Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Marriage Series (10)

As always I thank God that I am alive to share with you on marriage issues, and more thankful to God that you are alive and available to read what I share and I pray that as you apply the lessons learned on this blog your lives and marriage will receive a divine touch from God himself in Jesus name.
There is always a general complain among wives on the level of house chores they get to do while it appears that the husbands are only burdened with reading newspapers and watching sport channel in the house. In as much as I cannot generalize this trend as we have some husbands who are domesticated and have their hands on with house chores, yet some men feel it’s not their responsibility how the house is kept clean; that is the duty of their wife. This she has to bear in addition to being a wife, mother, daughter, a suitable helper, an income earner and other unmentioned responsibilities. Now can we say there is a balance in the share ratio of responsibilities in the home and marriage between the husband and the wife? This is an issue we will trust the Lord to help us clarify in today’s post. And this message is so ideal for all levels of marriage, and even for those intending to marry.
From what we read in the Bible, Proverbs 31:10-31 tells us the many attributes of a good wife; this Bible scripture can be taken as the code of conduct for a wife in marriage. Proverbs 31:15 says, “She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servants girls.” So this tells us that the woman is the cook in the house. When we read through the book of Proverbs 31, we will notice that the wife is the one who takes care of the wellbeing of her household. So it is not strange that the wife is expected to be domesticated and to ensure that her house runs effectively as it should. With the house properly cleaned, the supplies of the house are in adequate supply and the children are well taken care of. Generally, the wellbeing of her entire household is her business.
But interestingly the husband holds the responsibility to love and take care of his wife. It is responsibility of the husband to ensure that his wife is not overburdened with responsibilities. Just as the wife is to device a means of taking care of her household, the husband is to device a means of taking care of his wife. Note that if the wife is not well taken care of, then she is unable to take care of the house. This is how God designed it to be at the beginning.  
If a husband notices that what his wife has to do in terms of house chores is overwhelming for her, and she is getting tired often out of stress, then it is his responsibility to find a means of reducing the work load for her either by taking some chores off her shoulder and make himself available as a helping hand. or by providing assistance in terms of paying a domestic staff as a helping hand for his wife. He can also advise her on how to structure her activities such that it will not be overwhelming for her to carry out. But the bottom-line is that the generally wellbeing of the wife is the responsibility of her husband.
For the wife to be effective in her responsibility in the home then she needs to be adequately motivated and that is the responsibility of the husband. If the husband desires the best from his wife, then he need to give her the best. What he sows in his wife is what comes back to him in multiple forms, and the matter of house chores is not left out.
With this explanation I believe we have been able to arrive at a balance when it comes to the issue of responsibility with regards the upkeep of the home. I hope we have learned a vital lesson that will aid us well in our marriage. Please just stay tuned to this blog cause we have so much more to learn about marriage.  

 The books "Marriage: God's Rules of Engagement" and "Because the Lord Seeks Godly Offspring" are available on and Amazon Kindle. Get a copy for yourself and for your friends and you will be really blessed you did. And for the Nigerian readers, these books are live on

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1 comment:

  1. this is a very good piece, educating and interesting God bless the write and her home.


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