It is generally believed that the children in a family are the responsibility of the mothers. So, how the children in the home turn out is a duty the society has placed on the shoulders of the mothers. And I believe this is also a duty the mothers have embraced with grace. But I want to say that this is just a traditional standard; it is a bit different from what we will find when we do a deep dive into the Bible. So, in today’s blog, I want to share a perspective that is a bit different from the traditional norm we are used to.
As a mother, I will say an average mother is a nurturer; we
are built with some valuable inherent traits and characteristics that are
needed to nurture. A mother is naturally caring, protective, discerning, and
pretty attentive to details. It is just very natural for a woman to be
conscious of the minute detail in the change in character, pattern, and behavior
of her child that no one else will take note of. In most cases, the mother is
quick to understand what the baby needs by the slightest cry unless it is
beyond her knowledge. She is quick to notice body changes as the child grows
and develops. She is quick to notice the unique qualities of her children, and
if this mother has a strong relationship with God, the level of her discernment
is even greatly heightened. So, these qualities of a mother make it easy to
accrue to her the responsibility of training the children.
But after my romance with the Bible, I discovered that when
God is demanding account over the turnout of any household and, in fact, the
children of the household, He holds the fathers accountable. In Genesis 18:19, we
see why God chose Abraham. The Bible tells us it is that he may command (train)
his children and his household to keep the way of the Lord and do righteousness
and justice. Here, we see that God didn’t think or believe that Sarah would
train or command her children after the Lord, But He chose Abraham, the ideal
head of the family, to shoulder that responsibility.
Also, considering the case of the rich man Job in Job 1:5, it was Job, who was the head of the home and the one responsible for the moral
uprightness of the members of the home that took the time to purify his
children after every festive period, and not Job’s wife. And when the children
of Prophet Eli sinned against God in 1 Samuel 3 & 4, Eli, who failed to
train his children well, died alongside the erring children. Nothing was said
of his wife being punished for the sins of her children.
It is very okay to charge mothers to nurture their children
and watch every aspect of their growth—morally, academically, physically, and
most importantly, spiritually. However, fathers should not be absolved of their
important role in bringing their children up in the way of the Lord. A father’s
role is not limited to financial provision in the lives of their children.
Still, understanding that they will give account over the lives of the children
the Lord has given them, they must understand the grave importance of training
their children right amid their very busy schedules. Job was the richest man
among the men of the East in his time, which would have made him a very busy
man, but he was never too busy to purify his children.
Both parents play extremely vital roles in their children's lives. The mothers are the nurturers and caregivers. They possess the love, protectiveness, and inherent qualities that adequately qualify them for the job. However, the fathers have a bigger assignment in this matter. They are answerable to God over their children's lives, so the children's moral upbringing is their responsibility. Even at that, the support of the mother is highly required in this assignment, but she is not to be held responsible for the moral development of a child; she only operates on the capacity of support.