Sunday, 20 July 2014

Trials May Be Good Afterall.

I bless the Lord for another opportunity to put his word on this blog site. It feels real good to share the word of God, and in truth it comes with it's reward because all that we do for God comes with a reward.
Today, I will trust the Lord to help me send a word of comfort to someone out there going through any form of challenge or trial and feels the end has come. The surprising truth is that the Bible says in James 1:2-4 that we should consider it pure joy, whenever we face trials of many kinds, because we know that the testing of our faith develops perseverance which must finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
The passage in James 1:2-4 and another passage I will share later shows us a beautiful reason that brings out a meaning from the trials we have to go through at the stages of our lives. There must be a rewarding end to the trials you are going through at the moment for James to implore us to consider it pure joy and nothing else but joy to be facing those trials and challenges.
I totally agree that facing trials is not easy in anyway because I have been through that road over and over again, but yet the Bible says it is a joyful thing to have to face those difficulties of life because it is those who have gone through the process and have learnt to trust God to see them through it that get the reward that accrues to champions.
James says that those trials are designed to produce perseverance in us, which when it has finished its work will make us mature and thus we are complete and lacking nothing. But how do we allow these trials produce perseverance in us? Let us look at another passage of the Bible in Hebrews 12:7-8, 10-11. It says "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 
Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 
What we are learning from the book of Hebrews 12 is that discipline which comes in the form of hardships, trials and challenges are designed for those whom the Lord loves and desires to train so that they may share in His holiness. The Lord is using your trials and testings and hardships (whatever name you call it) to produce Himself in you. No wonder James will say that we should consider it pure joy to have to go through these trials of many kinds. Painful as those trials may seem, it is God's own way of legitimizing our sonship and it is designed to produce the nature of God in us as we allow ourselves to be trained by them.
The products of this painful training course includes, perseverance, holiness, righteousness and peace to mention a few. It is a disciplinary session that is borne out of God's love for us and even though we feel pains as we go through the training course, God is not having fun at it also, but it is a course that needs to hold for us to attain maturity in godliness.
As parents we don't feel good having to discipline our children because of the love we feel for them, but if we want the best for them in life and want them to grow being the best in life, then they need to be put through strict and though discipline in love. As it is with earthly parents, so it is with God.
One important truth that I want us to hold on to is that it is God's duty as our heavenly Father to discipline us, but it is our own responsibility to be trained by the trials and challenges with which the Lord disciplines us. So when we face hardships and a few road-blocks in our life's journey, it is not helping us to complain and conclude that God has been unfair to us, but that we pick up the lessons the Lord desires that we learn and get ready to move on to the next level. We are the only ones who will determine how long we remain in those trying situation because the earlier we pick up the lessons God wants us to learn, the faster we are able to get out of that level of training.
Roman 8:18-19 says "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed." The sufferings may be many, but the glory is much more once we have been trained by them, once the nature of God has been produced in our lives. Now Paul says that all that God has created waits eagerly for our manifestation as we shine forth in the glory of God adorned on us as we march out in the maturity of God's nature in our lives.
The hardship is not an effort in futility, it's God's discipline of your lives designed to produce His nature in you that you might shine forth in His glory and through you the entire creation of God might give Him all the glory. So don't despair, God is with you even as you pass through those challenges, He is watching you and will not tempt you beyond what you can bear. It is well with you.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Your Spouse As A Vessel Of Your Blessing

