on how to prevent our husbands from cheating on us and I shared with you my own approach that has given me peace and has helped me to trust my husband to be faithful to me. But there are a little more that needs to be done in this regard, so we will look more and find out more in today’s post.
So in my last post we started a topic on how to prevent our husbands from cheating on us and I shared with you my own approach that has given me peace and has helped me to trust my husband to be faithful to me. But there are a little more that needs to be done in this regard, so we will look more and find out more in today’s post.
One important thing we should realize is that all
things being equal, without any external influence (one very prominent external
influence being peer pressure and extended family influence), once you have
secured your husband’s love, you will secure along with it his commitment to
your marriage. When he is committed to the marriage, he will most likely be
faithful to your marriage. I don’t subscribe to the fact that most chronic wife
beaters are faithful husbands, that is so against common sense reasoning, and I
have seen and heard of husbands who ill-treat their wives just because there is
another woman somewhere who has so captured their love and attention that they
begin to disdain their wives and she becomes an irritant to them.
So I know for sure that when you secure the
love of your husband you give him less reason to be unfaithful to you. If you
believe that to be true like I do, then securing your husband’s love for you is
something to consider and work towards for the peace and health of your
marriage. And when you add prayers to your effort, you are guaranteed of a
perfect mix.
Though I am not a man and I have heard of men who say they truly love their wives and still cheat on them (still thinking on that though), but most issues of infidelity in cases like this happen due to peer pressure and the association of friends
these husbands keep. They go overboard just to level up with their male friends
and fit in to expectations among their friends. But when peer pressure is
removed these men act right. In as much as you cannot determine the friends
your husband keep, you can at least commit that aspect of his life to God and
let God do in the life of your husband what you cannot do in his life (this also I have found to be very effective). If you can trust God with your ability to wake up everyday then you can as well trust Him with your marriage and the friends your husband keep.
But when you remove external influence from a marriage
situation, another reason a man can cheat on his wife is when he loses his love
for her or probably is not getting the desired satisfaction from being married to
her and there is another woman doing a better job for him than his wife. This
is where the wife needs to up her game. Rather than throw blames and call her
husband names and fight him thereby worsening the already bad situation why not
find out how you can make him love you/more.
In doing this you don’t just do things
based on assumption, don’t even attempt to think you know what to do or how to
do it, because you will be surprised that the least thing that could come to
your mind would be what tickles your husband’s fancy. You need God to teach you
what to do to draw your husband’s attention and love. What turns Mr. A on in
marriage might be very irrelevant to Mr. B. So what to do to draw your husband’s
love and attention cannot be generalized and that is why we need God to show us
what is peculiar to each husband’s likes that makes him want to love is wife. When you keep trying things out and you are not hitting the nail on the head, there is the tendency that you get frustrated and give up. So don't waste effort, rather pray that God will direct your effort and lead you to the secret that will dig out your husband's love for you and begin to act on it.
Some men love stay home wives, some want their wives domesticated, some love their wives to have a career and some men love their wives fat, while some love them slim, so the likes wildly varies. But know for sure that money can’t buy love so don’t think spending your life’s savings on your husband will get the job done.
Some men love stay home wives, some want their wives domesticated, some love their wives to have a career and some men love their wives fat, while some love them slim, so the likes wildly varies. But know for sure that money can’t buy love so don’t think spending your life’s savings on your husband will get the job done.
I once shared the story of a man who cheated on
his wife just because she was always too busy when he felted like talking to
her and needing someone to talk to. Each time he is burdened and wants to just pour his heart out to someone,
his wife is never there. In as much as it appears as a trivial excuse to a lot
of women and even some men, that was a big issue for this man and it should be
looked into by his wife if she wants her husband to be faithful to her. And
this is why I say again that in knowing what to do to keep fidelity and trust
intact in your marriage and secure the love of your husband you need the
leading of God. A woman who will be successful in every area of her life is a
woman who has and is maintaining a strong relationship with God. No self-help
can do the job right for you.
