is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. It’s
another day to be alive and another opportunity not to waste. So we will share
the truth of the word of God and pray that the living God speaks to us and we
will leave this blog with valuable lessons in Jesus name.
will be the last of the series on overseer husband and I believe that we have
learned a lot and the Lord is working in the hearts of men to make them into
the kind of men that He intends them to be.
1 Timothy 3:1-5
Here is a trustworthy
saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.
Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife,
temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given
to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with
proper respect. (If anyone does not mange his own family, how can he take care
of God’s church?)
the grace of God I will make this post a short one because I believe that the
very important points have been dealt with in the last two posts.The
ninth and tenth points are quite similar so we can just lump them as one.
Violent But Gentle, Not Quarrelsome: I want to believe that an overseer husband
who is temperate, self-controlled, respectable, above reproach and hospitable
has earned for himself the quality of gentleness along with all these that he
already possesses. There are some men who when offended outside the home, come back home
and pure their venom of anger on their family; so to say that their family
becomes their object of frustration. Well what you are doing to yourself in ignorance
is that you are maltreating and disdaining the favor of God for your life. No
matter what the situation is outside the home, your home is not and should not
be the dumping ground for your emotional outburst. You are the head of your
home and the shepherd over them and your assignment is to protect your sheep,
shield them and take care of them and not scatter them because of lack of emotional control.
big of all the attributes of the overseer husband is the last one which says, “He must manage his own family well and see
to it that his family obey him with proper respect.” This is God telling
the shepherd over the household that he should take very good care of the sheep
under his watch and ensure they display good discipline by obeying the shepherd
over them. Jesus said in John 10:3-5 repeatedly that His sheep know His voice
and they follow Him because they know His voice; and they will not follow a
stranger because they do not recognize the voice of the stranger. This is the
manner in which an overseer husband ought to relate with his family; as a good
shepherd whose sheep knows his voice and follow him. Not like a cruel stranger.
husband overseer is a man prepared and ready to do great works for the Lord. He
is a man who has proven himself faithful in the small responsibility handed over
to him and shown himself ready for greater works. If you have mastered these
attributes in your small family unit then displaying them on a larger platform
becomes a work-over for you. As we start this new year, I pray that our
husbands will be overseer husbands and their lives will be vessels of noble
purpose in the hands of the living God in Jesus name.