Monday, 12 August 2013

The Effective Discipline

Proverbs 23:13-14
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.
Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.

Proverbs 29:17
Discipline your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul.

Proverbs 19:18
Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be willing party to his death.

Proverbs 13:24
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. 

I believe by the special grace of God my readers had a very restful and beautiful weekend, and they are alive and on alert to receive the abundance of God's blessings for their lives this new week. If there is any book on the face of the earth that is rich and full and not lacking in content, it's this wonderful Bible, the life Manual that the Lord God Almighty has blessed us with. 
In today's post we will continue how search of God's word as we strive to be better parents approved of God . As I take time to read through the news on a daily basis, there is always something of concern about the children, and it's been more on the negative than positive. I am not sure if I am the only one observing this trend, but this tells there is a need for a major awakening for us as parents. There are major cases of evidence of lack of training and proper discipline in the home as much as there are cases of child abuse. In Nigeria of today, I am beginning to read of cases of little children been beaten to death for cases as flimsy as been unable to count 1 to 10 or a 3 year old girl beaten and pushed to her death for vomiting and passing stool on her body while burning up with fever and high temperature and overwhelmed with diarrhea. 
Although in most of the cases (and that is to say nearly all of the cases) I have read about on such things as this, the children in question are not the biological children of those who abused them to the point of their death, but all the same these so called care givers did what they did in the name of disciplining or training the children. It was always in the name of correction, discipline and training. But this said, do we now do away with training our children and just let them pick up their values their own way and form? In the light of this we will want to know and understand what the take of God is on this matter.
The Bible said when you discipline your child with the rod you save his soul from death. Based on what the Bible tells us in the passages above punishment and even punishment with the rod on our children is suppose to give life and not death. And this makes me wonder that the rod that produced the death that we read about happening in some communities is actually suppose to produce life based on Bible standard. So we are now to know and understand that there is a difference between children abuse and child discipline and more so child discipline with the rod.
The Bible recommends so strongly that we discipline are children, in fact Solomon said once we train them in the way they should go, when they grow up they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). The wise Solomon said the your future peace that spring up from the life of your child rest in your ability to discipline him. In fact he will delight your soul is what Solomon said.
Some major lesson I have learned from this subject of disciplining our children from the passages above are that: 1)It saves their lives and soul from death, 2) It guarantees peace of mind for us as the child becomes a delight to our souls, 3) In the act of discipline there is hope, 4) It expresses our love for our child when the discipline is carried out with care.
The last point mentioned above highlights for us the difference between child abuse and discipline. The one factor that draws the line between child abuse and careful discipline is the substance called love. Once you remove love from discipline you arrive at child abuse. 
To now remove the act of discipline from a society or term it wrong to discipline a child as we are beginning to experience in today's world is writing a welcoming heart warming letter to the future destruction of our children. The absence of discipline in a home, community, society or nation is a big invitation to chaos and disorder. 
Unlike what we have made ourselves to believe, the Bible says when you truly love your child, you will discipline that child, and when we wish for peace in your mind and soul when you are old and grey, then make it a priority task to discipline and train your child now that you can. There is no other way to gain so much peace when you have not invested in it when you have the strength to do so. 

Hebrews 12:11
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.      

I still can't fathom how complete this Bible can be, but there is no book like it on the face of the earth. In the passage above, the writer of the book of Hebrews says "No form of discipline is pleasant at the time but painful." To now understand that what will produce the preciousness in the lives of your children and bring out the great value that they carry within them is a painful process, but this though painful process needs to take its course to birth the preciousness in your child.
As a parent you never want your child to experience any form of pain and as a parent myself I understand what that means, even God has a parent never wants us to go through any form of pain, but in truth the pain of good and careful discipline is required to produce for us the godly children the Lord seeks. The experience they go through and learn from endows them with wisdom that no money on the face of the earth can buy for them. Pain is indeed painful (Lol), but it brings forth a matchless glow and shine in the lives of those who have been trained by it. From what we are learning in the book of Hebrews, the pains of discipline produces in us the righteousness and peace that the Lord seeks in us and that is needful for our smooth ride on the face of the earth.
In conclusion I will say this to all parents seeking peace in old age, take the pains to discipline and train your children even though its painful for you as a parent and also for the child as one been trained. Look beyond the lies of the society you live in, the government will not be as injured emotionally over the moral death of your child as much as you would. The peace and righteousness of your child and your joy and delight in old age over that child hangs on the fact that you discipline him now that you have the strength.

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