Thursday, 30 March 2017

It's Another Gist Day

It’s a beautiful day and to the glory of God we are rounding up the month of March. In no time we will be seeing the end of this year again and by the special grace of God none of us will be missing. I really appreciate those who have called and sent personal messages to me on noticing that I stopped dropping posts on the blog. I am so very grateful for your thoughtfulness. I just took off some days to compile all the previous posts into one space in form of a book as I have gotten several requests for this. I am still in the process of getting that accomplished but still on request I am resuming posting here. So I pray for grace to be able to combine both tasks and by the grace of God we will all finish well to the glory of God in Jesus name.
On reading and vetting all the posts on this blog for over three years, I am amazed at the depth of what the Lord has opened our hearts to know and understand in marriage. If I am to be truthful, I will say that I have learned a great deal from things shared on this blog and I have a wonderful marriage to show for it.
In today’s post I want to share a rather funny marriage story. Although this story might appear kind of funny, but it is causing break-ups of many marriages. Its kind of strange what excuse the devil holds on to, to destroy many homes.
There is this married lady whose marriage is in serious trouble owing to the fact that she discontinued her birth control plan without her husband’s consent and then got pregnant for her husband. The husband is threatening to either send her out of the house or move out of the house for her just because she disobeyed him. He feels betrayed and the new incoming addition into the family is seen as an unwanted disruption of the man’s plan rather than a blessing.
This story is not a case in isolation as there are many marriages experiencing hiccups at the moment owing to a new baby in the family that is considered unwanted or unplanned for. As a matter of fact I know a lady who had a baby about 6months ago and the husband is yet to come to terms with the new princess in their home. So we will trust God to teach us on how to go about this kind of situation and how to resolve such issues.
Submission/Obedience, love, wisdom, communication and trust are very important ingredient for a successful marriage. Every other additive such as understanding, sex, money and so on, are spices to marriage but they are not the core ingredient to a successful marriage. But above all is your relationship with God, because that is where you obtain all the core values you need for a good marriage and even the additive spices too and then the power to have all the values work perfectly well for your good.
With that said I want to address the woman who discontinued her birth control plan outside of the knowledge and consent of her husband. I will say she called the wrath of her husband upon herself. If you and your husband were in agreement to control childbirth, then both of you should be in the know if the plans are changing. If and when you want to have more children, pray to God about it and ask the Lord to prepare the heart of your husband to accept you request with favor. The Lord will do for you beyond what you have asked for and you will find out that even before you present the matter to him, your husband is already giving the issue a thought on his own.
What you have done is deceitful and the consequence of what you have done is what you are faced with at the moment. But going forward you will return to the throne of God and pray for forgiveness. Then you go and beg your husband and plead with him to forgive you and have a mind never to do such again. Not just with having babies, but when you have agreed on a thing with your husband, let it stay sacrosanct. The success of your marriage is keyed on your ability to keep an agreement.
But for those who have not intentionally bridged any agreement to stop child bearing but just by the will of God an unplanned baby is gifted to you by God and your spouse isn’t too excited about this addition, you shouldn’t lose any sleep or get anxious. Just pray and lay the situation at the feet of Jesus. He will handle it and that child will eventually be a diamond in the heart of your husband.
I was once in that shoes; my last child who will be 3years in about 9days time was one child we didn’t plan for. We had three children prior to him and that was enough quiver full for us. I was on a birth control plan that was not working well with my system and I had to discontinue on doctor’s advice. I discussed with my husband and he agreed that I discontinue with that option. So I opted for another birth control plan and my husband instructed that I discontinue that one too because he was afraid of its side-effect. So I tried a third option which had almost zero accuracy. And then I got pregnant. But the interesting thing is that about 4days before I discovered I was pregnant, my husband and I had listened to a message on the spiritual dangers of abortion. As a born-again Christian having an abortion would never be an option for me, but that message helped my husband make up his mind about the coming baby. Today that child holds the key to my husband’s heart.

I really do pray that we have learned a valuable lesson from this and pray that such as excuse as this will not break up marriages again. May the Lord bless our marriages. 

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