Monday, 5 December 2016

Discussing Real Life Issues in Marriage 2

Good afternoon great people, it’s another new week and a glorious time to give God all the praise. I am positive that we had a wonderful weekend, but by the grace of the living God, we will have a more wonderful week in Jesus name.

Today I am sharing one of the stories from the book “Marriage: God’s Rules of Engagement.” It’s a very impactful book written by me and it has made a great impact in the lives of many. This story is a true life story and I trust the Lord that you will not just enjoy the story, but it will make a positive impact on your life and marriage to the glory of God.

I am a born-again Christian and I love the Lord and serve Him with all my heart. I prayed hard for a husband and I was glad when the Lord led me to another born-again child of His to marry. I actually thought my husband was born-again because we meet in church and he was a dedicated worker in the church like I was and he showed to me that he was a born-again Christian. I prayed hard before getting married in order to be sure that I had the consent of God on my decision and I didn’t get any rebuke from God on my choice, neither did I hear His voice telling me that I was making a wrong choice. But just after getting married I discovered that my husband is gay. In the two years that we have been married, not once have we come together as a normal husband and wife should; no sexual relationship has happened between us. My husband has not attempted to touch me once. I am so confused and wondering why the Lord would lead me to such a man? Is it that the Lord spoke to me and I didn’t sense it or that the Lord is not mindful of me in any way? Currently I am beginning to contemplate divorce as I can't imagine being married to such a man as the one I am presently living with.

My darling sister, I bless God for your life and you can be sure that you are not in this situation alone. God will not lead you anywhere His presence will not go with you to, so you can be sure that you are not in this situation alone. I also want you to understand that your purpose in marriage is to be a helper and a suitable helper in fact. And God didn’t not instruct us on the specific areas of the life of the man where his wife is required to help, so in every area where help is needed in the life of the man that God has given to you as husband, you are still the suitable helper fitting for the occasion. Without any doubt whatsoever, your husband needs help and he needs big help and you are the God provided suitable helper for him. Understand that the bigger the issue you are assigned to resolve, the bigger the capacity in you to resolve it. God knows what He built in you and He knows that based on what you have inside of you, you are capable to handle the situation you are faced with and about to run away from. You see yourself as unable, but God sees you as more than able because He alone knows what He deposited in you and what you are capable of handling. You are more than you think you because God will not tempt you more than you can bear.

Despite your husband’s many issues, vices and sins, you need to treat him like the man that he should be and start to pray for him. Your actions and prayers have power in them more than you think or know.

In my last post I made mention of the unseen factor in the marital challenges that we face from time to time. You need to begin to seek the face of God for Him to reveal to you the unseen factor behind this challenge that you are facing and begin to deal with these unseen factors immediately. Whatever are the unseen forces behind your husband being gay needs powerful forces to overthrow and destroy, and because you are God’s assigned helper in his life and you are a child of God with the power of God in you with which you are able to unseat the devil ruling over the affairs of your husband’s life and destroy his throne forever, you need to start praying hard and exercise the authority you have in Christ to pull down strongholds and demolish evil altars in the life of your husband.

From your judgment, who else can take up this challenge and undo the hand of evil in the life of your husband except you who have walked with God, loved the Lord and have the power of God heavy on your life to do exploit. God is sending you on assignment that only His trusted vessels can handle and I respect you because you are one of God’s trusted vessels. So get to work my darling sister and know that the Lord is with you. You will triumph in victory in Jesus name.

Don’t let the devil rub you clean by feeding you with lies that your problem cannot be resolved or your spouse cannot change. God is yet to create a man He cannot handle or remold. There is no such problem that can pose impossible for God if only you are willing and able to walk and work with Him; listen to His instructions and run in the direction He leads. Your problem/s will only last as long as you permit and the resolution that leads to a happy ending without committing any sin by disobeying God’s instruction for your life is very much attainable. Divorce is not the Godly approach to resolving marital challenges. Visit us at and let us talk it over with God together. If you are willing to obey, you will eat the good of the land.  

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Dealing With the Unseen Factor in the Challenges of Your Marriage

Hello wonderful people of God, I am positive we are all doing great. It’s been a busy weekend for me, but I believe you are able to have a restful one. Its Sunday and its worship day, so please, let’s not forget to give God all the praises that He deserves. You just can’t begin to fathom all the battles He has fought and won on your behalf that you just don’t know.

