Friday, 8 July 2016

In Response to Your Question

Thanking God for the gift of another day and another opportunity to share the word of God today. It's a very good thing to be of service to God, it's very rewarding to enter into a business venture with God, no business is as profitable. And when you have God Almighty as your direct boss, then you have a highly paying job with no prerequisite qualifications. As long as you give your whole heart to what you have been assigned to do. It just pays to be in God's camp.

My post on the issue of betrayal in marriage and handling same with forgiveness had a comment in form of a question that I was supposed to respond to, but because of the break due to my faulty computer and the slight fever, I couldn't answer the question earlier but in today's post, the Lord will by His special grace give us His word in answer to the question.

There is the true story of a woman who married as a virgin and never had any sexual intercourse with any man in her 35years of marriage. She was diagnosed with HIV aids. Her husband contacted and gave her! She and her husband have been on retrovir drugs for a while now. How does she handle this forgiveness you talked about in her case?

It's such a heart retching story here and before I write anything, I will first say that my heart goes to the couple and I pray for grace for them to stay strong for each other. But I want to put a question to everyone who reads this that after all the cursing and getting angry and hating, what next?

There are times we need to forgive people the wrong they do to us, not necessarily because we are not on the right, or that we are stupid, or that we weaklings, or that we don't feel the hurting pain caused by the action of the other party, but that we will be losing a very vital part of our existence just by carry on the burden of the wrong done to us. You will be loosing your eternity, you will loose your communion with God and your salvation will be greatly questioned just because you allowed someone else's action and your unforgiveness take some goodness out of you. Now my question is: Is what you will be loosing for choosing not to forgive over forgiveness worth the cost.

This is a painful occurrence but the wife will live by the consequences of her reaction just as the husband will live by the consequences of his. Now you can say that the husband is getting what he deserves as a result of times unfaithfulness to his wife, and you are okay to think that way. But it could be a test of faith to the wife too. On the day she took her vows it was a "for better for worse, in sickness and in health" vow she agreed to and she signed the oath binding them together till death and now the oath is put too test, heaven awaits her reaction.

If she chooses the path of love and forgiveness she proves to God and man that truly she is a child of God (Matthew 5:43-48). Then when she not only forgives her husband, but hold his hands and help him heal just as she heals, there is no condemnation as direct yet in love as that. The guilt such a man will feel cannot be quantified. Then God in His faithfulness who sees the pureness of her actions and the love she exhibits even in such a dare situation visits her with a miracle and she visits the doctor and a test is carried out and she test negative to the HIV virus. We all know there is nothing impossible for God to do. So she is crown on earth and her treasure in heaven is increased just because she made the difficult but right choice.

The Bible says there is a way that seem right to a man but in the end leads to destruction. it's very easy to break down, fall apart, and be hateful in a situation such as this, but when you hate the man and leave, where are you leaving to? Who do you think will love you enough to marry you and the disease you now carry even though it's not your fault. Don't you think the burden of loneliness and hate will encourage the disease to eat you up faster than it should? So why encourage the disease when you can fight it?

Ultimately it is a question of choice. I have tried to put the cards on the table, so it's time to choose. What will your choice be?

There are more materials available for you to read and be blessed with written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, available to impact knowledge in you that you need for that life changing experience that you have been praying for. My people perish for lack of knowledge is what the Lord God Almighty says. The most high God has revealed some deep knowledge through the pages of these books and by His grace your life will be enlightened by the power of God through Jesus Christ as you get copies for yourself, read them and allow the truth contained in them make a meaningful difference in your life.

All books are available on or via the links provided

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