Tuesday, 8 March 2016

The Importance Of Wisdom In Marriage

Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Proverbs 24:3-4
By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established;
Through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Its another beautiful day and another beautiful opportunity to share the beauty of God’s word. Over and over again we keep coming across negative stories about marriage and in most cases it appears as though the wife is the victim. The next question to ask God then would be is it okay by God to allow His beloved daughters waste away in the hands of cruel men in the name of husbands? If God is not partial why then will He allow some women have understanding husbands and a beautiful marriage while He allows other women fall into the hands of monsters as husbands? These questions are issues I will trust the Lord to answer for us in this blog post and a series of blog post that will be coming up in the course of the week. If you are such a person who wants to hear God’s response and learn the secret of enjoying a peaceful marriage, then I will beg you to follow on the blog posts that I will be sharing in the course of the coming days
In Genesis 2:18 after God had created all things and certified that they were good, He looked around and realized there was still one thing missing. Yes, the man God created was good, but he was not perfect, and so God decided to create perfection in him by creating from him a woman that will fill in the gaps of perfection in the man. So one truth that we as wives should always know and understand and appreciate is that what will bring about the perfection that we so long for and desire in our husbands resides in us. We are the entity that God has placed in the lives of the man to complete him and perfect him. What is required to make your husband perfect as God has designed him to be is within you his wife. No wonder Solomon says in Proverbs 18:22 that “he who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favour from God.” He also said in Proverbs 12:4 that “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like a decay in his bones.” With what Solomon is saying, the input of a wife in the life of her husband has a lot to do with the turn out of the husband’s character. Just like it is important for the man to sow good seeds in the life of his wife, so also is it equally important for the wife to sow good seed in the life of her husband.
So as a woman how do we go about this task of helping our husbands become perfect if indeed we are the entity required to bring about the perfection in our husband’s life that we desire. In the theme passage of this blog post, Solomon said a wise woman builds her house. That tells is that wisdom is the most active virtue that a woman requires in order to attain success in marriage. A godly and wise woman will in no doubt make a very success wife to a successful man.
According to what the Bible reveals to us in Proverbs 24:3-4, it is only by wisdom can a house and your marital home be built, no other way round it will work. If you are having problems with your marriage the big advice I will give to you is to pray to God for wisdom to build your home. You need wisdom to be the God given suitable helper that God has made you in the life of your husband.
I have come to realize that there is no husband who is faultless, as long as he is human and has red blood flowing through his veins, he will get on your nerves, he will upset you and make you angry every now and then. And big of all, he will betray your trust, he will disappoint you on more than just one occasion, but when you have the wisdom of God you will be able to grow beyond the betrayal and still remain the God given helper that God has appointed you to be in his life.
Without God given wisdom, you will remain a foolish wife who tears her house down with her own hands. By saying wisdom I don’t mean getting advise from friends who don’t understand what you are facing and the peculiarity of your spouse or the assignment God has given to you to do in his life, but seeking wisdom from God who created your husband and molded you from him to be his suitable helper. Because it is God that created your husband, He knows perfectly how to handle him. He also created you from him and so knows perfectly well what He has placed in you that should bring about the perfection that is required in the life of your husband. These are deep things that you possess but might never know are there within you or might never know how to use it. Your friend or mother or sister or even the paid counselor isn’t going through your stuff with you, so they have very little understanding of what it takes to be a wife to your husband. But God know because He formed you both in your mothers' wombs.
After you have gained wisdom, also seek understanding, know the pattern and trend of your spouse and handle him with the knowledge of who you know him to be. Some men are by nature introverts while others are extroverts; some are cool headed, while some are short fused. Humans are by nature irrational, you cannot generalize behavioral traits as though men are static, human behavior is not constant. So the Bible says you will build your house with wisdom, establish it through understanding and beautify it through knowledge.
The issue of building a matrimonial home is an individualistic experience and no one but God can help you build it no matter how close the person or group of people are to you. Your mother cannot build your matrimonial home for you no matter how she much of love she has for you. She can prepare you in advance and give you bits of guideline that might or might not be applicable to your circumstance as your husband’s traits might be totally different from the experience she has. So if you are one to depend on your parents to help you build your home, permit me to say without sounding judgmental that you are foolish and with your own hands you will work at tearing your house apart.
In as much as it helps to seek help from those who have godly experience and they can share with you from their wealth of experience whereby you pick what you know will work for you and drop what the Lord has laid on your heart that will not work, but the ultimate responsibility lies in your hands to build your home. Seek God for help, work with the instructions He lays on your heart and follow through diligently and you will enjoy positive and lasting result that will give you peace. 

Books I authored are now available in hard copy. You can get details of the books and order a copy by just clicking here or by clicking on the book of your choice. They are also available on createspace.com, links are provided under each book title. Get copies for yourselves and sow into the lives of your loved ones. These books are guaranteed to make big and positive impact in your life and that of your loved ones. You and yours are blessed in Jesus Name.

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