I wanted to share another story and make it story time till the end of the year but I will just chip in this one and then continue with my stories in my next post. So today I want to ask you this question; “what do you make of the challenges you face in marriage.” Do you take them on face value or you look deep into the matter and read between the lines of the situation.

A young lady was separated from her husband, as a matter of fact, the husband relocated to another city and instructed his lawyers to evacuate his wife and children from his house and find a tenant to occupy the house. After several years he is still coming back to claim custody of the children that he doesn’t know how they have been surviving after several years that he has ejected them from his house and life.

From what I have gathered, this young mother is on the quiet side and very unassuming. She is not extravagant, and she is very hardworking. Her children are her main focus and she is putting all her energy and resources in bringing up these children of hers.

It is not wrong at all for this woman to feel very hurt by what marriage has yielded for her, there is nothing that she could have done that would warrant her husband throwing her and her children into the cold night. No right thinking man should be found doing such a thing. But there is another side of the story that I want us to begin to consider.

Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible, and then 2 Corinthians 4:18a says “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.” The story I just shared about the young mother seem very pathetic and looking at the situation from face value all we can see is a callous husband who has no conscience or any form of love for his family, but there is the unseen factor that needs to be put into consideration and needs so much focus.

If we consider the trials of Job in the book of Job 1&2, Job never knew there was a conversion and in fact a negotiation on his life between God and satan in heaven. All he saw was the calamities that were befalling him on all sides. So our challenges in lives require that we consider the unseen factor. We need seek the face of God to know the unseen negotiations that has birth what we are experiencing. Was there a negotiation over our lives in heaven just like the case of Job that is causing us to experience what we are experiencing, or is the devil just trying to mess up with us. These are factors that we always need to consider.

I know that sometimes our actions or inaction birth trouble for us in marriage but what of when you seem to be doing everything right, and still this huge challenge fall on your laps. Then we need to consider the unseen factor. You need to know that rather than let the devil laugh God to scorn over your life and situation, you’d rather put him to shame.

In the case of this lady I don’t know what is the husband’s reason for his mean and callous actions towards his wife and children, but if this woman possesses the quiet spirit that I have been told she possesses, then she needs to consider the unseen factor. There must be some unseen forces at work in her marriage that needs to be dealt with on the altar of prayer, when her spirit is constantly connecting with the Spirit of God like in the case of Daniel. This is not the time to give up on the marriage; this is not the time to focus on her husband; but this is the time to wage war in the spiritual realm against any unseen forces ruffling her marriage, and take back all that the devil has stolen from her. If she continues and does not stop it won’t be long for her to start to see the result of what she is doing in the unseen realm manifest physically in the life of her husband.

Not too long ago I had a challenge in my marriage and I was just smiling at separation with my husband and because I was so very hurt I had resolved to leave. But then I prayed and I kept praying, I didn’t hear the voice of God and the situation was looking like it wouldn't improve and all that kept screaming in my brain were those things that were hurting me. Then I called my mum to offload my heart to her but she didn’t pick my call. So I called my pastor and he also didn’t pick my call. Sincerely I had resolved that maybe this was just God telling me to leave. I prayed for a sign but got none and while on the verge of concluding on my resolve, I called a friend. And this friend asked me one question, he said, “What work has God given you to do that you have been doing diligently?” I answered him that I write about marriages, and then he asked, “Are you making an impact in the lives of people by what you are doing?” I answered “yes”, because I get feedbacks and responses from a lot of people.

Then he told me that because you are disturbing the camp of satan, he will disturb you too. He will attack you in every way he can so that you are not settled enough do disturb him. He is ruffling your nest. That for me was the unseen factor behind my challenge. As soon as I realized this I smiled and my spirit was lifted. And with that I didn’t see my husband or what I think he has done to hurt me any longer. My battle was not with my husband, it was with satan the enemy and that was who I needed to tackle and bring down.

I don’t know how many people are in this category or share this experience, but believe me not all these challenges are to be handled from the face value; it goes deeper than what you see to what you are not seeing. The root cause of the problem is where we need to begin to deal with. When the root is properly dealt with, the stem, branches, leaves and flowers associated with your challenges will naturally fall off. May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name.

Have you read a handful of posts on this blog and you still feel the need to talk to someone, then we have you covered. Just visit and you will have someone to hold your hands and walk you to the throne of God and when you are there you can never leave the presence of God with those problems in your life again. 

