I am thanking God for another month ending on a praise note.
With the gift of live comes also the gift of hope. So as long as we are still
breathing God is not finished with us yet.
So tonight I will share another story and a very
interesting one too. I pray that this story does not just bless us with information,
but with lessons that will help us be better spouses in our marriage to the
glory of God.
A wonderful young wife discovered after several years of
waiting on God for the fruit of the womb that she cannot conceive due to some medical issues that has
affected her womb. This devastated her a great deal but for whatever reason she
chose not to share this with her husband of several years. Rather than open up
to her husband, she concealed the information and recoiled to herself and became a zombie wife literarily.
She would not communicate with her husband and always had several reasons and
excuses to avoid sex with him. Though she became close to God, yet estranged
from her husband.
The husband on his part noticed the drastic change in his
wife and several entreaties to make her open up on what was wrong with her fell
on deaf ears. Soon they became two complete strangers living under the same
roof with absolutely no attachment between them. And months after, the husband stopped eating at
home and the wife just didn’t mind, yet she will cook his food and the husband will not
eat and she won’t even persuade him to.
With days running into months and no light seem to be at
the end of the tunnel of their marriage, the husband began an extra marital affair. Though
he loved his wife very much and would want to know what was eating her up, yet
he needed a companion; he needed to be loved too. So there was this lady offering
herself to him effortlessly and even with his initial rejection, she wouldn't give up and there is his wife on whom he is hocked but who seem not to bother about his
feeling at all. So he succumbed to pressure and started an affair with this lady and got
all the attention he needed, but still his love remained with his wife.
On this faithful night the wife was out of the home on an
outing they were supposed to be attending together but which the husband missed out on carelessly.
Noting that he had hurt his wife’s feelings by not attending the function with her, he decided to impress her by
cleaning the house in a manner he knew would impress her. In the course of his
cleaning he discovered his wife’s medical report, read the doctor's diagnosis and then realized why she had
been estranged from him for close to a year. Rather than get angry, he felt
relieved that finally he knows what the big issue was.
On the wife’s return he sat her down and asked her why she
kept such vital and sensitive information from him. It was a matter that
concerns them both and it was a mutual problem that he should have been a part of from the onset. He made his wife realize that
he didn’t marry her just for babies and there is still a God who make
impossible possible. That night they made up and the husband began his search for
a cure or any possible solutions to his wife’s ailment. He searched on the
internet to know more on the diagnosis of his wife and it became more of his
problem than that of his wife.
But there remains the outside mistress. Now that the
internal problem between the husband and the wife has been resolved; the
husband arranged a final meeting with the outside mistress to dissolve the relationship between them. But
the mistress will hear nothing of such. She is now threatening to reveal their
affair to the wife and later came up with pregnancy report stating that she is pregnant
for the husband.
The dilemma in this story is that the husband does not want
any shocks on his marriage again. He is scared to open up to his wife about his
sins (his extra marital affair) to his wife knowing fully well that she will not be so forgiving. He is also aware that before he got married to his wife, she once
had her heart broken by a guy she dated and that affected her health a great
deal, so he is scared what effect this revelation might have on her. Now he
does not know what to do.
My Take on This Story
In as much as I feel like excusing this husband for
cheating on his wife, I will say that it’s unacceptable. Yes, he loves his wife
and has tried so hard to understand the cause of the rift in their marriage and make amends, yet
this story didn’t indicate that he prayed and fasted for God’s intervention in
his dying marriage of which he didn’t even know its disease. Rather than pray
he feel prey of the vultures in the desert waiting for a lifeless marriage to
feast on.
Coming to the wife, I am still finding it hard to
comprehend why she kept such information from her husband and then choose to
react negatively to him instead. Was she blaming him for her predicament or was
she trying to push him away? I still don’t get it. The Bible says in
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 that two are better than one and if one should fall his
friend will lift him up. In all of her going to church and serving God, didn’t she
learn this? I understand that fear of the unknown and not being able to
determine what the husband’s reaction can be might make her hold up such a
thing to herself for some time, but that should not be for too long, and she
should not have sent her husband packing out of her emotional life for a thing
that isn’t his fault.
But after all said and done, the first solution to the
matter at hand is for both of them to go back to God in prayer. Forgive each other on misjudgment they have made and sins committed. The husband needs to prayer and seek God as he makes up his mind to approach his wife. We learned in Proverbs 21:1
that the hearts of kings and princes are in the hands of the Lord; He directs
it like a watercourse wherever He pleases. So the Lord will direct the heart of
your wife to forgive you when you have pray to God about this situation. You then take the next important step of telling your wife about your sins yourself. Trust me, it safer she hears from you in a sober mood and with a repentant presentation than for her to hear
it from someone else. When you quickly cross that huddle you can face the major
task ahead which is the diagnosis of the doctors on your wife's fertility.
I strongly believe in the recovery of this marriage and I
pray that the enemy will not have room to steal their joy again.