Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Be My Val

In today’s post I want to please seek your permission and crave your indulgence to do something different from my regular posting. Today is my 13th wedding anniversary and I really bless God for seeing me through thus far. It’s been a journey of learning and as much as I have learned I have shared with the people God on this platform through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Today I want to launch on this platform the work I have been doing for God which are the books I have written through the inspiration of God. The Lord has helped me reach people in various parts of the world with His word through this platform, and there is no way I can gather all these people together in one room to introduce the work the Lord has achieved through me to them. So by the grace of God, I am launching the journey that started sometime in 2008 and which I have worked with God passionately to achieve on this platform. There are four of the books that are being launched today and I will introduce the rest on a later date.

My journey into writing for the Lord began in 2008. I lost my job in June 2005 and that began for me a journey that brought me to my knees. It was the most trying period of my life. My financial life was dead, my marriage was in trouble and everything that could possibly go wrong in my life went wrong. Every attempt to make income was a failure. In frustration I ran to God; I prayed and prayed and still nothing changed. Not even my marriage looked like it would stand the test of time. At that point in my life I contemplated suicide. And then looking at my little children and knowing the fact that suicide would not get me to heaven I dropped the idea. I told God that if I won’t get a job for a human, then I can at least work for Him, I had faith in God and I understood that the remuneration would be better than working for man.

From where I can’t explain or understand I developed interest in writing. First it started as a hobby and something to while away time with, and then it grew into writing to address issues that I felt wasn’t right in my environment and one of such issues was marriage. I became very close to my Bible and read it at every opportunity I  had. The word of God and obeying the instructions of God for my life with the help of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God alone healed my marriage. But the issue of finances was still pending.

As I began to walk with God and work for God my story began to change. I still do not earn income but I can tell you that the Lord has been more than good to me. Some of the products of work done for God are the books that I am launching on this platform now. These are books that have blessed my life personally and a few people who have had the chance of reading them have given the same feedback that they have been greatly blessed by them.

Because this is an online book launch and we are unable to have guests who have read the books come up to give a word of what they have enjoyed in the books, you have the blog posts that you have been reading to give you a glimpse of what the books can possibly contain. Below is just a little something about each book that is launched and all the links from which you can purchase copies.

The book "Marriage: God's Rules of Engagement" was written to bring people's attention back to God's initial plan and purpose for marriage. It's is a book that opens up our minds to God's established rules for marriage and helps us understand why God came up with these rules. In it you will understand and appreciate the rules and have clear knowledge of it application. When you know the rules and apply the rules, no force from the gates of hell can hold your marriage bound from prospering. This is a book that looks into every area of our marital life and how to make the best of it. It also contains real life issues that you can learn from. With this book you can be guaranteed of a beautiful marital experience if you hold on to God to follow His rules for your marriage. It's a 170pages book in easy to read bold print format that would make it's mark in your life for good. 
So today I want you to please pray on this book for me, bless it and launch it for me by purchasing copies from the online stores with links provided below. Get copies for your friends and families and tell as many people about it as you can. If God has used me to impact your life, then make my day by getting copies of this book for you and your loved ones. 

Gleanings from the Throne of God was my very first assignment for God. It's a collection of ten life-changing short books in one book. From the very first page of this book to the last, there is something for you to hold on to and be blessed by. The Lord used me to write this book in the depth of great challenges in my life and writing this book was the light at the end of the tunnel for me. It was the revelation of God in my life that what I was going through was a challenge with an expiry date. Everyone who has had a chance of reading this book has given the feedback of blessings. 
In this book you will discover the secret of giving thanks in all circumstances and the power of praising God even when all is not well. You will appreciate the dangers of worry and why you need to re-engineer your pursuit in life. And yes, it reveals to us that there is nobody and nothing that God cannot use, so don't write yourself off. And strangely enough, you will learn about the advantages of suffering. Yes you read right, there is something valuable about suffering and that you will discover in this book. 
So there is a lot to look forward to in the book "Gleanings From The Throne of God," and its also to be launched by you today. It's a large print book with 171pages. So please pray on this book, bless it and launch it by purchasing copies from the links provided below. May the Lord bless you ever so richly as you uphold me in doing what pleases the Lord. 

Psalm 127:3-5 says, Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate." This passage is so very true when you have taken your time to train your children in the way of the Lord. Just like children can be a blessing, so also can they be a curse and which ever way it's going to be, it's all up to you. Prophet Eli was a prophet of the Lord but he ended his life with a curse, not because he sinned against God, but because he didn't train his children right. 
We are in the evil days and the society is filled with products from our homes as parents. If the society is not working as it should then it's because you are not parenting as you should. When we seek the Kingdom of God here on earth as we always ask in the Lord's prayers (Matthew 6:9-13), then we should put our action into what our mouth professes. It's not up to God to bring His Kingdom here on earth because He Kingdom is already everywhere; it's up to us to live the Kingdom of God here on earth and teach our children to do the same. 
"Because the Lord Seeks Godly Offspring" is another book that I present to you for launching today. I crave your prayers on this book and I pray you bless it for me. I will also appreciate that you launch this book for me by purchasing copies of it from the links below. Don't just get copies for yourself, get for your friends and loved ones too. May the Lord bless you as you uphold me in doing what pleases the Lord. 

Sometimes the only link between us and our breakthrough is knowledge. When God's said my people perish for lack of knowledge, He sure knows what He is talking about. Although in Jeremiah 33:3 the Lord says, "Call on me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know," but do we really call on Him? And if we do, what do we ask Him to reveal to us? When you read the book Stressless Toil, you will discover that there is a seed of greatness locked down inside of you. It's not just the discovery of this seed that is important, but how to nurture this seed to grow is also important in order not to kill the seed of greatness in you. Ears have not heard and eyes are yet to see what the Lord has stored up in you and for you. When you seek God truly, you will find Him and when you obey and follow His instructions for your life you will live in abundance even in the midst of scarcity. 
And so I present the book "Stressless Toil" to you and yet another labor fulfilled in the vineyard of God. I seek your prayers and blessings on this book and I will appreciate that you launch this book by purchasing copies of the book from the links provided below. And may the Lord bless you ever so abundantly in Jesus name. 

I really wish to thank you for taking the time to go through this post and launch these books for me. May the Almighty God do great things in your life that you will always look back and bless Him for. May He honor you and yours as you have honored me today and bless all that you lay your hands to do in Jesus mighty name. 

Tomorrow we will continue with our regular post and by the grace of God we will live a continuous life of blessings. I crave your indulgence to have this books displayed on the blog or somewhere on the posts shared, may be once or twice a week so that those who wish to make purchases after today can access the links easily. God bless you all richly. Do have a fabulous Valentine celebration. 

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