Friday, 2 December 2016

Discussing Some Real Life Issues in Marriage

Hello people, so we are on the 2nd day of December and from all the new month greetings I have received so far, I can tell that we are all in the Christmas mood already. Again I woke up today feeling really grateful to the God that loves me so much to die for my sins, make me His child and grants me so many victories in life. I am don’t know how you feel now, but praising God is a must for us as children of God and not an option. You just can’t imagine how many battles the Lord has fought and won on your behalf that makes you among those alive today. So no matter what you are going through, God is still good to you. Just pick up the lessons from your challenges and continue the race. I am doing the same.

In our gist today I want to share a story of a challenge faced by a young lady in marriage, I trust the Lord that this story will bless a life and someone reading it will be able to apply the lessons there to their own situation and come out victorious in Jesus name.

I am suppose to be happily married or so I thought until my husband insisted that he wants to bring into our home the child he had outside of wedlock with another lady before we got married. Apparently, he was crazy in love with the mother of this child and they were suppose to get married but the lady’s family objected to their union and they had to go their separate ways but not before the lady got pregnant for him with a male child. Now about 10years later, my husband wants custody of the child who has been living with his mother’s sister. I really feel used knowing that if everything had worked out fine between my husband and this lady I will never be in the picture. I feel like an afterthought wife, like a second fiddle in the whole picture and now he wants to bring the fruit of his previous love affair into our home to worsen the whole thing. This boy will be a constant reminder of the love affair he once had with his mother. Another problem I have with all this is that I don’t know how to explain it to my own family. My parents will be very upset with this development. This is really eroded the peace and harmony in my family. I am doing all I can to stop my husband from bringing this boy into our home. Please what else can I do; I love my husband and I cherish my marriage but this strange boy is going to take all that away.

My darling sister the first thing I want you to know and hold onto is that you are not a second best to your husband; you are the very best for him. Nothing could have stopped God from ensuring that your husband marries the other lady if she was God’s best for him, but God didn’t make it happen because He knows that He has packaged His favor for your husband inside of you and not the other lady. You are God’s best choice for your husband so never think less of yourself in that marriage.

Then going to the main issue of the child that was birth for your husband outside of wedlock; God said He has made you and your husband one in flesh and spirit, so you are no longer two but one. If God is then correct, you will agree with me that what belongs to your husband belongs to you. All of your husband’s assets, his cars, his houses and everything he owns belong to you. I can even say that you co-own his bank account because in an ideal situation you should be his next-of-kin and when he is not around all the monies in his account are given over to you. But you don’t just co-work his assets, you also co-own his liabilities, you are a partaker of his worries and challenges; the Bible says two are better than one. So the issue of this child is a joint issue. I won’t call it a problem but an issue. As long as you are one in flesh and spirit with your husband and this boy is your husband’s child, he automatically becomes your child and accepting him as your child gives you all the peace you long for and returns love and joy in your marriage more than you had before. Irrespective of who brought the boy to earth, the love and care that is shown to him determines who he sees and accepts as mother. So if you accept this boy as yours because he is your husband’s son and you show him all the love and care he can ever need in this world, then you become his mother. He then accepts you as his mother and loves you like a son should love his mother.

So you see why I will say that this is not a problem but just a mere issue. If you apply wisdom in handling it, you become better off at the end of the day.

Then you mentioned the problem of your parents; if you ask me, I will tell you that they have no say at all in this matter. It is your life and your marriage; the Bible tells us that a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So your mother and father and that of your husbands' have been left behind long ago after you got married to that man. You should love them and take care of them and their needs but not allow them any control over your marriage. When confused pray and consult your Bible; but the matters of your home is for you, your husband and your God to handle and resolve.

I believe from now on you will have a changed mindset and a renewed understanding of the situation in your marriage. I pray God’s guidance and peace into your life and marriage in Jesus name.

Do you feel really burdened by that issue and you don’t know where to turn to? Are you so confused that walls are closing in on you and you can’t find a way of escape? Do you need a shoulder to cry on? You are just a click away from what you need. A helping hand awaits you on

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Your Career & Your Marriage

Good morning God’s children, it’s the first day of the last month of the year 2016 and it’s just the grace of God that has kept us alive to this very day. I am so very grateful to my God that so far it has been His grace on my life and till the very end it will always be His grace. As we saw the beginning of this year we will see the end of it to the glory of God.

