another gracious morning, and another glorious reason to thank God. I feel so
grateful, not just to be alive, but to also be well and healthy. Just like
everyone else, I have concerns, and I have battles that I am facing and
challenges that are distracting my attention and in it all I am still going to praise God
with all of my life because He loves more than I deserve. And I am alive and
able only because of God’s loving grace. I encourage you to have the same
attitude of looking beyond your present troubles and focus on Jesus. He makes
all the difference.
today we will continue on the attributes of the “Overseer Husband” that we started
with yesterday, and I pray that we will be able to learn more lessons from it
and apply them in our lives to make us totally different people, a kind of
people that makes God’s heart leap with joy.
1 Timothy 3:1-5
Here is a trustworthy
saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.
Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife,
temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given
to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.
He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with
proper respect. (If anyone does not mange his own family, how can he take care
of God’s church?)
We've looked at the first three attributes in yesterday’s post, and so today we
will continue from the fourth.
The dictionary defines self-control as “control or restraint of oneself or one’s
actions, feelings, etc”. But I will like to define self-control as “the ability
to put one’s emotions in check at all times.” So the overseer husband should
not be one given to emotional outburst too often. For an overseer husband,
when confronted with any situation, it is important that you think it through
properly before reacting and not reacting first before thinking it through later. This
is very important, not just the overseer husband, but for every child of God. Your actions are valuable and weighty, spend them wisely.
Again the dictionary meaning of respectable says “worthy of respect or esteem;
estimable; worthy.” So this husband must be someone who has earned the respect of
his family first and the outside world in general. And sincerely this brings to
mind the complaints of some wives whose husbands are so good and kind to the outside world but mean and unkind to their wives and in some other cases even their children. If only the men understand
the important role their wives play in their lives and the kind of value she
carries for them. The first place to show kindness and love is in the home to
your family which consist of your wife and children and then in flows out from
there and not the other way round. The people who hold valuable packages from God
for your life are your wife and children; they should always come first. Those
are the ones you should attach importance to. Your business partners and your
colleagues and friends are like flowers that color the trees and whither in no
time; they are very temporal in your life.
Someone who is hospitable should be a person who is warm, friendly, favorably
receptive, kind, cordial, open, welcoming, sociable and generous. These should
be the attributes of an overseer husband. Not a husband that comes into the
house and the entire family runs into hiding. He should be a husband whose wife
is free to talk to and relate with openly. He should be a father who is both
firm and friendly with his children all in one.
what use is a shepherd whose sheep are running away from or afraid to talk to. If
you are such an overseer in your household I believe it time to make that
positive change. Being the head of the family does not entail be cruel and unkind to those under your authority.
to Teach: Interesting that this is coming just after hospitable, because the
most effective ways to teach is to be close to those whom you want to teach so that you
know their areas of weaknesses and where to put in more effort in teaching, and to teach through the examples they see and copy from you. You cannot instruct someone to go left
while you are going right and be sure they will obey. They might obey while you
are watching but the moment you turn your back, be sure they are doing the
direct opposite of your instruction and just walking behind your footsteps.
Effective leadership is the leadership by example and in other cases the
servant leadership.
Given to Drunkenness: Proverbs 31:4-7 reads, “It is not for kings, O Lemuel –
not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and
forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.
Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish; let
them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more." This is
the scripture that came to mind on the issue of drunkenness, and I will implore
overseer husbands to ask themselves this question; are you in the category of
kings or you belong to those perishing and in anguish. The answer to this
search question tells you what next to do and what God expects of you. If you
have to drink, please do it in moderation and don’t get drunk.
though I would love to finish off on this and then we can gist about another
interesting topic in marriage, I believe I should stop this and continue in the
next post so I don’t get this post too long to read.
am very grateful to God for the revelation of His word to us and personally I
have learned a lot of things. Now I understand God’s standard for my husband
and though I know and acknowledge that I cannot change him personally, I know
how to pray for him.
pray that as we begin the New Year, the men will know better God’s expectations
for their lives and begin to make necessary adjustment where necessary. I also
pray that the wives reading this will understand God’s standard for their
husband and pray the necessary changes into the lives of husbands. Now you have
a better understanding of what should be in your year’s prayer request for your husbands.
May the Lord bless our homes and marriages in Jesus name.
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