I have had the Lord bless me so richly as I share His word on this platform that I always want to share the more of God's goodness again and again. Indeed you cannot have a relationship with Christ and be at a disadvantage. Challenges may come but with Christ there is always a way out of every trying moment.
Today I just want to share something very brief on the issue of marriage. Like I said in a number of my previous posts, my marriage has been through its own share of troubles, but I can't ask the Lord for a better husband than the wonderful man He has blessed my life with. Indeed we have weathered the storm together and we have come out as brand new people in love over again after ten years of marriage and four children adorning our lives.
The question I want every married person to ask him or herself is that "Is it possible for the Lord to bless you through your husband or wife?" The deep understanding of your answer to this question will go a long way in cementing your relationship in your marriage.
In the days when my marriage was greatly troubled and I didn't see anything good about my husband despite the fact that I was a Christian, this question came to my mind a number of times and I despised my husband so much that I never imagined that he could be of any good to me. In fact when I prayed to God for a need in my life, I always had this wish that God will answer me but surely not through my husband.
But as the Lord began to heal my and marriage and I started to understand better what the Lord expected of me in marriage, one of the beautiful things the Lord built into His healing formula was that He made my husband become very sensitive to my needs. And for some years back now the Lord has been meeting my needs and answering my prayers through my husband. Each time I pray for something, I find my husband doing for me exactly what I have prayed for in the way and manner which I prayed for it. The man that I had once despised has become the vessel in the hands of God in providing me with the desires of my heart. The end result of this is that it has made me appreciate my husband the more and know God the more in His loving kindness and wisdom.
The lesson in this is that "Have you also written your spouse off as a never do well?" If yes, then you might just be acting in error. You just cannot tell if your so called never do well spouse is the vessel in the hands of God to bring about the answer to your long lasting prayer request. It just will not do you any arm if you can play down on your pride and obey God's guiding rules of marriage. The wife submitting to her husband as unto the Lord Ephesians 5:22-24 and the husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church Ephesians 5: 25-31. It has worked for me and I guarantee it will work for you.

You can get copies of my books in print and kindle format on amazon website via the provided links. I assure you of a refreshing knowledge of God's word as you get copies for yourself and loved ones. I am excited to inform you that for any of the under-listed books you buy on amazon website you get a free kindle copy of the same book, so hurry and get both the print copy and kindle copy just at the price of one.

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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Lessons From The Life of David.

Good afternoon beautiful people of God. It's a privilege to share a piece of the word of God with you again today and I pray that it will be a timely word for someone needing it in Jesus Name.
I had mentioned in one of my recent post that I start a read-through the Bible in six months program some days back and it has been a wonderful experience. In the past few day I have been reading the book of 1& 2 Samuel and I must say that I have learned a lot from the life of the man called David. What I have learned from David makes me understand all the more reason why the Lord will refer to David as a man after His heart (1 Samuel 13:14).
But one big lesson I learned from the life of David was his ability to forgive those who had continuously hurt him. From the book of 1 Samuel 19 to 1 Samuel 31 where we read of the death of Saul, David had to run for his life from Saul. Twice in chapters 24 and 26 of 1 Samuel David had the opportunity to finish the life of Saul and set himself free from the snare of death, but he chose to spare Saul's life and said to his army commander Abishai that it is impossible to lay hands on the Lord's anointed and be guiltless.
If David had just spared the life of Saul it might just have been one uncommon lifestyle of a man after God's heart that can be copied. But when David heard the news of Saul's death, rather than rejoice that the Lord had finally reed him of his enemy and then proceed  into God's promise, David first killed the man who killed Saul and brought the news to him, and afterwards mourned the death of Saul with a lament. How it is that you will mourn and grieve over the death of your enemy is an attribute of David that is worth emulating.
I am sure one will rather say that it is an impossibility to take revenge not on your enemy but rather on behalf of your enemy. But that impossible act is one of the attributes of David that makes him different from the rest. Yes David was a sinner, but yet he was a man who had in him the mind of Christ.
Jesus in Matthew 6:12 commanded us to forgive those who sin against us, but David took it a step further by genuinely loving those who sought after his life to kill him. He recognized that Saul was an anointed of the Lord and he loved and respected that about him irrespective of Saul actions.
The only One who has surpassed David in his ability to love is the Lord Jesus Christ, who despite our sins, our rejection of Him, the humiliation and insult we hauled at Him, He still died for us. Laid His life down that we might have a glorious life.
My prayer today is that for all those reading this post, the Spirit of God will fill them up and they will be able to love like David and Jesus. A drop of genuine love not just for those who are good to us, but for all those around us whether friend or foe, will make the world a better place.  

