Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Diligent Hands

Good to share a word with the beautiful people of God again this evening. May the Lord always bless someone with His word shared on this blog in Jesus Name.
The last post I shared was a little reawakening word for us on the issue of time as we come to the realization that this year is fast approaching its end. For some, quite a lot of expectations have been met, while for others there are still a handful of issues to wait on God for and I pray that you will not wait on the Lord in vain because those who put their trust in God are never put to shame.

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

Proverbs 12:11
He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement.

Proverbs 12:24
Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labour.

Proverbs 10:4
Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.

By the grace of God, I am trusting the Lord to speak to someone through today's post on the importance of not giving up. When you read through the words of Solomon in the passages quoted, one would have interpreted diligent in those passages to mean hard work, since it is used in direct contrast to laziness. But I am persuaded to check up the meaning of diligent from the dictionary. So I found diligent to mean the following: (1) Constant in effort to accomplish something: attentive and persistent in doing anything. (2) Done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking.
With this truth in mind, let us consider the words of Solomon again. First it says "diligent hands will rule" and second, it says, "diligent hands  bring wealth." So we have two things that are synonymous to diligence and they are wealth and leadership. These are the two end gains of those who are diligent in the work they do. They will be able to gather wealth and rule in their field of work.
Now one thing we need to bear in mind is that diligent hands are not working hard hands, but they are hands who do not relent but persist in their pursuit and persevere when they meet obstacles in the way of their dreams until they reach their goal.
If one works so hard but gets tired along the way and gives up the pursuits, they are not guaranteed of the end result or goal of their pursuit because they did not see it through to the end. Don't work as though it is a crime to rest, but that you pursue your dreams and work at your goal one step at a time, not giving up but learning from your mistakes and be ready and willing to try again.
One secret that can help you become diligent with your work is when you work at it as if you were working for the Lord. When you make God the boss of your work, it enables you work with all your heart. It also keeps you going when you come across obstacles and feel like giving up.
I do not advocate that a man overworks himself, but in the pursuit of your dreams, be persistent, be committed, learn to persevere and lastly be attentive. The word of God will never lie, if you put all these attributes to your work, surely it will bring you wealth and you will rule in the field of your expertise because by the time you approach the finish line you would have learnt enough to make you a master of your trade.
Just as I share this, I also learn from it and will not give up on my dreams.

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