Monday, 9 January 2017

The Cry of a Frustrated Wife

It’s another new day with new grace and fresh supply of mercy, favor and grace from the living God. It’s so comforting to know that God never runs out of supply despite how many times we approach Him. So please feel free to approach the throne of grace as many times as you need and have to, there is abundance of grace available at all times.

Here is another story taken from the book “Marriage: God’s Rules of Engagement”, I pray it blesses you and you find valuable lessons from it for your marriage and home.

My husband is a businessman and for some time now the business environment has not been favorable and that has affect his business in no small measure. He runs for days and sometimes months without having any money to give for the provisions in the home. That has shifted on me the responsibility of the breadwinner and this I carry out in a very humble manner, but it appears that there is nothing I do that pleases my husband. The more I pure myself into making ends meet in the house, the more he complains and nags. Sincerely I am fed up. I have tried to support him the best way I know how but his lack of appreciation is really putting me off.

First, I will commend you for taking up this responsibility without any complain. The Lord who made you a helper in the life of your husband will uphold and strengthen your finances until your husband gets back on his feet. But your assignment does not terminate at the point of providing for your family, it extends to the point of upholding your husband in prayer and interceding on his behalf and breaking every stronghold of stagnation in his financial life until you see result.

From what I can perceive of this situation, your husband is not happy, neither is he comfortable at the fact that he is unable to fulfill his God given responsibility as a man and a provider for his family. His ego is also bruised and the devil has infiltrated his thought so that he sees you as a competitor rather than a helper. He sees you doing what he should be doing and he is unable to help himself. Rather than appreciate your assistance he is angry that you are taking over his role. He might even be anticipating you will not to submit to his authority now that he does not have money. These I believe are some of the issues your husband is having to deal with and unable to share with you hence his reactions.

But that said, we seek solution and by the grace of God, solution we will get. Based on the truth of the word of God a man is the head of the family, he is to take care of his family and provide for them and so you will start to pray that God will open heavens for your husband so that he can take his rightful place as the shepherd of the family and that resources will be made available to him to perform his duties and responsibilities as the head of the family. If you need to sow seed on his behalf, please do and make it a fat one too. If you have to have go on vigils for him, please do loose the sleep and don’t stop praying for him until you begin to see the hand on God on his finances.

While at that, don’t get tired of being the helper in his life, even in financial matters. When the harvest comes you will reap the fruit of what you have sown. Continue to be humble and make every effort to erase the fears that might be building in him that you might eventually stop being submissive to him. He needs the reassurance to cope.

Don’t bother fighting your husband; he is just as worked up as you are. Remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The battle for peace, love and abundance in your home and marriage is between you and the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms. So you fight this not as a physical fight, but as a spiritual battle putting on the whole armor of God and you can be sure that victory is yours because at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and all tongues must proclaim that Jesus is Lord and you are complete in Christ Jesus who is head over all principality and power. 

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