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made

Top of the morning to all those God's faithfuls who take the time to read my post, I pray the abundant blessing of the Lord on all my wonderful family members in Christ Jesus. Starting to write this post, I am a little blank on what topic to share. But the word of God which is the word of hope and comfort needs to be shared at all times, so I trust that the Lord will give me a timely word for someone needing it this day.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

The Bible passage above is one that is very familiar with a lot of Christians and even church goers. It is a beautiful thing to wake up in the morning and say what the psalmist said that indeed "this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it," when all seem to be going well and one seem to be enjoying good success in all that he/she is doing.
But the truth of this two-lined passage as it is in the Bible is that the application of this passage in our lives should not be subject alone to the fact that all is well with us. Every morning when we wake up and have been given the gift to be able to see the light of day, whether we have challenges or not that day is a day worth rejoicing over.
Verse 22-23 of the same Psalm 118 says "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes." It will be a demoralizing thing to face rejection from those who are suppose to accept you, yet in the middle of that the psalmist went on to say, "This is the day the Lord has made, and it is worth rejoicing over.
The day does not necessarily have to go the way you want it, but it still the day the Lord has made and it is worth rejoicing over. You might have loads of challenges, yet it is still the Lord has made and it is worth rejoicing over.
The word rejoicing for me is the act of been joyful. And been joyful is not subject to what you are or are not going through, but that you are able to look beyond your current situation whether good or bad and then acknowledge and appreciate the awesomeness of the Almighty God Who is love and is full of power, and in Him there are no impossibilities or limitations.
When you have learned to look beyond your immediate situation, and make everyday a day to acknowledge and appreciate God and then rejoice in the knowledge of His power and might then you get your problems trouble rather than you been troubled. No wonder the psalmist said "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." The secret weapon to challenge that which is challenging your peace is to look beyond the problem and determine within you that you will make everyday a day to rejoice in the Lord. Start doing that today and it will not be long before you start to see a difference in the positive.

You can get copies of my books in print and kindle format on amazon website via the provided links. I assure you of a refreshing knowledge of God's word as you get copies for yourself and loved ones. I am excited to inform you that for any of the under-listed books you buy on amazon website you get a free kindle copy of the same book, so hurry and get both the print copy and kindle copy just at the price of one.

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Marching On In His Presence

Exodus 33:1-3, 12, 14-16
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Leave this place, you and the people you brought up out of Egypt, and go to the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, 'I will give it to your descendants.' I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way."

Moses said to the Lord, "You have been telling me, 'Lead these people,' but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, 'I know you by name and you have found favour with me.' 

The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and your people unless you you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?

At the beginning of this year, for the first few days of the first month of this year, I prayed to the Lord for the year on behalf of myself and my family. I sought God's face for a revelation of what the year will hold for me and my family as He ushered us into the new year and the Lord gave me just this sentence "My Presence will go with you into the year." This was a promise that I got from God after I had fasted and prayed and committed the year into His hands. And I am here testifying that I have indeed enjoyed the goodness of God in the first half of the year.
When we consider the passage above, the Lord had promised the children of Israel a land flowing with milk and honey and he was in fact telling them to go and take possession of their inheritance. The victory over their enemies was already promised and there was abundance in the land they were going in to possess. He even promised that an angel will go before them to drive out their enemies before them, but there was something about the Presence of God that was worth all the prayers for. Moses was not just contented with the victories that was promised or the provisions that they were going to possess, he wanted something more. Moses asked God that, what will distinguish him and the people of Israel from all the other people on the face of the earth if not the Presence of God.
The angels can ensure victory, the land can birth forth its treasures for Israel as it would for the other people on the face of the earth, but what will make Israel stand out from every other nation was the Presence of the Almighty God.
Now, no matter what you have been told that awaits you in the second half of this year, but without the Presence of God going with you, you are going empty. If you have received a word of promise from the Lord and He has assured you that the remaining part of this year holds for you great riches and abundance of all that you desire, please don't stop there, seek the Lord and ask the question that "Lord who are you sending with me?" Don't stay contented in the promise alone, seek that the Presence of God goes with you as you march on to possess the promise of God for your life in the remaining part of the year.

