Monday, 20 June 2016

What Men Do In Marriage

It’s that period of the year when we celebrate fathers and every father figure in our lives and so it will be just ideal that we give the fathers a reawakening even as we celebrate them for what God is using them to do and what He desires to use them to do in our lives. So my post today is going to be for the fathers.
A lot of times we have heard women complain bitterly about having to put in their all in marriages and it appears as if the husbands have been assigned no responsibility at all in the marriage. The wife is to help the husband even when she is the one being hurt and at the receiving end of whatever the husband has to offer good or bad. She is burdened with the role of a home keeping, caring for the children, cooking for the family and even in some exceptional cases providing for the family when the father is financially down. So when you sum all these together you are tempted to wonder what the role of the man is in the home. So in today’s post we search the word of God to know what God requires of the man in marriage, who is also the husband and father.
Ephesians 5:23, 25-30
For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands out to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church – for we are members of his body.
1 Timothy 3:2-4
Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.
In the scriptures above we find details of what God expects from the man in marriage. These scriptures detail out the roles and expectations of God on the man in marriage. In Ephesians 5:23 Paul says the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church his body. So the husband and wife are of one body with the husband as the head.
Figuratively speaking, we all know that on a human body, the head houses the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and also consist of some part of the skin; so to say that all the sense organs of the body reside on the head. To crown up the responsibilities of head is the fact that the brain that controls the function of the entire body reside in the head. With all of these functions residing in the head, we will understand that the head has a huge role to play for the body.
This analogy explains what role the husband has to play in any marriage. But looking at the role of the husband from the point of view of God’s instruction to the man, a husband is to love his wife in the manner in which Christ loves the church. Breaking it down to small bits, we know that Christ loves the church to the point of giving himself up for her; Christ loves the church despite the rejection and betrayal that the church rewards him with; Christ loves the church and as such instructs and trains her; Christ loves the church and protects her from evil and harm; Christ loves the church and fights her battles for her; Christ loves the church and is advocating for her before the Father in heaven continually. The love of Christ for the church is so strong that it cannot be comprehended, quantified, understood. It is the height of unconditional love. This strong unconditional love is what God demands and requires of the husband to his wife. Despite all the shortfalls in the life of a wife, the Lord still demands that her husband loves her unconditionally in the manner with which Christ loves the church.
This unconditional love of a husband to his wife will enable him sacrifice all for his wife just as Christ did for the church. It will move him to protect and care for her just as his own body. This same unconditional love will cause the husband to defend his wife and fight for her come what may. A man who loves his wife as God has instructed him to will not watch his wife overwork herself just to be his wife while he sits idle playing boss. Jesus didn’t just sit as the head and issue commands and send his disciples on errands while he sat and did nothing, but rather Jesus lead by example. He taught His disciples the servant leader approach of leadership. It was a leadership of “do as I do,” and not just “do as I say.” And that is the manner of leadership and headship that God demands from the husband to his wife.
The late Myles Munroe once said that God did not give the men heavy muscles and huge biceps so they can play bullies to their wives and beat her to obedience, but rather they have those huge muscles as a tool to protect, defend and fight for their family. I cannot agree more to that saying. The men have been built so by God to be a shield over those whom the Lord has kept under their care. The man is not built with muscles to bully his wife and enforce lordship over his family, but rather a father who is a servant leader in the manner with which Christ loved and led the church will lead his family by example. He will earn the love and respect of his wife and children by the way and manner in which he loves and sacrifice for them, training them in the way and manner of the Lord. He is a firm yet loving father.
A husband who has the deep unconditional love like that of Christ for his wife will be a husband who will take the pains to provide for his family at all cost. He will be a husband who eagerly directs his household in a right and godly manner. These are the things men do and always have to do in marriage. So when a wife is required to do so much in marriage, the husbands are required to do even more.
When the wives are doing so much for the success of their marriage and the husbands are doing even more for the success of the same marriage, then it is impossible for that marriage to fail. Any storm that attempts to steal the joy of such marriage is only proceeding on a venture that has failed even before it started. So wives don’t feel God is unfair by requiring so much from you because in truth He requires even more from your husbands.
In closing I wish all the husbands/fathers meeting up with God’s requirement on their lives for their marriages and homes a Happy Father’s Day. May the good Lord uphold and strengthen you for the task before you in Jesus name.

