Saturday, 31 December 2016

In Marriage, What Does Age Have to do With It.

Hello wonderful people, it’s the last day of the year and I really bless God for the grace we have to be counted among the living today. I watched a Myles Munroe video clip last night and he taught that success is not being rich in material wealth, but success is discovering your purpose of existence and fulfilling that purpose. We are alive today because we have a purpose to fulfill for the Lord, it’s important we find that purpose and run with it. I wish us all a very fruitfully blessed and prosperous 2017 in Jesus name.

I had promised in my post yesterday to share another story, but the Holy Spirit is leading me in another direction and in this joint venture of ours He is the boss and He calls the shots, so permit me to deviate a little.

Today I will share on the issue of age and marriage. I have been asked if it’s okay for a woman to marry a man who is younger than her in age and what the Bible says of such a union.

Well so far in my search of the word of God I have not yet come across any scripture passage where God stated categorically that a woman must marry a man older than her in age or otherwise, but the closest I have come across the issue of age and marriage is the fact that as at the time Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah, Abraham was a 100years old while Sarah was 90years old. So Abraham was 10years than his wife Sarah. Other than this, there is no speculated age difference that should be between a man and his wife or whether that a man should be older or younger than his wife.

But that said, God instructed that a wife should submit to her husband as unto the Lord and in all things (Ephesians 5:22-24, 1 Peter 3:1-6, Colossians 3:18). So whether you choose to marry a man who is older or younger than you, the important instruction that you should bear in mind is that this man becomes your head once he becomes your husband and you are to obey him and submit to him like you would submit to God.

You should be ready to sit when he says sit, and you should be ready to stand when he says stand without questioning his authority. When you are ready to willingly submit to his authority irrespective of whatever age difference is between the two of you, then you are ready to be married and if you are already married, then you are ready to take your marriage to the next level of success.

For the man, I will repeat the same thing; the word of God instructs that you love your wife unconditionally (Ephesians 5:25-30, Colossians 3:19), so age is not a barrier to love. If you are married to a woman who is older than you and yet she submits to you, it’s not because she is foolish, it’s because she is obeying the instructions of God for her life. She should not be taken for granted or treated with disdain. That she calls you the king of her life and treats you the same should not translate to ego boost, but it’s should be appreciated humbly and reciprocated with divine love, unconditional love, a love that is worth all the sacrifice you can give for it. Then you will be having a marriage made in heaven here on earth.

May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name.   

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