Saturday, 21 January 2017

What Is Your Take on This?

Today, I will share a story that a sizeable number of people have heard before as a number of people have narrated the story to me and asked for my opinion on it. I don’t know if this story happened in real life or its just one of those social media stuff that flies around, but so that we might learn something from it, I will give my opinion on that story in this post. So here is the story.

There is a married woman who has been faithful and submissive to her husband. She happened to be the breadwinner of that family as she earns more than her husband. This faithful, loving and submissive wife is very wealthy but has no child. In the spirit of submission she invested her hard earned money in real estate property and this she did at the prompting of her husband. Her husband advised that they buy the properties in the name of their unborn children and whatever name he suggested, that was the name in which the property was bought.

Soon after the husband died and while the lady was still mourning her late husband, she was presented with children her husband had out of wedlock with another woman without her knowledge. The hard reality that hit her is the fact all the properties she invested in, in the name of assumed unborn children were actually in the name of the children he had with another woman outside of the marriage. So the lazy husband trekked his wife into investing for the product of his adulterous act. And the this strange woman and her strange children want possession of what their late father deceitfully for the them.  

What is the fate befalls this faithful wife with the heavy betrayal and the stabbing on the back. How can she reclaim her fortunes back when it appears she has labored hard for deceit and total strangers? And then was she wrong to have submitted to her husband and obeyed him in buying properties in the name of unborn children? These are questions I pray the Lord will help us shed light to; I believe it will be a good lesson for us all.

She has done nothing wrong by submitting to her husband and obeying his instructions, all she has done wrong is not praying for the spirit of discernment to know the evil hidden agenda of the man she calls husband. I believe that it is in order to stop the deceit and avenge the course of this woman that the Lord took her husband away and exposed the evil he has been doing in secret. It is only God that can and will avenge beyond whatever action that woman knows to take or is able to take. And I believe He has begun to avenge for her.

As long as she truthfully bought those properties with her hard earned money, and she is in possession of the title document of the properties, then she still has nothing to fear, all she needs to do is pray and hold firmly to God.

I have learned and shared one important truth about the marriage covenant which I will share again and that is: Marriage is a tripartite covenant relationship. It is a covenant between a man and his wife in the presence of God as a witness, a guide, a protector, a provider and above all a judge. God is in your marriage covenant overlooking it to pay every one according to how they have been faithful to keep the terms of contract/agreement of that covenant.

At no point in time is God folding His hands and watching the unjust getting pained, but He is a long suffering God who gives second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh etc chances for repentance. He forgives and teaches us to forgive; yet He is a God who punishes and corrects and that much He does as the Overseer of our marriages. The husband’s role is to love is wife unconditionally, and the wife’s role is to submit to her husband and God’s role is to judge between them and repay each according to how they have performed.

If this lady had taken action by herself, she would also be an offender. She would probably have divorced her husband which is a sin before the Lord. (Remember the story of Nabal and Abigail, it was the Lord himself to took the life of Nabal). But the all-knowing God fought for this faithful wife by by calling her husband home Himself (the death of the husband I believe is to avenge him and vindicate and protect the wife from further pain). The Lord had begun to fight for her even when she didn’t know she was in any trouble and the Lord who has begun to fight for her will perfect that which he started and give her to a man who is better fitting for her and will be to her all that God had intended a man be to his wife.

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