On bended knees, I apologize for
another long break in posting something for you to read and learn from. But I
feel your prayers and with me rounding up with what I have to do, I pray that I
will be able to give myself wholly to reaching out to you again.
My pastor preached a message
about two Sundays ago in church and what really ministered to me in that
message was in the theme Bible passage that he preached on.
Ephesians 4:14-16 (NLT)
Then we will no
longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every
wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us
with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Instead, we will speak the truth
in love, growing in every way more like Christ, who is the head of his body,
the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does
its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is
healthy and growing and full of love.
This Bible passage cannot be more fitting for today’s
marriage world and just as my pastor was preaching and making continual
reference to this passage the one thing that kept coming to my mind was today’s
Quite a number of times I have noticed that speaking to
women on marriage issues, the first thing that comes as a response is that if
the women have to do so much in and for their marriages, what do the men have to contribute in and for their marriages. It always appear that the women have to do it all. And the men
have concluded that women are the most difficult and complicated living
creature to live with. And each time I hear or read stuff like this, my heart
Every day the women claim they feel deprived in the world,
they want equality with the men and they have practically left their own
special work undone while preying into what the man should do and how the man and woman were created equal and should be regarded as such. And the men have
become laid back. They have told themselves that women are so difficult and so
should just be abandoned. You hear things like “if you show her love there is a
problem, if you don’t show her love there is also a problem. So just let go and
enjoy your life.” So a man would leave the wife that God has asked him to love and
care for and spends more time with his friends in the name of hang outs. So
the man has also left his special work undone.
Every time you hear vocal women encourage other women not
to let themselves get repressed by the men. They push for gender equality. They
tell the woman she is to be respected and all these they do in the name of
helping the woman build her self esteem and have a voice and a say in the scheme of things. And so they pumped up the women folk. These pumped up women go home and
begin to act strange and start to demand respect and claim equality with their husbands. Sooner than later their marriages are in trouble. In no time the once
peaceful home is heading for a divorce in the name of irreconcilable
differences. Every day the numbers of failed marriages are growing at an
alarming rate.
These so called women encouragers are those Paul says we
should be weary of; their message is so clever that they sound like the truth,
but they are pack of lies. They are sweet to the ears but have its destroying
effects on the heart. When you hear messages like this, try measure them with the truth of
the Bible. If God says a wife should submit to her husband as unto God, that alone should let you
know that the wife and husband are not equal in the hierarchy of the home. Anybody
attempting to teach you equality between the husband and the wife is sowing a
seed of destruction in your home. Such a person should not be entertained.
If a woman is claiming equality with another man outside of the marriage setting I might not condemn that; if the man you say you are equal to irrespective of gender is not your husband, then its okay. But this doctrine should not be introduced into the marriage setting. When it comes to the marriage, the husband is the head over his wife as Christ is the head over the husband (Ephesians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 11:3). In marriage and in the home, the husband and wife are not equal. The husband is the head of the wife.
If a woman is claiming equality with another man outside of the marriage setting I might not condemn that; if the man you say you are equal to irrespective of gender is not your husband, then its okay. But this doctrine should not be introduced into the marriage setting. When it comes to the marriage, the husband is the head over his wife as Christ is the head over the husband (Ephesians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 11:3). In marriage and in the home, the husband and wife are not equal. The husband is the head of the wife.
One important truth about marriage that is taught in the theme scripture for this is post is that when you do your own special work in your marriage, you help your spouse to
grow. The more you improve on yourself in doing your own special work in that marriage the more
you lift your spouse up to grow and own up to his/her own special work and with
diligence at work your marriage is healthy, growing and full of love. You do not need to bother much about the performance of your spouse in doing his/her special work, but the more you get yourself better in doing your own special work the more you make room for growth even in the life of your spouse and the more you create an enabling environment for your spouse to do his/her special work too. No wonder Peter said in 1 Peter 3 that a woman will win her unbelieving husband to the Lord through the purity and reverence of her life shinning through her submission to her husband.
A husband whose wife is yet to be the ideal wife he
wants her to be, can only help his wife to grow into what he wants her to be by
loving her unconditionally like Christ loves the church. The more he loves his
wife the more he helps her grow. And when he loves and keeps loving, it will get to a point the Lord will touch her heart and create in her the will she needs to want to
reciprocate the love her husband is showering on her which in turn makes her want to do only those things that are pleasing to her loving husband. In no time the marriage has grown and the home is
full of love.
In the same manner, a wife who wants to bring
out the good in her husband would do so effectively by submitting to him as
unto the Lord. The more you submit to your husband, the more you please him;
and the more you please your husband, the more he loves you. In no time you would have
drawn out the love of your husband for you. You would have earned his love and
helped him to grow. The more your husband loves you, the more he cares for you
and pours generously into your life. The more he pours into your life the more God pours into his own life too.
This is God’s way of bringing about positive changes in the
lives of His people. For marriage to thrive, those in it should be totally
selfless, patient and willing to help the other grow. The more of your special
work that you do diligently, the more growth you bring about in the life of
your spouse and the more your marriage grows and then the more your home is
filled with love.
Think about it.