Thursday, 9 January 2025

Removing the "I" in Your Marriage

When the word "I" becomes a problem

I want to title my blog today: “Removing the ‘I’ in Marriage.” Genesis 2:24 says, “Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” So, when two people enter into a marriage union, a joining takes place just like we have read in the scripture. As long as they both remain in that joining, everything is fine. But the joining begins to crack when the word “I” is introduced into the union.

How can this simple one-letter word “I” become so dangerous in a marriage union? The dictionary tells us that “I” is a personal pronoun in first-person singular; “me” is the objective form of “I,” and mine is the possessive form. We also have “myself” as the reflexive and intensive form of “I.” In all of these descriptions of the word “I,” I have yet to see where joining, as spoken in Genesis 2:24, plays a role. Yet, that joining is the basis of every marriage. Without the joining, there is no marriage.

What this tells me is that as long as the word “I” becomes prominent in your relationship with your spouse, the marriage is starting to experience a crack. Once one spouse begins to have a sense of superiority over the other spouse, danger looms, and if not checked, what will be left of the marriage will be two individuals coexisting; if nothing is further done and the center can no longer hold, they start to speak of a divorce.  The word “I” is self-gratifying, selfish, self-promoting, and self-focused. While taking care of yourself and working towards your happiness and mental well-being is important, it should never be done at the expense of your marriage union.

One of my favorite scriptures on marriage is in Matthew 19: 4-6, and if you permit me, I would like to quote it here in full. It says, “And He answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.’”  In these direct words of Jesus, I have not encountered any form of personal pronoun or first-person singular word expression, yet this is the divine foundation upon which God establishes marriage.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us that two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. Jesus then tells us that in marriage, God joins the two (male and female) to become one, which is better and more rewarding. Unless the “I” spoken by any of the two individuals in marriage refers not to a singular individual but a unit of two becoming one (which is naturally not the case), the only acceptable pronoun for every action in marriage should be “we.” If your marriage will stand the test of time, the first word to abolish in your home is “I.”

What that tells you, in essence, is that every action taken in that marriage should be taken with the word “we” in focus. Everything should be done in unison. There must be an agreement of purpose and alignment of implementation in all that you have to do in your marriage. This alignment and agreement would not just promote peace and love in your marriage; it is the hidden secret of great achievement and success in all that you two plan to do.

There is great power in agreement; even the devil is very aware of that. In Matthew 18:19, Jesus teaches that if two agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by God. Which two are better to ask in agreement if not the two of a husband and his wife? In Deuteronomy 32:30, we learn that with the help of God, one can chase a thousand, and two can put ten thousand to flight. This tells me that the mathematics of agreement is beyond simple arithmetic progression. If you think you are successful by yourself, try out the power of agreement simply by removing the “I” in that success and changing it with a “we.” Enlist the agreement of your spouse, work as a unit of two becoming one, and not as a single individual, and put God in the mix. Do this genuinely, and I will wait for your testimony. 

I suppose you have gained some value from what you have read above. There is much more value stored in the books I wrote, and you can find out about my books by clicking here. The beautiful additive is that the books are available in Audio format, eBook, and Hardcopies. You get to read the entire first chapter for free. To make a purchase, you first need to create an account by signing up for one and have all your purchased books stored in your account with lifetime access if you are buying the eBook or Audiobook format. 

1 comment:

  1. The only acceptable pronoun for every action in marriage should be “We”. Absolutely. Thanks for sharing


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