Wednesday, 8 June 2016

A Really Tough Issue In Marriage

A very good evening to the wonderful people of God who take the time to read posts on this blog, I can't and will never stop thanking God for your lives and homes and trusting Him to always do a new thing in your lives and homes through what is shared on this blog.
There are some very difficult or should I say assumed difficult situations we face in marriage and sometimes it appears that God has totally taken His attention off the person involved in that situation. I was chatting with a friend last weekend and we were discussing one of these assumed difficult situations in marriage and this is the line of our gist: We were discussing about ladies who ignorantly got married to gay husbands. I sited a case I had heard of and she also mentioned a similar situation that happened in her church. Unfortunately, both cases happened with very diligent church people who are known to the world as born-again Christians.
This by every sense of human reasoning is a case that adequately qualifies for a divorce. I will not oppose to a divorce in a case like this more so that Jesus permits divorce in cases of sexual immorality (Matthew 19:9) and this is not just sexual immorality in the natural sense, it is the obscene kind of sexual immorality. So in such a case I might not do much of Bible quoting.
But the next question I will probably want answered is why would God watch and allow this kind of marriage take place in the first instance, why didn’t He prevent it from happening and as such prevent His precious daughters from going through the emotional torture of being married to a gay spouse. Well just as faithful as God is, He has provided an answer for me and this I would like to share.
In Genesis 2:18 God said it is not good that the man should be alone and He decided to make a suitable helper for him and that helper happens to be a woman, and not just any woman, a wife for the man who God knows and see needs help. I am very sure you will agree with me that a gay man is a man who desperately needs help. So God who knows the strength He made the woman with and capabilities she possess is sure she can help this gay husband become normal again. It’s a huge task, but with the help of God, she can finish well. God knowing this, didn’t prevent the marriage from taking place but rather waiting to be called upon to wade into the situation. If only the blessed wife will put her emotions on hold and listen to the voice of God on how to handle the situation, the Lord will direct her and work with her till she overcomes the challenge in the life of her spouse and both of them are better off. Is this possible, I will say Yes with every sense of conviction because there is no impossibility with God.
Another question that came to mind that I want to ask God is: Why does God need a woman in order to help a man? Well He has also given me an answer to that and I am going to share it. It is because God made the woman from the man so that she will be the person closest to him. In the design of God there should be no one closer to the man than his wife. And if God will work in the life of a man and will not have to physically leave His throne in heaven to get the work done, He will work through the closest person to the man who should be the woman whom He formed from the rib of the man.
So by the grace of God I will conclude this by saying that in this kind of extreme case of marriage challenge that is tangled with sexual immorality that involves homosexuality, I will not frowned at the mention of divorce. But if the wife is able to look beyond her husband and his mighty shortfall and look to Jesus to uphold her and help me bring about a glorious change in the life of her husband she will be doing God a great service and winning a precious soul into God’s kingdom. 

In the coming post I will be discussing issues bothering on sex in marriage and dealing with external interference in marriage so please be on the lookout.

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