day wonderfully gracious people, I trust that by the special grace of God we
are doing well. It’s such a wonderful thing to be alive and more rewarding and
fulfilling to be alive doing what God created us to do; fulfilling the purpose
for which we have been created.
have taken a couple of days to consider the "overseer husband" and I believe that
by the special grace of God that series has breathe life into many marriages and
the seed of the word of God in our marriages is beginning to take root and
is the need to balance things out so that men do not feel that they have so
much to do and prove to God in their marriage while the women just sit and be
pampered. I just love the balanced outlook of the word of God. So we will take
a couple of days to really consider the wife of Noble Character.
a number of us know that Bible passage of Proverbs 31:10-31, but have we really
taken time to properly study this 22 verses of the Bible in order to practice and
live by its codes. I believe that a man who means business with his marriage will
apply the Overseer Husband code to measure how well he is doing, but in the
same way, a wife who desires to be regarded as a virtuous wife will measure
herself by the code of the wife of Noble Character as found in Proverbs
wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
husband has full confidence in her, and lacks nothing of value.
brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
first aspect of the wife of noble character that I want us to consider and
score ourselves by is in her relationship to her husband. The first thing that
came to mind in these first three verses is that, not every wife is a wife of
noble character because Solomon said “A wife of noble character who can find?”
Just like precious stones such as diamonds, gold, silver, pearls, turquoise,
emeralds are all scarce and costly to come by, so is a wife of noble character
scarce of not common. She is of great value that is far above rubies. So there
are wives everywhere, but wives of noble character are quite scarce. So you
need to evaluate yourself as a wife; are you one of the generally available
common wives or you are the wife of noble character of great value far more
than rubies that a man will count himself blessed to have as a wife?
second thing that I noticed about the woman who is addressed as a wife of noble
character is that she is a wife who adds value to her husband. Solomon says that
her husband has full confidence in her and she lacks nothing of value; the New
King James Version translates Proverbs 31:11 as “The heart of her husband safely trust her; So he will have no lack of
gain.” On accord of the value accrued to this woman which she pours constantly into the
life of her husband, the Bible says her husband lacks nothing of value; and
NKJV says he will have no lack of gain.
a man who is in possession of great quantity of diamonds or gold or emerald or
any other form of previous stone cannot be said to be poor. In the same manner,
a man who has a wife of noble character as his wife is a very blessed man, he
cannot be said to lack value or gain. There are many wives on the face of the
earth, but the wife of noble character is of great value and she is scarce; are
you one of such wives who is of great value and not commonly found? Are you a
wife who has created a life of value for her husband such that he lacks nothing
of value?
12 says, “She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life,” it is often
said that behind every successful man is a woman, but I will say that behind
every successful man is a wife of noble character. She brings in good all the
days of her life. She does not just bring him good once in a while; she does
not just support her husband and when she feel the investment is not yielding a
favorable return she backs out, but come what may she brings him good as long
as she has the breath of God is in her and her heart is still beating. That is the
value-add that comes from a wife of noble character.
19:13 says, “A foolish son is his father’s
ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.” So while the
wife of noble character is a wife who pours value into the life of her husband,
a quarrelsome wife is one who is a constant dripping in the life of her husband. Rather than add value to her husband, she drips value out of him. Which kind of wife are you? The Bible has only given us two categories of wives
and they are: 1) the wife of noble character who is of great value and adds value to her husband and is not
easy to come by, and 2) the quarrelsome wife who is a constant dripping in the
life of her husband. There is no intermediate wife; you are either noble or
this is the litmus test for us as wives; when you want to get how well you have
performed as a wife, check out the life of your husband. If he lacks value or
gain then you have not faired well as a wife because you have not poured value
into him, you are a constant dripping in his life. A husband who is doing great
and of great value is so because his wife has poured her value into him; she is
a wife of noble character.
hope this is coming as a wakeup call for us as wives. I am blown away by this
post and I pray that in the name of Jesus, the lives and homes of many will
begin to receive a touch from God in this year 2017 in Jesus name. So we will
continue of the series of the wife of noble character in next post. Until then,
remain blessed and remain in the will of God for your lives and marriages in
Jesus name.