Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Communication: A Very Vital Component Of A Successful Marriage

It’s another beautiful day and another wonderful and gracious opportunity to share the active and alive word of God with the wonderful people of God. I bless God always for finding me worthy a vessel to use in blessing His people. I am positive that just as little drops of water makes a mighty ocean, so is the little things shared on this blog making meaningful impact in the marriages of God’s chosen people and soon we will see a massive turnaround in many marriages for good in Jesus Name and all the glory will go back to God alone.
So again we’ll take a series of learning from the throne of God on the importance of communication in marriage. I trust the Lord to teach us to be able to use our ability to hear and process information to grow our marriage into a master piece of success.

Proverbs 18:13
He who answers before listening –
that is his folly and shame.

Proverbs 17:28
Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent,
and discerning if he hold his tongue

As lead by the Spirit of God, I want to begin this small message with this two Bible scriptures and trust the Lord to open to us the depth of what is contained in this few lines. To say that communication is vital for any successful marriage is to say the least, because I still do not understand how two people can effectively leave together, love each other and help each other grow into the success that God has destined them to be without being able to communicate effectively with one another? The breakdown of communication is any marriage is the beginning of the breakdown of that marriage itself. So we will be learning from the word of God how we can maintain an effective flow of communication in the home.
For both the man and his wife the Bible says it is better to listen and discern before speaking. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” So how do we use our tongues to bring life rather than death to our marriages? Are we such a people that are unable to put a check on our tongues in order to sustain the life of our marriage or are we such people that are just interested in airing our opinions irrespective of its effects on our marriage?
I will first try to speak to the women, this is because they are the ones assigned by God to build the home and so they need all the help they can get in order to fulfill this assignment effectively for God. It is often assumed that women nag a lot, they are the talkative in the home and they talk till they incur the wrath of their husbands. Well that is not always the case. I have spoken to a number of women who have complained that their husbands are so nagging that it's almost becoming unbearable. A little mistake on their part and the husband goes on and on and on non-stop in scolding them as if he were talking to a brainless little child, and that it’s almost impossible not to respond to those nagging mostly especially if they have apologized and still the husband will not stop nagging.
Sincerely I fell these women, cause I have found myself in that situation one too many times. But we know that our assignment is to God and that assignment is to build rather than destroy and we also know that the product of our tongue has the capacity to either produce life or death, and so we won’t throw caution in the air and also speak carelessly. It is important that as a wife the product of your tongue produces life rather than death in keeping with the assignment that God has given you to fulfill in the life of your husband and your home. Proverbs 15:1 says “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”   
God has given us the power of self-control and do we use that power or not is a very important aspect of our marriage that we should note. When your spouse communicates a thing to you in a not-so-good manner and he/she uses an unacceptable approach and your response is with a gentle answer as Proverbs 15:1 says, won’t you agree with me that great damage has been averted simply by your positive and calm response. And if you carry on like this non-stop day in and day out, you are building an enviable marriage for all to see and desire or even copy. It is just a matter of time before the life of your spouse is touched and changed by your calm and peaceful disposition. Then you will win him/her over to God not by word but by the reverence and purity of your life.
I will close this write up with this few words from the book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 14:3
A fool’s talk brings a rod to his back, but the lips of the wise protect them.

Proverbs 18:6-7
A fool’s lips brings him strife, and his mouth invites a beating
A fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul.

So I charge all married couples to be watchful of the product of their mouth. For the wives I will say this: if you desire a successful marriage and you are focused on fulfilling your God given assignment in your marriage then you need to ensure that the product of your lips are pure and peaceful. No matter what you are facing in marriage, prayerful deal with what you fill yourself with in order to ensure that what goes out of your mouth are words that builds up and not words that tears apart. May the Lord bless our homes. 

Books I authored are now available in hard copy. You can get details of the books and order a copy by just clicking here or by clicking on the book of your choice. They are also available on createspace.com, links are provided under each book title. Get copies for yourselves and sow into the lives of your loved ones. These books are guaranteed to make big and positive impact in your life and that of your loved ones. You and yours are blessed in Jesus Name.

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