Monday, 20 February 2017

How She Erased Infidelity from Her Marriage for Good

I want to welcome you all to another week and I bless God because I am positive that it will be a very productive week in Jesus name.

I am not sure if I have shared this story before, but I wish to share it again. And if this is the first time of it coming on this blog, I am positive this story will bless a soul and heal a marriage in Jesus name.

There is this lady who had been married for over 10yrs, and her marriage had been characterized by various challenges from very frequent quarrels and arguments to absolute lack of love in the marriage. On face value, everyone who sees these couples will conclude that all was well between them, but within them it was just a very thin line that held the marriage together. It was a marriage of no trust, no love, no care, no respect and every good thing that makes a beautiful home was lacking in this one. But of all the problems that had overwhelmed this marriage, the big of them all was infidelity. The husband had transferred all the love he should have invested in his wife and children on strange women outside his marriage.

He would smile and play with strange women, exchange love messages to them, care for their feelings and well-being, but for his wife, it was constant war. Nothing she did seemed good enough and whenever she complained, it was another round of insults and quarrels.

In the middle of all her marital woes, this wife developed a relationship with God and she began to pray. She also resolved to reading and her Bible and in no time began to unfold the secret to a successful marriage. She learned to submit to her husband; and you will agree with me that submission to a husband who loves and cares for you is quite easy, but when you have to submit to a husband who disdains you, it’s a very big challenge. She literarily had to depend on God to help her through with submitting to her mean husband.

Her marriage began to improve as she continued to lean on God to submit to her husband. She had to learn submission for about two years before her marriage started having the slightest feel of a normal marriage. But there still remained the issue of strange women in the life of her husband which she dears not mention or the peace that had begun to find its way into her marriage would fade away again. So in tears she began to pray.

Anytime she had an argument with her husband over the issue of the strange women in his life and her husband responded harshly she would cry to God. And on one occasion she had argued with her husband over the issue of a particular female friend of his of which she felt the friendship between him and the lady was a little closer than normal. After her husband left the house, she laid on her bed and again began to cry and pray. On this one occasion the Lord visited her and promised her that, that will be the last time she would ever have to cry over the infidelity of her husband.

Soon after that, she noticed that her husband was always home early and was becoming very loving towards her and their children. He wouldn’t honor his friend’s invitation for hang-outs and he would always just want to be close to his wife. The wife found this strange but she was enjoying what her marriage was turning out to be. She had totally forgotten about her prayers to God of months back and even forgotten God’s promise to her. All she knew was that her husband loved her much more than before, and she was enjoying every bit of it.

Then one night her husband made a confession to her that he had a one-fight sex affair with a woman he met for the first time several months ago. Strangely though, the wife was not offended, neither was she troubled. She simply asked her husband if he wore a protective rubber while at it and when he answered in the affirmative, she also asked if he was still seeing the lady after the one-night event and he responded that he never saw the lady again after that night. That was all that was said on the issue and the both them continued their marriage as though nothing ever happened.

The calmness of the wife over this confession initially made the husband sober and scared. He had expected a worse reaction but when he waited a couple of days and no issue was raised on the matter again by the wife, that made him love and respect her the more. And gradually the husband began to adore his wife; everyday was a new and beautiful day in their marriage.

After months, the husband called the wife and told her he had more confessions to make. Still the wife was calm and asked what it was. The husband told her he didn’t reveal the whole truth in his first confession and that in truth the rubber he wore in the course of the intercourse busted and it was as though he didn’t use any protection.

Still being calm, the wife asked if the lady in question was pregnant for him, but he responded to the negative and said he had not seen or heard from her since the incident happened. It was then that the wife realized that her husband was afraid that he might have contacted some deadly diseases from his one night show and the fear of the possibility of that had made him stay away from strange women. For months the husband could not bring himself to go for a medical check-up for fear of what the result would be and still the wife loved him like nothing ever happened. The thought of the possibility of dying had humbled him and made him change from his wayward ways.

After a while the husband went for a comprehensive medical check-up and was given a clean bill. But that served as a lesson for him and ever since then he was faithful to his wife alone. The calmness and support this wife gave to her husband during the period of his self-torture from his wayward life style made him love and respect her like he had never before. And since then he adored his wife like he should. 

One afternoon, while the wife was cleaning the house, she heard the voice of God speak to her reminding her of God’s promise to erase infidelity in her marriage for good. She laughed within her and praised God knowing that there was nothing she did or could have done that would have made her husband change from his sinful ways safe of God’s intervention. It was only God that could put the fear of sin of adultery in his life and sustain it there. Today their marriage is at peace and there is so much love between them like it had never existed before.

I would say that it takes great grace to do what this wife did and endure what she endured. But God’s grace is available to us all if we are willing to hand our issues over to God and leave it dear. God will not just solve the problem, He will also will also give you the calmness of spirit to sustain you while He takes care of the issue. It’s just like having the doctor administer anesthetics on a patient to calm the patient and ease the pain while he carries out a surgery on the patient to cure an ailment. This is what God is all about when we let Him take care of our issues for us. It always does not have to end in a divorce and your marriage was never designed to break. It just needs you to connect with God and it will all be sorted out if you'll let go and let God. 

I just love stories like this, and I hope you have learned from it. 

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