Friday, 12 July 2013

You Crush Depression As You Learn To Wait On God

It’s been about ten days since I posted a message on this blog and I really missed posting but it was due to event that were a little beyond me. First my laptop developed a little problem, then I also began to feel a little under the weather. But I am glad to be back and share with you again. 
In today’s post I will trust God to give me a word for those people who are feeling depressed in any way and for any reason. Sometime last year I had the  opportunity to speak to a lady that was undergoing some form of depression and this was taking it’s toll on her family as she began to take her frustration out on her little children and husband. She came across my counseling website, read through the articles on the site, got my number from there and gave me a call. 
The cause of the depression being that she lost her job and just felt the world was closing in on her. She concluded there was no means by which she could have a dreams materialize and this really took its toll on her. For about an hour she poured out herself to me like she had never expressed to anyone according to what she told me. But one big lesson I took with me from that counseling session on the phone was that my experiences in life was for a purpose. And all I had gone in life that seemed like hardship was actually God preparing me for His task for my life. 
When she had finished talking, I told her that she had just been out of job for about nine months and she is depressed but I (who happens to be counseling her) have been out of job for well over seven years then and I am yet to loose hope. She has two children both boys to look out for, but I have three children who look up to me to handle their needs and even wants and yet I am not loosing hope. She has a good husband who understood her situation and was very supportive of her, to the point that he bought her a brand new car, but in my own case when I was passing through my own challenges, my husband was not even there for me, in fact he was part of the challenge then (Though that is no more the case, my husband is a changed man that I love to love) and I still didn't loose hope. 
And so I told her that if the Lord has sustained me in well over seven years that I was unable to sustain myself and He has provided for all my needs and that of my family and then revived my near broken marriage, then she really has no cause to be depressed if she desires to receive the intervention of God for her situation. All that she needed was a perseverance heart, and faith in the ability of God. 
I will always say that the faith that makes things happen is the faith that is based on something or the knowledge of something. Abraham was able to have faith in God because he knew that God had the power to do that which He had promised (Roman 4:20-21). In the same way the woman with the issue of blood was able to say within herself that if only she can touch the cloth of Jesus she will be healed because she had heard about the miracles of Jesus (Mark 5:24-30).
Depression only exhibit your limitation, the fact that you are depressed shows that you cannot help yourself and that you need help. It is an internal cry for help from One who is above and beyond you. And the moment you realize this and then truly seek the help that you need and require from the right source which is God, then you are a champion. You have conquered depression without any self effort.

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Depression really gets us nowhere. It is just a waster of time and life. When we exhaust our ability and potentials, that does not mean life has ended, its just a pointer to the need for a better and bigger ability that is only made available in Christ Jesus. When we are wise enough to walk through our situation and walk to God we are victorious. Trials do not occur in our lives to endanger us but to make us mature, teach us to persevere and trust God for all things and relinquish self effort for God’s effort to have a free flow. It is then we become mature and lack nothing. Whatever we want and need from God just requires that we ask and wait, and let God determine the perfect timing for the manifestation of what we have asked of Him. 

Habakkuk 2:3
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

When you are certain of the power of God as you pray, then you will understand that what you are praying for will manifest and not delay but it will be at God’s own set time. He determines the timing not us. He sets the time not us. But the important thing we need to do is to learn perseverance. Learn to wait on Him till His appointed time manifest. The ability to overcome depression lies in the ability to wait on God to grant us our hearts desires and wait on Him for all we need. 
By the time I finished talking to this wonderful lady and the Lord using me to reveal Himself to her, she realized she had nothing to worry about and that she was just impatient and too much in a haste. Now is the time to remove our focus from our situation and challenge and wait for God. He will come and will not delay. Then we will be champions over depression.

If you will like to get a copy of my book "Marriage: God's Rules of Engagement" and "Gleanings From The Throne of God", they are available on in print and kindle or via they provided links.,

You can also get them on via the links below.


  1. I appreciate your comment and I do hope you'll understand some basics. Whether depression as a medical condition or otherwise Jesus is still very much able to heal. Your ability to be healed by God rest on your knowledge and trust in His power. If Jesus did raise the dead, then He is able to raise the brain dead. He created the body and the chemicals in the head and so He can correct anything that is no right within the body. No condition that is faced by man is beyond the capabilities of God, the only clause is in our ability to trust Him to do what we have asked Him to do. The purpose of the post is not to talk down on the condition, but to raise hope in people that God can and will get them through the situation they are in as long as they are able to trust Him to do it for them.

  2. often times, depression is borne from worry over failure or loss. if we can only turn to God and allow him to help us through the situation, even the medication will work better.


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