I will understand if you don't like to read, but when God says "My people perish for lack of knowledge," then you need to know that to seek knowledge is great gain. Now is time to seek knowledge and live.
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Thursday, 16 June 2016

What Roles Are In-Laws To Play In Our Marriages?

It’s another beautiful day and another glorious time to share the truth of the word of God on this blog. I am really feeling blessed to be a vessel in God’s hand I must say and as always I bless God for the lives and homes that are blessed and touch by the truth of God’s word on this blog.
In today’s blog I will be making good my second promise, so in this post we will be looking at the role of in-laws in our marriages. What assignment do our parents, parents in-law, siblings and siblings in-law have to play in our marriage based on the design of God at the beginning?

Genesis 2:24
For this reason a man will leave father and mother and be united to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Matthew 19:4-6
“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Ephesians 5:31
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

Genesis 12:1
The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”

These passages above will be the focus point of this blog message. At the beginning when God instituted marriage, it was about the man leaving and then cleaving. So every successful marriage working according to the plan and purpose of God for marriage begins with a leaving and then proceeds with a uniting/cleaving. So based on God’s design for marriage a man should leave his father and mother and cleave/unite with his wife and the two will become one flesh. But before the wife feels she does not have to do the leaving, the man is required to be united to his wife alone and not the wife and her parents, siblings, uncles or aunties. So what that means is that for a marriage to actively and successfully kick off, both the man and his wife are required to leave their fathers and mothers and cleave to one another to become one flesh.
What this tells us is that based on God’s design for marriage, at the point where the wife’s parents hand their daughter over to her husband, they have relinquished control of her life over to her husband. Paul said in Ephesians 5:23 that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Once marriage commences, the influence and control that parents have over their married daughter drops and the husband takes up the mantle of leadership over her life.
The important question that will easily come to mind is that why would God require that a man and his wife leave father and mother and cleave/unite with each other? And what the Lord opened up my mind to in answer to this question is the fact that the provisions of marriage is mainly for the husband and the wife. Any addition to the combination of the husband and wife will translate to extra strain and burden on what God has provided for the man and his wife. The bringing in of father, mother, sisters and brother into your marriage is so to say bringing extra luggage into what God originally planned for two. Now it is not God that will have to increase the supply to fit your desire but that you trim your desire to suit the provisions of God for your marriage.
I am always moved to liken the call of God on the life of a man to that call God made on Abraham. When God called Abram in Genesis 12:1, He gave the same instructions as He gave to the man in marriage and that was to leave is father’s household and go with his wife to a place only God knew. Abraham obeyed but then he didn’t leave his father’s household behind. He went in the company of his nephew Lot. But reading through to chapter 13 of the book of Genesis, verse 6 tells us that the land could no longer support Abraham and Lot staying together, and quarrelling began to arose between Lot’s herdsmen and Abraham’s herdsmen. And this went on until they both realized they had to part ways.
This is what plays out in marriage when the husband and wife refuses to leave their father’s household behind before cleaving to each other. They enter into marriage with unrequired and unnecessary extra luggage that eventually brings about quarrels and fights in marriage which in turn rubs them off the joy and peace of marriage.
When God realized that it was not good for the man to be alone, He had the option of providing the man's mother for him as a helper, but He did not do that. Rather the Lord formed a suitable helper for the man from within the man as his wife. Every man should be able to differentiate the place for mother and wife in their lives and not try to compare or swap roles. A man should take care of his parents and ensure they very well provided for. But carrying them along into his marriage will only result in the same scenario as we read of Abraham and Lot. The issue of the husband’s mother living in her son’s house with his wife is like having two bosses occupying the same space and having the same roles; there will always be clashes and fights with peace farfetched.
In the same manner the wife’s mother has no business living with her daughter when the daughter is married. She has her own home to watch over. When the mother has been able to train her child in the right direction then she has no reason to worry over her once she is married. Any other issue arising should only be taken care of in prayers and godly counsel.
I have heard of a husband beaten up silly by the siblings of his wife for not providing financially for their sister. What beats me in this is that when the siblings knew they could provide for their sister why didn’t they marry her? The fact that the woman can still say she is married to the man after he had been beaten silly by her siblings is what I am fining hard to comprehend, but this is a true life story.
Marriage is about a man and his wife and not a man and his wife and his brothers, parents, sibling. Neither is marriage about a man and his wife and his wife’s parents and siblings. When a man is not man enough to marry, it is okay that he remains unmarried rather than marry and allow another man run his home for him. In the same manner, when a woman is not matured enough to marry, she is better off remaining under her parent’s watch than marrying and having to run back home to get a response for all her husband’s requests and complains. May the Lord bless our homes.

