people, it’s another beautiful day that the Lord has made and we will forever
rejoice and be glad in it. And it is another wonderful opportunity to speak
live into someone's life who needs to hear the word of God today.
on what God has in store of us, we don’t have to any business with negativity
in our lives.
Though challenges will come, trials are there to test our faith in God,
but in God’s design for our lives we are more than conqueror through Christ
Jesus who strengthens us. You can never get it wrong with the word of God
operational in your life. So get that word today and run with it.
have come to the end of the marriage series and I pray and hope that valuable
lessons have been learned in the course of the series. If you miss any part
you can always search through the archives of the blog they are always there. But
today we are looking at something slightly different, we are considering the
pre-marriage life.
My 12year old daughter once asked me how I knew that it was her father that I was to
marry, and how she would know and identify the man to marry when she is of age.
First I answered her that I had prayed very well to God before making the
decision about marriage, and secondly I married the man who showed me affection,
care and concern for me the most. And on the question of how she would know who
to marry when she is of age, I told her that we will pray to God to direct her to the
right man and give her a sign by which she would know that indeed that man
is God’s choice for her. But in the meantime, she needed to start preparing
herself, in moral values, hard work, respect and care for others in anticipation
for being a good wife to the God ordained man in future.
couple of days ago my husband shared a video with me on facebook of a scene
where a couple were about to wed and an ex-fiancée to the husband to be
stormed the wedding ceremony in the exact wedding gown the bride to be wore. So
in the drama that unfolded, there were two brides and one husband in front of the priest. Relatives and friends of the groom were seen trying to whisk the intruder away. It is not that a video clip
such as this was posted on facebook that bothered me, but that in reality cases
similar to this occur almost all the time with ladies either not forgiving or
not wanting to let go of an ex-lover who they claim broke their heart. And this
is also the case with some men too. It is said that a broken engagement is
better than a broken marriage and now we will look at this issue of broken
courtship from the eye of the Bible.
the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was
sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then
the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he
brought her to the man.
of Songs 2:7
of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not
arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
God confirmed that it was not good for the man to be alone and thought it necessary
for him to have a suitable helper, the Bible tells us that God caused the man
to fall into a deep sleep and made a woman from the man and brought her to him.
So it was not that the man went help hunting, rather God brought his suitable helper
to him at the time when he needed her most. This is the first lesson I would
appreciate those who seek a spouse in their lives to take note of.
you see a woman on the street and you get attracted to her, did you first ask the
Lord if she is the woman He created for you as a helper or you just began courtship
on the basis of physical chemistry which is a factor of external features that
have the capabilities of fading away in no time? If you have begun courting a lady
on the basis of physical chemistry, it is obvious that you are bound to dump
this lady when you come across another lady with whom you have a stronger
physical attraction with. In no time at all you would have had physical
attraction with so many ladies than you can possibly remember. There is now the
possibilities that one of these ladies that you had physical attraction with and dumped is the lady God created for you as a helper, but because you didn’t pray and
you lack sensitivity to the things of God you missed her in the crowd. Chances are
then there that you end up with a woman less than good enough for you as a wife
and then end up in a miserable marriage on the basis of lustful physical attraction and love that was awakened when it was not so desired.
just so very obvious that a lady who starts to court a man after series of
prayers and waiting on God for validation of what she is about to get herself into will
not have any regrets on her choice. A good looking man can have the worst of
attitude so it’s just so unwise to fall in love with a man just because he
looks good. And a caring man can have the worst of secrets stored up in his can
of worms that you begin to discover after you must sold your soul and future
cheap to him because you just couldn’t see through his deception and lies. But
with God you cannot get it wrong. If God led you into it, it because He is
by your side leading you through it.
whom the Bible attests as the world wisest man of his days in his wisdom says, “Daughters
of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” Solomon
didn’t just say that once, but he repeated it three times (Song of Songs 2:7,
3:5, 8:4) and that tells us how so important it is to take caution in matters
of the heart. In my own words I will interpret Solomon’s words to mean “Look
before you leap.” You do not just look, but you look well and pray hard before
attempting any commitment inclined towards marriage.
As a man or a woman, marriage issue is a matter
that you need to properly consult God on. The Bible says the heart of men is
desperately wicked and it’s only God that can search out the deep thought of a
man. Do not judge a man based on appearance, not even based on a very few set
of character that you see him/her display. It’s just a matter of time before the hidden demon in him/her is brought to the surface. But God sees what you
cannot see, and He knows what you don’t know. Rest your future in His hands and
you are very save.
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