Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Husbands and House Chores

Hello beautiful people, how are you doing today, I pray and believe that you are doing wonderfully well to the glory of God. I can smell Christmas and I am excited and believe me, I crave for a holiday with my family so I am really praying to God for financial open heavens. Don’t know what you want for Christmas, but there isn’t anything God cannot do for you as long as it is within His will for your life and you have the faith that make things happen.

My last post seemed a little too serious so I will try to discuss something rather on the silly side again today. So we want to look at the roles the husband have to play in the upkeep of the house; when I say upkeep, I don’t mean financial provisions for the home, but getting down to doing house chores. So what is the Bible saying about men cleaning toilets and washing dishes? Is this a job solely for the wives or should the husbands get their hands duty too in this matter?

I once wrote a post on this same topic and sincerely speaking I haven’t made any new discoveries after that. Looking through the Bible stories, the impression that comes to mind is that the wives were more domesticated than the husbands. The men in the Bible were seen to be hunters, shepherds, fishermen, farmers, carpenters, craftsmen and stuff like these, while the women were more into making of meals, fetching water, cooking, taking care of children, mid-wives, garment making and activities that are generally regarded as feminine. But there is no clear cut instruction in the Bible that restricts the man from doing house chores. At least we know that Isaac asked Esau his first son to cook him a meal for him with which he will bless him and so we see an example of a man cooking in the Bible.

But my argument to this is as follows: God’s instruction to the husbands says, “He should love his wife, be considerate to her and respect her.” If the husband follows this instruction very carefully he’ll understand that the total wellbeing of his wife is his business and so he is mandated to ensure that his wife is well taken care of. If and when your wife is weighed down with too much stress from house chores, I believe it is just proper for a loving husband to help his wife whom he loves unconditionally with the house chores and ease her stress because her wellbeing should be your concern and you can’t claim to truly love your wife and still watch her burdened with the weight of too much house chores to bear.

If as a husband you don’t wish to get involved in house chores, there is no sin in that, but because the wellbeing of your wife is your business, it will be proper for you to get her a helping hand to ease the stress for her in the form of a maid or anything that will reduce the burden of what she has to do in the house. I can tell you for free that you will enjoy your wife more if she is less stressed out with domestic chores. May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name. 

1 comment:

  1. I think men should help their wife with the chores, there are men out there that do but they are very few. Have a blessed day!


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