I will understand if you really don't like to read, but when God says "My people perish for lack of knowledge," then you need to know that to seek knowledge is great gain. So seek knowledge and live. 
Below are some life changing reading material that are guaranteed to enrich you with abundant knowledge from the truth of the Bible. These are life changing materials. All books are live on 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Talking About Sex In Marriage

Its another time again to discuss marriage issues. You can’t just imagine how glorious life can be when you are in a thriving and peaceful marriage. You might not have all the money in the world, but you have a kind of peace and joy that money can't buy.
I had promised to write my next post on the topic of sex in marriage and by the special grace of God, I will be making good that promise in this post. So I will be trusting God in this post to teach us on the use and purpose of sex in marriage. What did God have in mind when He infused sex into marriage? Is it mainly for procreation purposes or for other purposes? These are areas I am praying the Lord will through this post speak to many married couples.
In many marriages, based on human minds, sex has served as various tools in various marriages. Some couples have used sex as a unifying tool in their marriages, some have used sex as a dispute mender/settler, some have used sex as a hunting or avenging tool, some see it as an immoral and dirty thing and should not be mentioned in open space, and the unimaginable aspect of it is that some even see it as a means of inflicting punishment on their spouses. Interestingly I can go on and on highlighting the various uses to which married couples have put sex in their marriages. But in order to get things right and strengthen out some crocked line of thinking we need to understand why God decided to build in sex in the nature of man and woman in marriage.

1 Corinthians 7:3-5
The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Proverbs 5:15-20
Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well.
Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in public squares?
Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers.
May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe, a graceful deer – may her breast satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love.
Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress?
Why embrace the bosom of another man’s wife?

The book of Songs of Solomon speaks so beautifully about that love that should exist between a man and his wife. The deep love spoken of here is one that generates affection, love, warmth, protection and many more beautiful things between married couples. It is a deep love that precedes sex in marriage. It is this deep love that creates a longing between a man and his wife that makes them always want to be close to each other; it generates the chemical reaction in couples that oftentimes make them want to have sex. So from this analysis, we can conclude that sex is not dirty or an immoral act between married couples as some have grown to see it as.
Something that we need to also understand about sex is that it is a duty that must be fulfilled in marriage. Paul said that a wife does not own her body alone, but her husband is also a part-owner of the body that houses her soul and spirit. And in like manner the husband is not the sole owner of his body but that his wife is also a part-owner of that body he calls his own. So if this is the case, Paul said couples should not deprive each other access to that body that they co-own. So from here we know and understand that using sex as a tool of punishment, hurt or revenge in marriage is absolutely wrong and unacceptable by God based on what the Bible is revealing as the use of sex in marriage.  
In Genesis 2:24 Adam said, “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Then Malachi 2:15 stated that God has made the man and his wife one in flesh and spirit. This oneness in flesh and spirit is made manifest in the sexual activity that takes place between the man and his wife. God built in sex in marriage in order to foster oneness between the man and his wife so that the wife who was originally formed from her husband can be one again with him and they both remain one with each other for their lifetime.
So if we sum up what we have discovered from the word of God so far, we can conclude that sex in marriage is a beautiful thing that is birth from the love and affection that exist between a man and his wife. Then moving on we have also discovered that sex in marriage is a marital duty that must be fulfilled by both couples in the marriage. Based on this revelation, the man is to know that his body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife, so it will be completely wrong for a man to deprive his wife of what rightfully belongs to her which is his body. And same applies to the wife, she is to know and understand with all clarity that her body does not belong to her alone but is co-owned by her husband so it is wrong for her to deprive her husband of what rightfully belongs to him for whatever reason she may have.
Then we are also realizing that sex in marriage in God’s way of bringing about oneness in marriage in fulfilling His word that He has made the man and his wife one in flesh and spirit. These are the very wonderful and beautiful reasons why God infused sex in our marriages and not for the hurtful purposes that sex has been used for in this generation.  
Quite a lot of people have questions about the kind of sex styles that are acceptable in a Christian marriage, and a lot of people have considered that some sexual activities are immoral and unacceptable. But I will say this; the important thing about sex in marriage is that the husband and wife do not deprive one another. As long as both parties enjoy the pleasure of each other’s bodies and are happy, they are not committing any sin.
Also important to note is that sex in marriage is between the man and his wife. Solomon says the husband should rejoice in the wife of his youth and may her breast satisfy him always and that he be captivated by her love always and not that of an adulteress. So sex is strictly for the man and the wife of his youth, anything outside of this is a sin.

