another beautiful morning and with it are loaded divine blessings for those who
wait on the Lord. I just checked the date and realized that we have already
spent 12 days into the new year. Everything seems so fast and I hope that daily
we are matching up our goals, our walk with God, and our aspirations with the
speed of time. If you have not started making good your new year resolutions,
you better realize the you are already getting to 12 days late. May the Lord
give us divine strength, grace and wisdom in Jesus name.
we are continuing with our study of the “Wife of Noble Character” and this
study has ignited a lot of thoughts and call to action in my life and I pray
that it is waking up some dead potentials in your lives too in Jesus name.
opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in
makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders
of the land.
wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like
decay in his bones.
continue to find out what makes a wife of noble character a substance of value
and the first thing that we see in the third badge of verses of the scripture
we are looking at is that she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands
to the needy (Proverbs 31:20). She is a woman of compassion not just to her own
family, but also to those outside of her family who need help and support. She is
not one to look down on people; she is not the kind of woman who is carried away with world class structure. where the rich only relate with the rich and the poor mingle only with their kind. She is approachable by all and shows the love of
God to all.
she is a woman of vision and discernment; she is blessed with wisdom and can
read the signs of times ahead and prepare her household in advance. Now this
household is without exception. She does not just prepare her children and
leaves the husband out, but she prepares her entire household ahead of time. She knows what they would need before they actually do need it and makes it
available even before they are required.
are a lot of times that wives stuff the home with items that sometimes appear
as junks. You would call them junks until the day they are needed and you run
to get them and bless your God that you bought such item ahead of time. Such is
the value of a wife of noble character. She is a woman of God who listens to
the voice of God in her and is able to know how to prepare her family ahead of
time for any occurrence based on what she hears in her spirit man. These are
the qualities that makes her a woman of value; a highly prized possession.
says she makes coverings for her bed, and this reminds of the African proverb
that says “It is the way you lay your bed that you will lie on it.” The wife of
noble character is one who is wise enough to take the time to make her bed
well, and when I say bed I am not referring to the physical bed that she lies
on, but the bed of her marriage and life; the bed of her home. She has put up a
good foundation for a marriage as a wife who pours value into the life of her
husband and so she will rest in the comfort of a joyful and peaceful marriage.
is clothed in fine linen and purple tells me that she is one who takes good
care of herself too. After she has taken care of her household and she has put
herself through hard work, she is returning to ensure that she also is well
taken care of by her; she is not leaving herself out in this effort.
then Solomon says “Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes
his seat among the elders of the land,” what a proud husband such a man would
be. Now consider this: as a man you are married to a wife who is of great value and
pours her value into your life irrespective of you; she is a hardworking woman who
works vigorously without depending on you and would not relent until she sees
that her trade is profitable; then she is a wife who places high priority on
her family and brings her food for them from afar; then she is a wise woman of
discernment who is able to read the times and prepares her household in advance
such that nothing catches her by surprise and she has no fear for her family's future; then she is a woman who loves to help those in need; a humble and approachable
loving woman who would extend a hand of fellowship and love to those in need
without looking down on them derogatorily. And she is a woman who takes the
time to take care of herself. Would you not be proud as a man to be a husband
to such a woman as this?
fact that this great woman that I have just described is your wife will automatically
accrue respect for you in your society. You are considered blessed and even
great to be a man to own such a prized possession. Just like a man who owns precious metals such as gold and diamonds is considered a rich man and is
respected by all for is wealth, so is a man married to a wife of noble
character considered blessed and respected by all. Solomon said in Proverbs 12:4
that “a wife of noble character is her husband’s crown” and he is not wrong at
all on this saying.
have been so blessed so far in this discoveries being made of a wife of noble
character and I am beginning to score myself on this standard and realizing that
there are still some areas where a need to do a little more. So what about you?
Did you pass the test so far after scoring yourself based on these standards? I
feel so grateful that this is coming at a time like this and I pray that this
year will be our year of turn around for many wives. We will no longer listen to the
lies of the devil. We will pour value into our marriage and husbands and watch
God multiple our seed such that we will begin to glow in His glory.
The next post will be a roundup of the series on
the wife of noble character. Until then, remain blessed.
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