But generally speaking, from what I read in
the Bible, a wife is required by God to submit to her husband and from my
personal life in following this instruction, I realized that submitting to my
husband has helped build my marriage is no small measure. But understand that
submitting alone might make you appear weak as we have seen in one of the posts I shared some time ago of a husband who felt his wife was too timid and does
just what he says like a zombie. So when you submit to your husband, please do
so prayerfully.
Then let God be your focus of submission, submit to your husband as unto God. If God is not your focus of submission in marriage, I tell you one truth that submission can be a huge burden most especially when it appears initially that your husband isn’t reciprocating with love. And on your own you cannot please your husband no matter how hard you try. Humans are irrational beings, what he likes today mighty not be what he will like tomorrow. With time you will wear yourself out trying to please him. But when you let God be the focus of your submission and you are submitting to your husband to please God, know for sure that you cannot please God without your husband getting pleased. God created your husband, so causing him to love you is no issue for God to handle. And never shy away from the fact that you will be pushed to talk back sometimes, but never let that be all the time. Tame your emotions and keep a rein on your anger.
Then let God be your focus of submission, submit to your husband as unto God. If God is not your focus of submission in marriage, I tell you one truth that submission can be a huge burden most especially when it appears initially that your husband isn’t reciprocating with love. And on your own you cannot please your husband no matter how hard you try. Humans are irrational beings, what he likes today mighty not be what he will like tomorrow. With time you will wear yourself out trying to please him. But when you let God be the focus of your submission and you are submitting to your husband to please God, know for sure that you cannot please God without your husband getting pleased. God created your husband, so causing him to love you is no issue for God to handle. And never shy away from the fact that you will be pushed to talk back sometimes, but never let that be all the time. Tame your emotions and keep a rein on your anger.
In marriage, you need to show some level of intelligence.
Abigail in the book of 1 Samuel 25 was the intelligent of the two couples. When
you act as if you lack any sense of direction outside of your husband, then you
appear weak and unappealing. You are suppose to be your husband's suitable helper, you cannot fulfill that on an empty brain. Always ensure that you feed your brain and let your husband know that you are not an empty brain. Make intelligent suggestions to him, render intelligent help to him, wow your husband with the things that you know. In marriage your intelligent contribution is
highly required. Your husband needs your intelligent help to be all that God
has called him to be. You two should be able to have some intelligent
discussions that would make you earn your husband’s respect. So make the most
of every opportunity to show your husband how intelligent and a problem solver
you can be. But never force your opinion on him, never insist on your way. If you show him what you know and he rejects it please don't argue, drop the issue and let God take up the matter from there. Resolve the rest on your knees in prayer.
I am sure some would expect that I mention sex
as one of the ways of keeping a man from cheating on his wife, well I will say
that even though lack of sex in marriage can drive either of the couples into
infidelity, excellent sex life in marriage does not guarantee faithfulness
either. But that is not to say that excellent sex is not essential in
marriage. Sex in marriage should not be overlooked, it is important and it
should be given adequate priority.
Then other issues like being domesticated have
also been forms of excuses for men to cheat on their wives but just like the case
of sex, being a super cook or house manager does not translate to the husband
or wife being faithful to each other, but this is also an essentials in
marriage that cannot be swept under the carpet of irrelevance. It is important
that a wife is able to manage her home well.
And lastly, lack of communication in marriage; this is another marriage killer that should not be allowed in any marriage.
Husbands and wives do not have any business keeping malice with each other. And
just like the two points above, even though perfect communication is not a
guarantee of faithfulness in marriage, lack of it also destroys marriage and it
does so fast. Never allow any bridge of communication in your marriage. Unity in
your marriage is a must and so you need to do all that you can to keep it
So with this, I hope we are well informed on
what to do in keeping our husbands faithful to us.
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