beautiful people of God, I trust you are all doing great to the glory of God. It’s
another beautiful day and another beautiful opportunity to share some valuable
truth about marriage. If only we can have the Kingdom of God come and His will
be done in our marriages, in no time at all we will the Kingdom of God come and
His will be done in our society. So you will not just be improving your
personal life and experience when you apply the truth of the word of God in
your marriage and home, you will be affecting your society positively by
what radiates from your home and marriage. And you will go a step further by
sharing what you learn from the word of God and on this blog with a friend. Little
drops of love makes an ocean of pleasurable experience.
today’s post we will be looking at some external interference in marriages and
how to deal with these interferences. Some external interference that often
affects the smooth running of a marriage are: influences from relatives namely:
parents, siblings, cousins, in-laws, aunties, uncles and so on. Then we have the
influence of friends, acquaintances, so-called parents in the Lord and any
other person that you allow to have unnecessary hold or say in your marriage.
a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they
shall become one flesh.
God’s marriage design at the beginning the interference of families and friends
was not captured. In fact the Bible says “therefore a man will leave father and
mother and be joined to his wife.” For a marriage to succeed there must be a breakaway
of the married couples from every form of interference. A couple who seeks to
have a successful marriage will shield their marriage from any external input.
am not advocating that you ex-communicate your family members because you are
married, but that your family which you originated from and your friends do not in any way have
control over the family you are building in your marriage. They are two separate entities and
should be handled and treated as such. Any attempt to marry the two families
into one is the building blocks for a troubled marriage.
you have troubles building your home and you genuinely seek help, not that you
have made up your mind on the path you want to take but that you are lost and
confused, first take a break and pray. The Lord will direct your way a voice
that can speak out the will of God for you to lead you on the path to take to receive
the help you need when you need it.
says in Ecclesiastes 4:9 that two are better than one, and I kind of wonder why
he didn’t say three are better than one. It is often said that two is a company
and three is a crowd; the company is what God works with and not the crowd.
sometimes wonder why God instructed a man about to be married to leave father
and mother to cleave to his wife. This same instruction was what the Lord gave
to Abraham in Genesis 12:1 when the Lord called Abraham and told him to get out
of his country away from his family and his father’s household to a land the Lord
will show him. When I sought the Lord on this issue, I realized that this
father’s household is unnecessary influence to what God has in store for the
married couple and their marriage. There is the tendency that the father's household will pervert or contaminate
God’s plans for the marriage. These are influences the Lord does not desire to
work with as the issue at hand does not concern them.
important angle to view the matter from is that everyone has different races to
run; each individual and marriage has different issues to deal with. The assignments
for each couple are different. What God permitted for couple A might not
be what He will permit for couple B, and so what works for marriage A might not
work for marriage B even if the wives are sisters from the same mother or the
husbands are brothers of the same father. So, on all fronts there is no basis
for comparison, so when you allow couple A to influence you in your own
marriage you might get it all wrong while it might be all right for couple A. God
who made the master plan at the beginning now says leave them all behind and
let Me go on this journey with you. With God in your marriage you can never get
it wrong.
once heard the story of a couple; the wife’s mother practically controls all
that happens in their home. She measures the quantity of food everyone in the home
eats and the wife depends on her mother’s advice for everything. She handles
her marriage and husband exactly the way her husband tells her to. It got so
bad that the wife’s mother moved in and began to live with them. The husband
tried to cope with this for the love he had for his wife until he could no longer take
the madness unfolding before him. He had become a slave in his own house. Then
one day he took the bull by the horn and walked his mother-in-law out of his
house and instructed her never to return. The wife cried and her husband
bluntly told her its either she sticks with him or go marry her mother. And
that was how they broke free from the domineering mother-in-law. But I tell you
that I don’t blame the mother-in-law, she was given the space and she took
advantage of it.
do not advocate that we disrespect our parents or parents-in-law because we
know that they should have no influence in our marriage, but we should apply
wisdom in dealing with them, accord them their full respect while shielding our
marriage from their influences. May the living God give us wisdom to be able to
deal with external influences in our marriages.
am trusting God to be able to deliver the mind of God to us on the issue of
Marriage and Divorce. I hope and believe we have been enjoying the marriage
series so far, if yes please pray that the God continue to open our hearts and
teach us how to make our marriages a divine success. There are a lot more contained
in the book Marriage: God’s Rules of Engagement, you can order a copy from the
links provided below. I assure you that with God you cannot get it wrong in