Monday, 15 July 2013

Some Insight Into My Books

I am using my blog post today to share insight into my newly published books. Although these books have been a compilation of writings through the inspiration of God over the past five years but by the grace of God they are just been publish one at a time. I am going to share with my readers something from three of my books that are presently published and available on I pray everyone that visits this blog leaves with something to impact their lives positively.

The first book I will like to share somethings about happens to be the first book I ever wrote, and it is titled "Gleanings From The Throne of God". In fact this book was born from a desire to share the word through tracks and I discovered that what God was laying on my heart was a little beyond tracks. By the time the Lord was done with me writing the book, I found myself writing about eighteen passages of each message. This book contains ten different messages that are not related to each other in any way, so it is as though having 10 small books in one. The fist title of the book "Gleanings From The Throne of God", is "The Joy Of Thanksgiving".  The message of this title makes a search into the heart of God as to why the Lord requires us to give thanks at all times. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." In fulling this command of the Lord, we are required to give God thanks even when things are going well, and we are in the middle of life's challenges. The Lord wants us to give Him thanks even in the midst of our grieve. Sometimes when we think about this we are tempted to conclude that the requirements of God are hard, but then God is not a mean God, if He has asked us to do a thing, He has a beautiful end us. So "The Joy Of Thanksgiving" is a reach into the mind of God to help us understand the importance of thanksgiving, so when we know better on this we are able to act better on it. The second title of "Gleanings From The Throne of God is "Empty Pursuit". What this title reveals to us is the need to align our needs, wants, desires and pursuit with the will and purpose of God for our lives. God created us and understands the function and purpose we are created to fulfill. We will only be effective and fulfilled on the face of the earth when our purpose is inline with God's purpose for us. The thirds title is "What Do You Have In Your Hands", and this title speaks of the knowledge of the gift and talents of God in our lives. It reveals that no man created by God is created empty, and as we discover our gift, we need to hand it over to God to breath on and multiply it for us. He alone teaches our hands to make wealth. The forth title is "Parents Talk" which reveals to us the important things we need to know, do and pray about as we raise Godly offspring for God. The fifth title is "Becoming the Woman God Intends You To Be". Hello ladies this is for us. Here we have just something helpful, suitable to help us fulfill better our God given assignment as a wife and mother, fulfilling the will and purpose of God for our lives. The sixth title is "You Don't Have To Be Perfect", and this messages reveals to us that we are good enough a harvest for God just as we are. We don't need any self-effort at perfection to be saved by God. Just as we are in our sinful state in all God desires to save us. He will work His perfection in our lives, even before we know it. The seventh title is "Danger of Worry", and just like the title says it opens our hearts to the possible treat of worry, not just to our faith but also to our health and help us to know that we can rest all fears at the throne of God and pick up faith instead, the faith that is strong enough to make things happen. The eighth title is "The Suffering That Makes Perfect", I do have a blog post with the same title and the content of that blog post is a summary of what contains in this book. God will not make you go through those challenges just as a punishment, but as a training designed to produce a glorious end for you. It is a training that makes us mature and produces perfection in us if we are truly trained by it. The ninth title is "Though It Hurts I Must Forgive", and this title contains an illustration that really reflects the purpose of God when He instructed that we need to forgive those who sin against us. I learned a great deal writing this message and it opened my heart to gains of forgiveness. The tenth title of this book is "Standing For God". On so many occasions in the Bible we have read of how God made proud declarations of those who have truly walked with Him, He made a proud declaration of Abraham whom He called His friend, He made a proud declaration of David whom He called a man after His heart, He man a proud declaration of Noah whom the Bible recognized as righteous man who was different from His peers, He made a proud declaration of Job whom He said there was none like on the face of the earth, He made a proud declaration of our Lord Jesus Christ whom He said was His Son in whom He is well pleased. All these people and more stood the testing of faith. The declaration of God over their lives were tested and yet the stood. Are we ready to stand for God? 
All these are there in the book "Gleanings From The Throne Of God" it is available in print and kindle from this or via this link or

The second book I want to share it's content with you is titled "Marriage God's Rules of Engagement". From the frequency of my blog post on marriage issues I suppose a lot of people will understand how helpful that book is to the making of a successful marital experience. It is a book of about seven chapters that shows us a lot about the mind of God for that institution called marriage. You will understand from Bible truth what God expects of you in form of your attitude towards your spouse, the role that love is to play in your marriage and choice of a spouse. The prerequisite for choosing a spouse, the mind of God concerning divorce and arranged marriage and seen in the Bible, the vice of polygamy, how to handle external interference in your marriage and many more and then there are also real life stories on marriage issues that you can learn from. This has helped my marriage and it will help yours because it is the truth of the Bible. 

The third book I want to share it's content with you is titled "Because The Lord Seeks Godly Offspring". Malachi 2:15a says "Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring." One very  important assignment for the husband and his wife assigned to them by God is to give the Lord godly which he seeks. In deed the world is highly in need of godly offspring given the high level of moral decay the world over. Offspring that will crush the head of satan and bring down the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. If only we are able to lead our children in the instructions and training of the Lord, we would have contributed a big quota to the improvement of our society and the world over. Some of the questions that are looked into in this search as we make discoveries from the word of God are: Why does the Lord Seek Godly Offspring; How does our lives impact on that of our children and also the impact of the lives of our children on our lives and ministry; The best time to start the training of our children in the way of the Lord. We as married couples have an assignment for the Lord, we are indeed the agents of God in bringing down His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. 

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