Friday, 28 April 2017

The Husband in Isaac

Genesis 25:21
Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The Lord answered his prayer and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.

Genesis 26:8
When Isaac had been there a long time, Abimelech king of the Philistines looked down from a window and saw Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah.

This is one marriage story in the Bible that I just love to make reference to; the kind of love and attention that Isaac showered on his wife Rebekah always makes me love marriage. This is one man that makes marriage so sweet to experience and if all men were to treat their wives the way Isaac treated Rebekah, I am positive that God would be so proud of the marriage institution that He originated. And to think that Isaac didn’t even choose Rebekah himself as wife but God chose for him makes it even more lovely.  
If we look at this marriage situation well, we will notice that Rebekah had been married for over 20years before Isaac prayed to God concerning her barrenness and the Lord answered in Genesis 25. And it was much later that Isaac was found caressing Rebekah in the open view of king Abimelech. So that tells us that even though their marriage was well advanced in years they didn’t get tired of showing each other love. Even after many years of marriage Isaac was still very much in love with Rebekah and he showed her that much even in public view. I just love this marriage story.
Reading on in the story of Isaac and Rebekah we will notice that they had their differences; Isaac loved Esau who was the older of the twins, while Rebekah loved Jacob based on the prophecy of God on the twins at birth. But that still didn’t cause a rift or separation in their marriage. They managed their differences in a manner that didn’t affect the love they had for each other or their marriage.
I would love the husbands reading this to score themselves based on the revelation of the theme marriage for this write-up. No wonder God blessed Isaac so much. It is true that God’s favor for Isaac originated from His covenant with Isaac’s father Abraham, but peradventure Isaac was not as faithful in his dealings as his father, would he be able to continue in that covenant? But thank God Isaac was just as faithful as his father Abraham and when it came to the affairs of his home and marriage he scored high on that; even higher that Abraham his father. And so we read that in the midst of famine Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year he reaped a hundred fold, because the Lord blessed him. And Isaac’s wealth began to grow and he became rich and exceedingly rich that the host community where he lived began to envy him.
A man who desires to prosper in the face of hardship is a man who will be careful in taking care of his wife; he will be a man wise enough to form a bond of unity with his wife and protect that unity because the presence of that unity with the power of God in it guarantees success and eradicates impossibilities in life. A man who takes care of his wife and loves her, is a man who is sure that God will hear and answer his prayers. So let the men begin to do the needful.
May the Lord bless our homes in Jesus name. 

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