Thursday, 10 July 2014

Lessons From The Life of David.

Good afternoon beautiful people of God. It's a privilege to share a piece of the word of God with you again today and I pray that it will be a timely word for someone needing it in Jesus Name.
I had mentioned in one of my recent post that I start a read-through the Bible in six months program some days back and it has been a wonderful experience. In the past few day I have been reading the book of 1& 2 Samuel and I must say that I have learned a lot from the life of the man called David. What I have learned from David makes me understand all the more reason why the Lord will refer to David as a man after His heart (1 Samuel 13:14).
But one big lesson I learned from the life of David was his ability to forgive those who had continuously hurt him. From the book of 1 Samuel 19 to 1 Samuel 31 where we read of the death of Saul, David had to run for his life from Saul. Twice in chapters 24 and 26 of 1 Samuel David had the opportunity to finish the life of Saul and set himself free from the snare of death, but he chose to spare Saul's life and said to his army commander Abishai that it is impossible to lay hands on the Lord's anointed and be guiltless.
If David had just spared the life of Saul it might just have been one uncommon lifestyle of a man after God's heart that can be copied. But when David heard the news of Saul's death, rather than rejoice that the Lord had finally reed him of his enemy and then proceed  into God's promise, David first killed the man who killed Saul and brought the news to him, and afterwards mourned the death of Saul with a lament. How it is that you will mourn and grieve over the death of your enemy is an attribute of David that is worth emulating.
I am sure one will rather say that it is an impossibility to take revenge not on your enemy but rather on behalf of your enemy. But that impossible act is one of the attributes of David that makes him different from the rest. Yes David was a sinner, but yet he was a man who had in him the mind of Christ.
Jesus in Matthew 6:12 commanded us to forgive those who sin against us, but David took it a step further by genuinely loving those who sought after his life to kill him. He recognized that Saul was an anointed of the Lord and he loved and respected that about him irrespective of Saul actions.
The only One who has surpassed David in his ability to love is the Lord Jesus Christ, who despite our sins, our rejection of Him, the humiliation and insult we hauled at Him, He still died for us. Laid His life down that we might have a glorious life.
My prayer today is that for all those reading this post, the Spirit of God will fill them up and they will be able to love like David and Jesus. A drop of genuine love not just for those who are good to us, but for all those around us whether friend or foe, will make the world a better place.  

1 comment:

  1. So many of us only see the worst in King David, but GOD saw the best in him. Your post is an example of the best in King David. If we could only love like King David and be as forgiving as King David, surely we would be more like Jesus.


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