Today we will take a look at our marriage versus our career. Even though it is often preached that these two aspects of our lives are important and one should not disturb the other, we often discover that they do and there is now the need to set priorities on which should come first between the two.

The rich man who has everything going for him will place value on family and loved ones, while those that are less privileged and still struggling to make ends meet will place their priority on career and the pursuit of money, what an irony of life. We will always want what we don’t have. But let’s check this issue on the scale of the Bible and understand how God prioritized these issues for us.

In book Genesis before God made man, He had created everything that man would need for survival; He had planted the garden, put the food crops there to grow and even provided the rivers to water the plants. There was absolutely nothing that man needed that God had not provided for, so man was not created to struggle for what He would need to eat or wear; everything had been provided for. So all that man was to do on the land of the living was to take care of all that God had provided for him; then God instituted marriage and began a family. In Genesis 1:28 we read that God blessed them - the family He has created, and told them to be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth and subdue it.

The pursuit of career was not on the focus of God when He was creating man; God was not interested in career when He thought up the idea of creating man. Personal pursuit sprang up after Adam fell in Genesis 3 and God made man to begin to toil the earth for food. No wonder Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:25-34 that we should not worry about what we will eat, drink or wear, but rather seek first the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness and all other things will be added unto us, because right from the beginning of creation God did create us to fend for ourselves. He created us and was fending for us and is still fending for us; all we need do is obey His instructions for our lives and trust him.

From what I understanding from the Bible, God holds your marriage more dear to Him than your career. He gave you talent to carry on the career but that which would complete you and make you excel in every endeavor or career you find yourself in is the man or woman God gave you to marry. For you to excel in your career, you need to have excelled well in your marriage. Your marriage is so important to God that he pays attention to it (Malachi 2:13-16). It is your successful marriage that produces the godly offspring that the Lord seeks that will increase in number and fill the earth and subdue it and then bring down the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.

Whatever you succeed in achieving in your chosen field of endeavor and career, you have achieved it for yourself. Whatever money you make resides in your account. But whatever you achieve with you marriage you achieve for God, and the fruits of your marriage multiplies and grows into several generation of your descendants that you may never know. When your marriage is at peace, your life is settled and your career will flourish. But when your marriage is turbulent and unsettled, no matter the effort and energy you put into your career, the yields from it will always be far less than it should be, because two are not working as one, you are struggling alone.

I agree that a man would need to meet the financial needs of the home and the wife would need to financially support her husband but you should not do it at the detriment of your marriage and family. Your career can go extinct and money acquired can fade away from your family will always remain. Think about it.

There is something new on the block, we now have free counseling sessions available on We want to share your burdens and help you work out the solution to those challenges. So starting from today the 1st day of the month of December in the year 2016, you have a friend you can count on in us. 💕💕💕💕💕💕

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Husbands and House Chores

Hello beautiful people, how are you doing today, I pray and believe that you are doing wonderfully well to the glory of God. I can smell Christmas and I am excited and believe me, I crave for a holiday with my family so I am really praying to God for financial open heavens. Don’t know what you want for Christmas, but there isn’t anything God cannot do for you as long as it is within His will for your life and you have the faith that make things happen.

My last post seemed a little too serious so I will try to discuss something rather on the silly side again today. So we want to look at the roles the husband have to play in the upkeep of the house; when I say upkeep, I don’t mean financial provisions for the home, but getting down to doing house chores. So what is the Bible saying about men cleaning toilets and washing dishes? Is this a job solely for the wives or should the husbands get their hands duty too in this matter?

I once wrote a post on this same topic and sincerely speaking I haven’t made any new discoveries after that. Looking through the Bible stories, the impression that comes to mind is that the wives were more domesticated than the husbands. The men in the Bible were seen to be hunters, shepherds, fishermen, farmers, carpenters, craftsmen and stuff like these, while the women were more into making of meals, fetching water, cooking, taking care of children, mid-wives, garment making and activities that are generally regarded as feminine. But there is no clear cut instruction in the Bible that restricts the man from doing house chores. At least we know that Isaac asked Esau his first son to cook him a meal for him with which he will bless him and so we see an example of a man cooking in the Bible.