2 Samuel 6:11
The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the Lord blessed him and his entire household. 

Just before I end this, I want us to look at the impact of the Presence of God in the life of a man. The passage above stated that as the ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom, the Lord blessed him and his household. Obed-Edom was an Israelite living in the land flowing with milk and honey which the Lord swore to Abraham, but when the ark of God entered into his house there was a special blessing bestowed on him and his household as a result of that ark. The distinguishing factor between Obed-Edom and all the other people around him was the presence of the ark of the Lord in his house.
So I will encourage all those reading this piece, that in truth you will enjoy the goodness of God as you march into the second half of this year, but you will enjoying a distinguishing blessing of God as you march into the second half of this year in the Presence of God.  So don't just pray for the blessing of the Lord seek the Presence of God.

You can get copies of my books in print and kindle format on amazon website via the provided links. I assure you of a refreshing knowledge of God's word as you get copies for yourself and loved ones. I am excited to inform you that for any of the under-listed books you buy on amazon website you get a free kindle copy of the same book, so hurry and get both the print copy and kindle copy just at the price of one.

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Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Going On With God's Presence

I bless God for another opportunity to share a word with the people of God who take time to read my post. It's been a while since I shared something on my blog and I sincerely apologize for the break. The demands of a new baby in my life is the pleasing reason why I had to take the break, but I pray to God that as we start a new month and go into the second half of this year, I will be able to take time out to share the truth of God's word again and again.
I join many of God's people to thank and bless the name of the living God for the gift of seeing a new month and in fact seeing the beginning of the second half of the year. For those who still have loads of prayer request yet to be answered, I trust the Lord that as we begin the second half of the year God will show up in the areas of your lives where you still need His divine touch and your expectations in Christ will not be cut short in Jesus name.
A little over a month ago I started a Bible reading plan that will take me into reading the whole Bible in 6months and though I have read the Bible through once before, I still find it very refreshing and revealing to read through the Bible again. You know we cannot have enough of the word of God.
I have learned so much in the 45days of my tour of the Bible and some of the things I learned again in my reading are worth sharing.

Genesis 28:13-15
There above it stood the Lord, and he said: "I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you and will watch over you until I have done what I have promised you." 

Genesis 39:2, 20-21
The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.

Joseph's master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king's prisoners were confined.
But while Joseph was there in prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favour in the eyes of the prison warder.

I want to speak to the hearts of those of us who in truth carry the presence of God in us. By the special grace of God I want to us to understand and know that the unpleasant situation or rather the expectant state that you are in has not in any way erased the truth of the fact that God is with you and He is watching over you.
In Genesis 28, Jacob was on his way to his uncle's place in Haran. He was not going there to live as a son but to serve his uncle as servant yet God was with him. As he served Laban his uncle and master, he carried in him the presence of God.
The presence of God was with Joseph as he served under his Egyptian master, all through his ordeal as he journeyed to prison, he carried the presence of God with him. So I learned that my present challenge or trial as it may be has not eroded the truth that God is with me and he is watching me. And that is what I want the person reading this piece to hold very dear to his/her heart.
True you are living right and living in the fear of God and you wonder why you are going through such tough terrain in life's journey. But in the middle of all the struggle the presence of God is with you and the Lord is watching to ensure that you are not tempted beyond your ability.
But the most beautiful truth of all is that none of those who carried the presence of God in them had a bad ending. The road might be rough, but the end of the journey made the process worth the while.
Jacob left the service of Laban a wealthy and fulfilled man. His company was large and his possession was much. Likewise Joseph ended his life as the prime minister of Egypt, he was boss over all, even over those who throw him into the situation.
So as you start into the second half of the year, look beyond those things you are still hopeful in God for, look beyond the financial mess, beyond the sickness, beyond the marital troubles and whatever it is that might be troubling your mind and seek to enter into the second half of this year with the presence of God going with you. Hold on to God till you hear Him say to you "I am with you and will watch over you" and you are rest secure that the remaining part of this year is going to be well with you. 

