Sunday, 7 April 2013

You Have A Gift (Series 1)

I once heard the story of an American Surgeon by the name Ben Carson, I have seen quite a number of his books, one very prominent one titled "Gifted Hands." I have not read any of his books but learnt that the highlight of his life is that he is the first surgeon to successfully attempt to separate twins joined together from birth. It must have taken some guts for him to make such an attempt and I presume with a determined heart he saw the process through successful. 
But thinking about the whole story, one thing that did't skip my mind was that "why would the Lord in all His Majesty create twins that are joined from birth?" There are countless sets of twins that have passed through the face of the earth without been joined together in any form, in fact there are twins with different genders, and some are totally nonidentical, yet there are some joined together. When I began to seek the face of God for an answer to this mystery the Lord took me to a passage in the book of John 9:1-7. Here we read the story of how Jesus healed the man who was born blind. The Bible tells us that when Jesus and His disciples saw the man blind from birth, they asked a question similar to the question I asked the Lord about the twins joined from birth, they asked "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?" and the answer Jesus gave to the disciples was what the Lord impressed on my mind in answer to my question about the joined twins. Jesus said, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." 
This man Ben Carson has been endowed with the gift to be able to separate joined twins, if God didn't create some twins joined, the gift of God in this man's life will never be displayed. God knowing that He has created a man with the gift to separate joined twins, is not in any in doubt about the survival of such joined twins and so He allowed such on the face of the earth. 
James 1:17 tells us that "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." The wonderful gifts we see displayed in the lives of men are from the Lord above. Then when we read through the book of Matthew 25:14-28, Jesus told a parable likening the the kingdom of God to a man going on a journey and entrusting his property to his servants, giving each one talents based on their ability. And that tells me that every child of God has been entrusted with a gift or talent based on the ability God has given to us. No child of God is lacking a gift. There is a measure of talent deposited in each of us.
1 Corinthians 12:1-11 tells us that there are different kinds of gift from the same God for different assignment in the Kingdom and it is only God that determines how these gifts are distributed. He determines who gets what based on the assignment assigned to each one. But the beautiful thing about this gift is found in Proverbs 18:6 which says "A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." (NKJV) That gift from God in your life is designed to bring you prominence. It is the light of God in your life that must shine for the world to see. 
It cost God nothing to create a form of scarcity in the world that requires only your gift to meet. There need not be a big reason for that man to be born blind safe of the need to display the power of God in his life. No one can question the existence of joined twins if that is what God decides to do in order to display His grace in the life of that surgeon. But believe it or not, You Have A Gift of God in Your Life.

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