Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Feeling Rejected? 2

Hello people, it’s another blessed day for the people of God to praise Him and live in victory. The greatest secret to divine victory is to praise God even in the face of great challenges. You get your enemies confused when you put up a positive attitude and show a calm spirit even when everything around says otherwise. You move God to handle the impossible desires of your heart when you praise despite your circumstances.

In my last post we began trying to look at the possible ways of gaining our spouse's attention and love in the face of obvious rejection, and the first thing I discussed was the need to please your husband with your outward appearance. But like I mentioned yesterday; of what use is a beautiful face and appearance when the attitude and character is ugly. 1 Peter 3:1-2 reads, “Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

So in today’s post we will consider how we can draw our husband’s attention and love to ourselves through our inner beauty. According to 1 Peter 3:1-2, this inner beauty consists of our submission to our husbands and the purity and reverence of our lives.

In my walk with the Lord as He began to teach me on steps to take to heal my troubled marriage some years back, I learned that respect for our husbands is quite different from submitting to their authority. Although you cannot submit to your husband without respecting him, but you can respect your husband without submitting to him and this is the mistake we make as wives. Although you don’t argue with your husband, you don’t talk back at him when he shouts insults at you; you can even go as far as doing his personal chores, wash his cloths, cook his meals and take care of all his chores, yet you might not be submissive to him. When you do all these without submission and he does not show you love and reciprocate the attention you have given to him, you get frustrated and begin to whine.

But what will do the miracle of drawing your husband’s attention and love to you is submission. The synonym word for submission that best fits what I am talking about is obedience; that is obeying your husband’s instruction. This is getting to sit when he tells you to sit, and getting to stand when he tells you to stand. When you practice and imbibe the habit of avoiding those things that you know displeases your husband and you replace them with those things that you know will make him happy. In doing this prayerfully, it is only a matter of time before you draw the love and attention that you so desperately long for from your husband.

I just mentioned prayerfully doing this because it is God who redirects your husband’s love to you and cause him to notice and appreciate your submission to him. When you learn and practice submitting to your husband, you are also learning to respect him and respect his authority over your life. Ephesians 5:22 says “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.”

Surprisingly, women find it very easy and convenient to obey their bosses at work; they follow their boss’s instruction to the later and this they do for fear of losing their jobs. But yet they find it so convenient to disobey their husbands at home and treat him with disdain and disrespect and yet whine and complain for lack of love and attention. What we have failed to realize is that just as we stand the chance of losing our jobs when we disobey and disrespect our official bosses in the office so also do we stand the chance of losing our marriage, our peace, the love and attention of our husbands if we disobey and disrespect the God ordained head over our lives (our husbands).

When you combine your outward beauty with the inner beauty of submission to your husband which shows forth through the purity and reverence of your life and your garnish it with prayers to God, you will not just earn your husband’s love and attention, you will be the queen of his entire life.   

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