Friday, 25 July 2014

The Time Factor

Good morning beautiful people of God, I trust the Lord that we've all had a wonderful week, now it weekend again. It's so nice when we eagerly wait for the weekend to come and we can relax and rest from the busy schedule of the week gone by. But in as much as we look forward to the weekend, one important truth is that time is ticking and the days are going by.
Not too long ago it seemed like, that we began the year 2014, and today we have gone past half of the year and the month of July is rolling to an end. In no time at all the year 2014 will be regarded as history. As time is ticking and moving fast, our individual journey on earth is also marching on. Our days of existence is moving, and the question that we need to always remind ourselves of is if we are making good use of our time.
The Bible tells us that we should learn to number our days, that we might apply our hearts to wisdom. That tells us the importance of being conscious of time and making the most of it. Time is a factor that is very independent of all other factors. It does not recognize anyone and respects no-one. Those who have used their time wisely have the rewards to show for it, while those who are yet to take full advantage of time as a factor are still in the business of foolishness of envying those who use their time wisely and they are busy criticizing other people's success.
One truth that I have found out with the time factor is that it can be easily neglected, and in some cases totally disregarded to our own detriment and disadvantage. Also it so happens that very unnecessary and unimportant issues can so easily steal our time away while we are not watching and if we do not check this quickly we might have lost very valuable opportunities that life holds for us.
Time is so valuable that it should not be spent chasing shadows. In pursuing your genuine and godly dreams, don't waste any time on failed projects. Be wise enough to recognize your mistakes early and make necessary corrections before the factor called time runs off with your valuable opportunities.
If you are one who is lazy and unconscious of time, then you need not complain when hunger and lack becomes your trademark. Proverbs 10:4-5 says "Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands brings wealth. He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son." This passage shows me something interesting and that is: there is a time factors attached to wealth. So diligent hands doing the right things at the right time are assured of wealth. You can't sleep during harvest (harvest time and time factor) and expect to gather wealth. So if you have not invested your time in doing something productive, then you should not expect to earn returns on work not done.
So if we have spent the first seven months of the year not being conscious of time and putting our time into productive purpose, then its time to make a change. The Lord will bless the work of our hands, and the crops of our field, He will also bless our kneading trough and so many other promises found in Deuteronomy 28:1-13. But one thing the Lord will not bless is our waste of time.

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