Based on God’s design, marriage is complementary. One spouse is supposed to support the other, and they are both to lift each other up. The Bible has taught us that they are no longer two but one flesh. The idea of who owns what or who is more successful than the other in marriage is foolish in its totality. The definition of success for couples is not related to how much money each has in their account as the simple-minded see it. It is how much they have excelled in fulfilling their God-given assignment towards each other. Success is sweet when you look at your spouse and see your impact on his/her achievement. A very common proverb says, "Behind every successful man is a woman," but in the real and ideal sense, it should be, "Behind every successful man should be his wife."
As a wife, the pride of your achievement should be that your
husband is successful. You don’t have to put money in his pocket to make that
happen; let God handle that assignment. You don’t even have to provide an
opportunity for a breakthrough; that also is for God to do. It is God who opens
doors of opportunities. But you can sure put in the prayers and fasting; you
can add calmness of the environment to your contribution when you give him
peace of mind, and you are not quarrelsome or nagging all the time. When you don’t throw insults at him, and you acknowledge and appreciate his little efforts even when they appear insufficient. When you support the home with your
widow’s might and never talk about it. When you become a listening ear for him
and never shame him—a place of comfort when he needs someone to talk to and
unburden his mind to without judging him or providing unsolicited advice. When
you don’t make him feel belittled or compare him to his money-bag peers or your
friend’s wealthy husband.
All these do not require you to play God and try to shoulder
the responsibilities that are really not yours. They are just the little things
that go a long way to boost your husband's confidence and give him that
fighting spirit and the determination to stand up and fight when life’s issues try
to knock him down. Proverbs 27:15 says a quarrelsome wife is like a constant
dripping. A quarrelsome wife adds no value but instead drains value. No matter
the justification a wife has for being a value drainer, it is still not good
enough an excuse for God. Such a wife is not fulfilling her God-given assignment
in her husband's life. Proverbs 16:24 tells us that pleasant words are like a
honeycomb: sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. You bring healing
into your husband’s life simply by using pleasant words. These are not my words
but treasured wisdom from the Bible.
But this issue goes both ways. A man who feels threatened by
the success of his wife is actually not ready for success in his own life. He
is going nowhere and is just dragging his wife into the mud with him. If not
for the reason of absolute foolishness, if God gives you a wife and then says
this wife is an embodiment of His favor in your life (Proverbs 18:22), and all you
do is hinder her from being all that God has called her to be, then you
shortchange yourself. Your wife is your support system; if you fail to let her
gather enough resources to support you with, then when you need her to come through for
you, she will be empty, and it will be
all your fault.
A man with the mind of Christ in him will want for his wife
what he wants for himself, as Paul taught us in Ephesians 5:25-30. As a husband,
your wife is a reflection of your leadership qualities. Your scorecard in terms
of success is not in how much you possess in your bank account but how well you
have faired as a husband and father. Even with the most impossible wife, a wise
man will know how to bring out the best in her for himself.
In teaching men how to handle their wives, Paul said in
the manner in which Christ sanctified the church, cleansing her with the word
and presenting her to Himself, so also should a man take care of his wife so
that he can present her to himself as a glorious bride. Sanctifying, cleansing,
caring for, and loving your wife is not limited to putting money in her bank account. In
fact, sometimes, that is far from what God wants. But it can mean enabling her
to soar, giving her room to be the virtuous woman who finds a field and buys it
with her profit, whose trade is profitable and her merchandise is good,
understanding that on account of the strength in her arms, you, her husband can
sit at the city gates with elders.
There are many unfounded reasons why men shy away from
enabling their wives to become all that God has given them the potential to be.
Most of these reasons originate from man's insecurity. But pursuing
these insecurities amounts to you short-changing yourself.
As I said in the first chapter of the blog, marriage is a “we”
business with both partners supporting the other for growth and destiny fulfillment.
They complement each other, which is why Solomon rightly says two are better
than one, for they have a good reward for their labor. Your spouse is not a
treat in your life but one that should make the journey of life easier and
challenges easy to overcome; when one falls, the other is readily available to
lift him up. That is the wisdom of God in marriage.