Wednesday, 27 April 2016

More To Know On Unity In Marriage

Its always a wonderful thing to be able to share the truth of the word of God with God’s wonderful people. In all of it I am positive that God is taking over in many homes and turning things around to the glory of His holy name.
I promised in my last post that there is more to learn on the issue of unity in marriage, and I will say with confidence in Christ that we are yet to appreciate and understand the importance of unity in the home and between couples. I am trusting God that through this blog post the Lord will open up our minds to the importance of having a united marriage. 

Genesis 11:6
The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

Matthew 18:19
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 

These two scriptures hold very important truth about unity in the home. Genesis 11:6 used a phrase that really got me thinking, and it says “if as one people” the word people shows that we have more than one individual involved. There are probably two or more individuals fused together to form one people with the bond of unity firmly holding them together. God then testifies to the fact that these group of individuals who have come together to form one people are indestructible because whatever they plan to do as one people will definitely be possible for them to do. So as one people (bind together by the cord of unity) nothing shall be impossible for them.
The only way the word impossibility can exist within the rank of this one people is if the bond of unity is destroyed. But as long as they are united as one people nothing shall be impossible for them to do. With this we have a better understanding of why God made the man and his wife one rather than two. Because if as one in flesh and spirit as God originally designed it, then nothing they plan to do shall be impossible for them. With this understanding it important that the husband and wife realizes that fighting each other and working against one another rather than working for one another only destroys the bond of unity holding them together and orchestrates impossibility into their individual lives. So as one flesh with the bond of unity holding the two together to form one, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. But as separate entities, impossibility will definitely have its free play.
Again, Jesus says, if two agree about anything and they ask for same in prayer it shall be done for them by our Father in heaven. So we understand that two getting to agree and then praying is a vital key to success. I am now discovering here that unity and prosperity go hand in hand. Where you find unity of two in goal and purpose there also you find success and prosperity.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 says “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” I am also discovering and I believe you are too that unity precedes victory. So if you desire victory over the challenges of your life, then first mend the bond of unity between you and your spouse. Jesus said a house that is divided against itself cannot stand.
It is true your wife is not perfect, and it is very true that she has so many shortfalls that you have to cope with. But if you must succeed on all your assignments assigned to you by God and have victory over the challenges of life that will come your way, its important you make that woman your best friend and do all that is needful to ensure that she is one people with you and you both are speaking the same language.
That husband of yours may not be as loving as you wished him to be, he may not even be as kind as you would think you deserve for a husband, but you need to be one with him in flesh and spirit to have your destiny fulfilled and your life balanced. The impossibilities of your life will go away if you start to work on the bond of unity between you and your husband rather than work against it. 

1 Samuel 25:2-3
A certain man in Maon, who had property there at Carmel, was very wealthy. He had a thousand goats and three thousand sheep, which he was shearing in Carmel. His name was Nabal and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and beautiful woman, but her husband was surly and mean in his dealings – he was a Calebite.  

Above is the description of a couple and I would like to round off with this. These two people are entirely different in composition, the wife was intelligent and beautiful while the husband was surly and mean yet they were a very wealthy couple basically because they were one people. The wife knowing who her husband was (character wise), was always readily on hand to cover up his mess. If we read through the whole story in 1 Samuel 25, we will observe how Abigail hastily corrected her husband’s wrong before king David. But irrespective of Nabal’s attitude, he had a wife who was one with him in flesh and spirit and so he succeeded and was a very wealthy man.  
From the revelation of the word of word God I will conclude that the by-products of unity are success, victory, prosperity and peace. So a united marriage is one that will be successful, victorious, peaceful and prosperous. It is also important to note that unity in the home is a thing that couples have to consciously work at developing and attaining. Unity will not just appear in the marriage, it is sought after and worked towards by both spouses in the marriage with an attainable goal as a focus. Quarrels and misunderstandings will come up in the marriage, issues that will threaten the unity of the marriage will always come up every now and then, but each spouse in the marriage will consciously ensure that they remove any and everything that will remove their focus from the goal ahead which is unity in order to enjoy the benefits that comes with it. Fights in the marriage should be settled quickly, misunderstandings should be handled with wisdom and promptly not allowed to linger so that the eyes of the couple is allowed to stay fixed on the goal (unity) in order to enjoy its reward. Each spouse should have absolute control over their emotions, not allowing the negative emotions over-run its bound and eroding the focus off the goal of unity. One of the big secret to success for the married couple in that one word called unity. Where there is unity there surely will be prosperity and peace. May the Lord bless our marriage.

Books I authored are now available in hard copy. You can get details of the books and order a copy by just clicking here or by clicking on the book of your choice. They are also available on, links are provided under each book title. Get copies for yourselves and sow into the lives of your loved ones. These books are guaranteed to make big and positive impact in your life and that of your loved ones. You and yours are blessed in Jesus Name.

1 comment:

  1. Bimboh Chekwas9 May 2016 at 14:08

    This is the best post on Marriage I have ever read. I am so richly blessed and must spread the words. Thanks and God bless you real good!


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