I have been greatly blessed writing this, God has opened some truths about that very discrete topic we find hard to discuss in marriage. I pray that a lot of questions in the minds of people have been answered. In case there are still more to ask, you can please drop your questions as a comment on the blog and we will prayerfully seek God for clarification on what you need clarity on. May the Lord bless our homes.

I will understand if you really don't like to read, but when God says "My people perish for lack of knowledge," then you need to know that to seek knowledge is great gain. So seek knowledge and live. 
Below is some life-changing reading material that is guaranteed to enrich you with abundant knowledge from the truth of the Bible. These are life-changing materials. All books are live on

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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

A Really Tough Issue In Marriage

A very good evening to the wonderful people of God who take the time to read posts on this blog, I can't and will never stop thanking God for your lives and homes and trusting Him to always do a new thing in your lives and homes through what is shared on this blog.
There are some very difficult or should I say assumed difficult situations we face in marriage and sometimes it appears that God has totally taken His attention off the person involved in that situation. I was chatting with a friend last weekend and we were discussing one of these assumed difficult situations in marriage and this is the line of our gist: We were discussing about ladies who ignorantly got married to gay husbands. I sited a case I had heard of and she also mentioned a similar situation that happened in her church. Unfortunately, both cases happened with very diligent church people who are known to the world as born-again Christians.
This by every sense of human reasoning is a case that adequately qualifies for a divorce. I will not oppose to a divorce in a case like this more so that Jesus permits divorce in cases of sexual immorality (Matthew 19:9) and this is not just sexual immorality in the natural sense, it is the obscene kind of sexual immorality. So in such a case I might not do much of Bible quoting.
But the next question I will probably want answered is why would God watch and allow this kind of marriage take place in the first instance, why didn’t He prevent it from happening and as such prevent His precious daughters from going through the emotional torture of being married to a gay spouse. Well just as faithful as God is, He has provided an answer for me and this I would like to share.
In Genesis 2:18 God said it is not good that the man should be alone and He decided to make a suitable helper for him and that helper happens to be a woman, and not just any woman, a wife for the man who God knows and see needs help. I am very sure you will agree with me that a gay man is a man who desperately needs help. So God who knows the strength He made the woman with and capabilities she possess is sure she can help this gay husband become normal again. It’s a huge task, but with the help of God, she can finish well. God knowing this, didn’t prevent the marriage from taking place but rather waiting to be called upon to wade into the situation. If only the blessed wife will put her emotions on hold and listen to the voice of God on how to handle the situation, the Lord will direct her and work with her till she overcomes the challenge in the life of her spouse and both of them are better off. Is this possible, I will say Yes with every sense of conviction because there is no impossibility with God.
Another question that came to mind that I want to ask God is: Why does God need a woman in order to help a man? Well He has also given me an answer to that and I am going to share it. It is because God made the woman from the man so that she will be the person closest to him. In the design of God there should be no one closer to the man than his wife. And if God will work in the life of a man and will not have to physically leave His throne in heaven to get the work done, He will work through the closest person to the man who should be the woman whom He formed from the rib of the man.
So by the grace of God I will conclude this by saying that in this kind of extreme case of marriage challenge that is tangled with sexual immorality that involves homosexuality, I will not frowned at the mention of divorce. But if the wife is able to look beyond her husband and his mighty shortfall and look to Jesus to uphold her and help me bring about a glorious change in the life of her husband she will be doing God a great service and winning a precious soul into God’s kingdom. 