But my argument to this is as follows: God’s instruction to the husbands says, “He should love his wife, be considerate to her and respect her.” If the husband follows this instruction very carefully he’ll understand that the total wellbeing of his wife is his business and so he is mandated to ensure that his wife is well taken care of. If and when your wife is weighed down with too much stress from house chores, I believe it is just proper for a loving husband to help his wife whom he loves unconditionally with the house chores and ease her stress because her wellbeing should be your concern and you can’t claim to truly love your wife and still watch her burdened with the weight of too much house chores to bear.

If as a husband you don’t wish to get involved in house chores, there is no sin in that, but because the wellbeing of your wife is your business, it will be proper for you to get her a helping hand to ease the stress for her in the form of a maid or anything that will reduce the burden of what she has to do in the house. I can tell you for free that you will enjoy your wife more if she is less stressed out with domestic chores. May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Why do Wives Cheat?

Good afternoon to all the wonderful children of the living God, those who are fearfully and wonderfully made in the perfect image of the Almighty God; princes and princesses of the heavenly Kingdom. I pray and trust that your day so far has been blessed and you are experiencing divine favor in areas of your life that you least expect. Don’t worry about those things that aren’t looking so good at the moment, the story is not complete without your victorious ending. So just hang in there and keep believing; hang your faith on Jesus because there can be no end without you rejoicing.

A thought came to my mind and I just think it necessary that I share something based on that thought. When we want to talk about infidelity in marriage we often see the wife as the victim and the husband as the accused. But it truth women also cheat on their husbands. We have countless cases of infidelity in marriages where the wife is the accused. So today I want us to have a look at this scenario and just discuss it.

My children were trying to study their Social Studies and they came to me for confirmation of the definition of Polyandry. And my daughter said Mummy, "I believe polyandry means a woman who is married to more than one husband at the same time." Because I know that to be the true definition of the word, I couldn’t help but confirm it to be. But it felt really strange that we will have a woman married to more than one husband at the same time. It really feels good to believe that the woman is the righteous one; the one who never does wrong within the pair; the one who is always cheated on but never cheats. But for a word like Polyandry to exist, it’s because the act that defines that word really does happen.

Now, why will a woman want to cheat on her husband? Why will a woman soil her soul and not just her body? Quite a number of women might say they did it or are doing it because they want to get back at their husbands; some will say they are doing it because their husbands are not satisfying them in bed; some others will do it for money and fame; while some do it for lust. But going through all of these possible reasons, I am yet to come across one reason that is quite good enough a reason to justify this sin.

In as much as I do not stand as a judge in anyone's private matter, but my thought is that does the woman doing this have God in perspective in what she is doing. Is that God’s best option for her? Is her action worth the consequences that accrues to it? These are some of the guiding thoughts that one needs to consider before doing whatever it is one does whether good or bad. And in this case bad.

If a woman decides to go sleep with another man just because her husband is sleeping with another woman then she is just as guilty as her husband – if not more. Two wrongs never make a right. If your husband is doing something wrong and you are God’s ordained help for his life, then how do you intend to help him when you are just as deep in adultery as he is if not more? Can this act of foolish revenge make your husband stop his adulterous lifestyle or it will rather give him a good excuse to kick you out of his life and bring in a strange woman?

With all sense of humility I will say that it is only a lazy woman who has hands but cannot work and has brains but cannot think and has knees but cannot bend them to pray that will stoop low to committing adultery for the sake of money. Luke 5:1-10 tells us the story of how Simon Peter caught two boats full of fish to the point that the boats were beginning to sink just because He obeyed Jesus. David said in Psalm 37:4 that you should delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. So what have you desired in your life that the Lord cannot give you that will make you desecrate yourself and you have to depend on man for? Do you think you are justified before God or it is that God really doesn’t count in this matter?

When you see another man who looks good and has everything working for him, you should consider it a shame on your person if you begin to lust after such a man. Now this is why; this man is probably married to another woman, if yes then a woman just like you has worked hard, prayed hard and supported her husband to become the brand that you see and are falling in lust with. The fact that you see and lust after that man means a woman like you is doing a good job on him for you to be lusting after him. Where is the evidence of your own good work on your husband? Where is the evidence of your prayers, submission and support in the life of your husband? Have you invested so much on your husband that you are not seeing results?

