Friday, 2 December 2016

Discussing Some Real Life Issues in Marriage

Hello people, so we are on the 2nd day of December and from all the new month greetings I have received so far, I can tell that we are all in the Christmas mood already. Again I woke up today feeling really grateful to the God that loves me so much to die for my sins, make me His child and grants me so many victories in life. I am don’t know how you feel now, but praising God is a must for us as children of God and not an option. You just can’t imagine how many battles the Lord has fought and won on your behalf that makes you among those alive today. So no matter what you are going through, God is still good to you. Just pick up the lessons from your challenges and continue the race. I am doing the same.

In our gist today I want to share a story of a challenge faced by a young lady in marriage, I trust the Lord that this story will bless a life and someone reading it will be able to apply the lessons there to their own situation and come out victorious in Jesus name.

I am suppose to be happily married or so I thought until my husband insisted that he wants to bring into our home the child he had outside of wedlock with another lady before we got married. Apparently, he was crazy in love with the mother of this child and they were suppose to get married but the lady’s family objected to their union and they had to go their separate ways but not before the lady got pregnant for him with a male child. Now about 10years later, my husband wants custody of the child who has been living with his mother’s sister. I really feel used knowing that if everything had worked out fine between my husband and this lady I will never be in the picture. I feel like an afterthought wife, like a second fiddle in the whole picture and now he wants to bring the fruit of his previous love affair into our home to worsen the whole thing. This boy will be a constant reminder of the love affair he once had with his mother. Another problem I have with all this is that I don’t know how to explain it to my own family. My parents will be very upset with this development. This is really eroded the peace and harmony in my family. I am doing all I can to stop my husband from bringing this boy into our home. Please what else can I do; I love my husband and I cherish my marriage but this strange boy is going to take all that away.

My darling sister the first thing I want you to know and hold onto is that you are not a second best to your husband; you are the very best for him. Nothing could have stopped God from ensuring that your husband marries the other lady if she was God’s best for him, but God didn’t make it happen because He knows that He has packaged His favor for your husband inside of you and not the other lady. You are God’s best choice for your husband so never think less of yourself in that marriage.

Then going to the main issue of the child that was birth for your husband outside of wedlock; God said He has made you and your husband one in flesh and spirit, so you are no longer two but one. If God is then correct, you will agree with me that what belongs to your husband belongs to you. All of your husband’s assets, his cars, his houses and everything he owns belong to you. I can even say that you co-own his bank account because in an ideal situation you should be his next-of-kin and when he is not around all the monies in his account are given over to you. But you don’t just co-work his assets, you also co-own his liabilities, you are a partaker of his worries and challenges; the Bible says two are better than one. So the issue of this child is a joint issue. I won’t call it a problem but an issue. As long as you are one in flesh and spirit with your husband and this boy is your husband’s child, he automatically becomes your child and accepting him as your child gives you all the peace you long for and returns love and joy in your marriage more than you had before. Irrespective of who brought the boy to earth, the love and care that is shown to him determines who he sees and accepts as mother. So if you accept this boy as yours because he is your husband’s son and you show him all the love and care he can ever need in this world, then you become his mother. He then accepts you as his mother and loves you like a son should love his mother.

So you see why I will say that this is not a problem but just a mere issue. If you apply wisdom in handling it, you become better off at the end of the day.

Then you mentioned the problem of your parents; if you ask me, I will tell you that they have no say at all in this matter. It is your life and your marriage; the Bible tells us that a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So your mother and father and that of your husbands' have been left behind long ago after you got married to that man. You should love them and take care of them and their needs but not allow them any control over your marriage. When confused pray and consult your Bible; but the matters of your home is for you, your husband and your God to handle and resolve.

I believe from now on you will have a changed mindset and a renewed understanding of the situation in your marriage. I pray God’s guidance and peace into your life and marriage in Jesus name.

Do you feel really burdened by that issue and you don’t know where to turn to? Are you so confused that walls are closing in on you and you can’t find a way of escape? Do you need a shoulder to cry on? You are just a click away from what you need. A helping hand awaits you on

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