In the coming post I will be discussing issues bothering on sex in marriage and dealing with external interference in marriage so please be on the lookout.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Money and Marriage (Going Practical)

I thank God for a beautiful day, the first day of the sixth month of the year. So many people and churches have declared positive things into the new month and I pray that positive things will manifest for us all in Jesus name.
In my last post I discussed on the issue of money and marriage as a continuation of what I had written earlier on that issue. And again today in this post I will be discussing more on it. But the twist in today’s post is that we will take a real life issue of how money is affecting a marriage and what should be the response. Below is the real life issue and my response to the query. I am sharing this so that many can learn from it and apply in their homes and marriages to the glory of God.

Aunty you keep telling me that I should keep on praying for my husband so that he can have money to take care of me and our children but the truth is that I have been praying for him and God has been answering my prayers over his life. But whenever I pray and he makes money, he does not spend it on me or the children, sincerely speaking I don’t know who or what he spends his money on, and because he knows that I am working he will always shift his responsibilities on me. I pay our children's school fees and cloth them, he buys food stuff once in a while but how far does that go in what is used up in the home. Now I am not going to waste my prayers on him, I’ll rather prayer for God to help me grow my business since I am responsible not just for my own duties but for his own too. I am tired of praying for a man who does not care about my wellbeing and that of his children. 

"I am so very proud of you" is what I want to start with; the fact that you have said you prayed and God answered your prayers and blessed your husband is what I am applauding you for. Indeed I am proud of you. I won’t encourage you to stop praying just because your husband has refused to carry out his responsibilities as a husband and a father, two wrongs they say never make a right. You cannot correct a wrong thing with another wrong thing but just as a child of God that you are you will overcome any evil situation in your life with good. Love conquers all is the saying, and it is a very true saying. But your prayer point will be a little advanced than what it used to be; you have prayed and God has blessed, so you will direct that blessing to its proper use also through prayer which is the channel through which the blessing came. You can actually control your husband’s spending through prayers. Isaiah 44:26 describes God as the God who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers; so if this is one of the natures of God, then you can be sure that if what you are praying for is in line with the will of God, then He will fulfill it and that includes how your husband utilize the blessings of God in his possession. I will advise that you pray to God to give your husband a heart that loves God and the things of God and a heart that makes him love his family well enough to make them a priority in his spending. I will also encourage you to pray that God will endow your husband with everything he needs to be a good husband and father. Since this is in line with God’s will for your marriage I am sure God will hear and answer, He will fulfill the words of your prayers and very soon you will start to see the desired positive change in your husband. I am looking forward to your testimony.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Money and Marriage (2)