When a woman gives sex as an excuse for cheating on her husband, it is because she has not learned the secret of prayers. A couple of posts back I discussed on what we need to put in place in order to have exciting sex life in our marriage, have you tried your best and added prayers to it. God will not give you to a man in marriage if He cannot make you two compatible with each other on all fronts. Give your best to your husband and pray and you will get the best from him and not another man. And if it is attention and care you need from your husband, just keep giving him the attention you need, pray about it and watch God handle the rest. I have always said, take charge of what you can control and let God handle what cannot control.

Just before I close, I want to just address the men, it is true that you can’t and should not take responsibility for the wrong actions of your wife, but I want to beg you not to give her room to misbehave. When you love and care for your wife like God instructs and expects you to, then you give her less reasons to do what she ought not to do. May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Prayer, Patience, Persistence

Hello wonderful people of God, it’s another glorious week and another great reason to give thanks to God. It’s not by our understanding, ability or righteousness that has made us to see this day but just the grace of God. That wonderful grace of God has brought us this far, from January till the end of November; that grace has fought the battles of our lives for us and granted us victory over the challenges of our lives. But if you think God has not been fair to you, understand that the fact that you are still alive to think such thought is because of His grace.

So today I want to discuss with us on some very vital ingredients to success in marriage and in fact every area of our lives. In life we face situations and circumstances that are way beyond us; there are spiritual battles of life that we come across that our abilities put together cannot handle and so we need to seek a power superior to ours to fight these battles. But most importantly we need to seek a power that is superior to the power that is confronting us in order to be victorious over these challenges and that is why it is important to prayer.

Every day that we wake and move around is a victory over death for that day because by ourselves we cannot conquer death. We don’t know what the next second holds for us so we need to pray. We are constantly in battle whether we acknowledge it or not.

In the same way in our marriages we need to be in constant prayer over it. Yes we can be submissive as a wife and we can be very loving as a husband but that is the aspect we have control over; what about the aspect we do not have control over? You have control over what you do or do not, but no matter how hard you try, you don’t have control over what your spouse does or does not. And that is where we need to pray. Cod has control over all. He has control over your life and that of your spouse. So what you do to achieve success in marriage is to control that which you have control over, and commit that aspect which you don’t have control over to God. So when I get to speak about what we need to do for a successful marriage, I tell the wife to prayerfully submit to her husband and I tell the husband to prayerfully love his wife. When you obey the word of God and pray, great and positive things happen.

Patience is the time frame of waiting for those things you have prayed for to happen. The time ultimately depends on God, because He is the God that makes all things beautiful in His own time. You don’t lay the foundation for a building today and the entire building is completed the same day; and also you don’t sow a seed in a day and it grows and begins to bear fruit that same day, also a woman does not conceive and give birth all in a day, it takes time. And the manifestation of what you have prayed for takes time to happen, and it is worth waiting for.

Persistence is when you keep sowing the seed of obedience to the word of God and prayer into your marriage as you wait for the manifestation of answered prayers. I hear people say "I can't take it any longer," we find it easy to seek God and hold on to him for our many dreams, desires and aspirations, but we find it really hard to wait on God for the turning around of our marriage which can ultimately lead to the manifestation of our many dreams and aspirations. With a good marriage, two will be working as one and goals are easier to achieve in twos than alone. 

The interesting thing to note in marriage is that persistence does not just bring about the manifestation of answered prayers for success in marriage, persistence also helps you to sustain and retain success in your marriage. You don’t just obey your husband once and pray for him once and believe that’s all you need to sow, and likewise you don't just show love to your wife once and then pray to God and just watch for a magic to happen. You need to keep obeying God’s word for your marriage and keep praying if you wish to see the hand of God move on your behalf.

I have heard a lot of people say “my husband cannot change or my wife can never change.” Well that will be so as long as you have given up on God to bring about the positive change they need and you have given up on obeying the word of God for your marriage and you have given up on praying.

In your waiting time, don’t look at the clock as it ticks; look at Jesus who is bringing about the change that you anticipate. Do away with anxiety and fix your eyes on Jesus, the change you expect will surely come and it will not delay. While waiting, God is also preparing you to be that wonderful wife deserving of a loving husband and that wonderfully loving husband deserving of a good and obedient wife. May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name.   

The Power of a Working Wife

  It is generally believed that a man is supposed to be the breadwinner of his home and the primary and only financial source for the family...