You can get copies of my books in print and kindle format on amazon website via the provided links. I assure you of a refreshing knowledge of God's word as you get copies for yourself and loved ones. I am excited to inform you that for any of the under-listed books you buy on amazon website you get a free kindle copy of the same book, so hurry and get both the print copy and kindle copy just at the price of one.

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Friday, 6 June 2014

Having Faith In The Midst Of Trials

I feel a need to speak to someone who has been waiting on the Lord for some form of miracle and it appears as though time is running out on you. Somewhere down in your spirit there is a struggle with the thought that can God really come through for you in that situation or not. And then the devil has been taking time to remind you of past disappointments that you seem to forget the past blessings.
I have just experienced this situation in my life and to the glory of God I have overcome. It’s not that I have a miracle at hand, but I have been able to look beyond my struggle and see the God who has the might and power to make all things abound to me. I have renewed my faith in the God who calls the things that be not as though they where and who brings forth the seen from the unseen.
No matter the level we are at in our walk and relationship with God, several times our faith gets tested. This testing comes in diverse ways, sometimes it could be financial needs, health needs, worries over children etc, but in truth on the pathway of life we will have challenges and our ability to trust and hold unto God through this challenges will be tested many times over. Sometimes we are tempted to give up on our faith, sometimes we ask God question.
 All these are not out of place, but what the problem will then be is if we are unable to get past our inner struggle that fights our faith in God. When there seem to be a delay in what you expect the Lord to do for you, it’s not the time to give up, but rather the time to intensify your faith and look up to God. I have always heard it said that the night is darkest just before down, and also that the battle is most fierce just before victory comes. So when you think that you can’t take the challenges anymore, that is the most appropriate time to fix your gaze on Jesus alone.

Romans 4:18-21
Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your off spring be.” Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead - since he was about a hundred years old - and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God being fully persuaded God had power to do what he had promised.

This passage as helped my faith a great deal. There is the need to live in the consciousness that no matter the challenge we might be facing, it is never beyond the power and might of God. As a true child of God, His promises are yours for keeps and that will definitely manifest at His own appropriate timing, because God will not promise what He does not intend to make happen. He is not a man that He should lie and His words will never fail.
Abraham knew this truth about God, he had walked with God well enough to conclude in his heart that God has the power to do what He had promised.
The devil always use past disappointments to try to destablise our faith. In the inner struggles of our heart as we pass through life’s challenges, one is continually reminded of past failures that tends to make you conclude its not worth trying again and you just tend to give up in the middle of the struggle and conclude it can never get better, or maybe that is how it's meant to be. Well you are not designed to drown in struggles and challenges, they only come as a test of faith and will pass away once you are able to defeat the struggle. The thought of God towards us is of good, to give us hope and bring us to an expected end.

Mark 5:25-29
And a  woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet the instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

The story above is one that we are very familiar with, but its not the fact that the woman got healed that I want to emphasize on, but the fact that she didn’t give up in the midst of her struggle. She had suffered for twelve years, tried and failed to get healing as she passed from one doctor to another. She had spent all she had in order to get well to no avail. Yet when she heard about Jesus she decided to give it another try. Had she dwelt on the failures of past attempts, she will never have tried Jesus and never had gotten freed from her suffering. She put her faith to work once more time and because this time in was the faith on Jesus and not the doctors, she was healed.
Whatever it is you are hoping in God for, as long as you remain a true child of God, hold on to the truth that God has the power to do what He has promised. He will not promise what He does not intend to give. As long as you have the promise of God, know for sure that at the appointed time, your smiles will come and your joy will be full. You are not built by God to break, your challenges are only there to make you strong. Don't loss your focus on Jesus. Learn to say like the woman with the issue of blood that “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed,” and in truth your faith will work for you to the glory of God alone.

You can get copies of my books in print and kindle format on amazon website via the provided links. I assure you of a refreshing knowledge of God's word as you get copies for yourself and loved ones. I am excited to inform you that for any of the under-listed books you buy on amazon website you get a free kindle copy of the same book, so hurry and get both the print copy and kindle copy just at the price of one.
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The Power of a Working Wife

  It is generally believed that a man is supposed to be the breadwinner of his home and the primary and only financial source for the family...