I thank God yet again for God’s grace to see another day and enjoy another divine goodness of God. It’s something to be grateful for always that we wake up early in the morning well and healthy everyday and our children, spouses and entire family are all well and okay. This is one gift from God that no amount money can buy. When your challenge in life is not that you are on the sick bed, please take a moment to thank God real good. It’s not because you are lucky, or that you are able to take care of yourself more than others, or that your money has bought you good health, it’s just because of the mercy and grace of God that you are as you are. I am thanking God and I hope and pray you are too.
In this post I am trusting God to teach us how we can combine the assignment of God on our lives and also the ability and the need to earn income and make wealth such that our primary assignment from God is not affected. The first thing that we need to place at the forefront of our minds is that at the beginning of time, God did not create us to struggle to eat and have the good things of life. Our assignment on earth is not that we might live to survive. All that we need to survive has been provided for by God even before He created man.
In the process of creation in Genesis 1, we will discover that God had created everything and set them in their places before He created man. God had planted the garden, provided the sunlight that the garden needs to grow well, He had provided the rivers to water the garden, and the rich soil with all its required nutrients had all been provided for before man was created. As a matter of fact God had created all the animals, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea had all been created and set in their places before God created the man. So what we need to understand is that God did not form man without adequately providing for the man He created even before man was created. So we see that of all that God assigned man to do, the pursuit of wealth and the struggle for survival was not part of it. When God created man, He asked the man and his wife to replenish the earth, to reproduce after their own kind, but God never left the man to go struggle for his own survival.
This knowledge is to help us understand how to prioritize our pursuit on earth. Some may argue that after Adam sinned, God cursed man and man would have to sweat and toil hard to eat. But another covenant came into existence after the sacrifice of Noah in Genesis 8, and from Genesis 9:1-3 when God gave man a fresh start He reestablished His initial order and God gave man everything as food. Toilsome labor vanished with the flood of Genesis 7.
This revelation is not designed for man to sit lazy and wish food on his table, but that as man gets busy on his assignment for God, God gets busy ensuring that such a man never lacks, and provisions of his needs are constantly and consistently made available to him. Men who truly pursue the things of God never lack. They may face obstacles and challenges along the way, but those are challenges they are bound to overcome because the word of God never fails. Jesus said we should seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto us. Moses said in Deuteronomy 8:18 that it is God who teaches our hands to make wealth, and King Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 2:26 that for a man who pleases God, He gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. Those are fundamental truth about life that we need to remind ourselves about.
With this revelation, we need to understand that in marriage money is just a means to an end; it is not the end focus and should not be the goal of any marriage. When you have money as the focus of your life, it’s like chasing after a wind. The more you pursue it, the more it runs from you. A marriage that has money as its main goal is most likely to be plagued with selfishness and frustration that ultimately leads to chaos. But when the focus of a marriage is to fulfill the God given assignment for the couples in the marriage, the means to accomplish that goal will be made available to them by God who assigned them the responsibility. So if the couples require wisdom to fulfill their goal which is to fulfill their God given assignment for their lives, then God will make sure that wisdom is made available to them in abundance. Also if the couple requires money to fulfill their goal which is to do what God has assignment them to, then God who gave them the assignment will ensure they have enough money to meet up with that which He has assigned them to do. God will not assign a responsibility to man without providing a means to meet up with the assignment.
God who has assigned the man to be the head of the home and to provide for his family will ensure that He provides for the man what he needs and requires to be the head of the home and to provide for his family be it money, wisdom, understanding and any other thing he needs. Also if God has assigned the wife to be a suitable helper to her husband, He will ensure that He provides her with all she needs to be a suitable helper to her husband and if money is required surely God will empower her with the required wealth.
When a man begins to struggle for survival, it’s likely because his focus and goal has shifted from God to survival. His eyes have probably shifted from God to money. When this happens, all that is required is for the man is to shift focus from money or survival back to God. When a man thinks he can survive outside of God, God does not intercept the man’s pursuit but waits patiently till the man realizes he can’t do it by himself and approaches God for help. Remember it is God who teaches our hands to make wealth.
With all that has been said, the question that comes to mind next is that; with all that we have learned of God’s provision, should a man then bother to work or should he sit and trust God for his provisions? Proverbs 18:9 says, “One who is slack in his work is a brother to one who destroys,” then Proverbs 12:24 says “Diligent hands rule, but laziness ends in slave labor.” “If a man will not work, he shall not eat” was the rule Paul gave in 2 Thessalonians 3:10. A man sitting idle and trusting God alone is a lazy man and poverty smiles at him if he does not wake up from his slumber and put his hands to work. It is what you put your hands to do that the Lord promised to bless in Deuteronomy 28:3-14 and not your laziness or idleness. If you long for the blessing of the Lord on your financial life then you need to present a work that you do for God to bless. And you also need to ensure that the work you do is in line with the ability and talent God gave you, and you are not pursuing after another man's success. Then if you honor God with your wealth and use your wealth in a manner that pleases God, you can be sure increase will not depart from your work. Growth and promotion will always be your portion as long as God and His will is your focus.   
The economy of this present day is very harsh and it is an understatement that it is beginning to affect many homes and marriages but this should not be. God did not design your marriage for struggles and survival. When others are complaining and groaning in the hardship of the present economy, you can live a life of abundance and your marriage enjoying a divine refreshment when you and your spouse have God at the center of your pursuit and you have His assignment for your lives as your goal. May the Lord bless our homes.

The Power of a Working Wife

  It is generally believed that a man is supposed to be the breadwinner of his home and the primary and only financial source for the family...